How are you planning to survive ww3?
How are you planning to survive ww3?
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Is that from On the beach? Quality book, worth a read.
Doing absolutely nothing. WW3 is a myth.
America checkmated everything with rail guns about 50 years ago. What they have now can stop any projectile from any country.
Civil war isn't going to happen because the other side disarmed themselves.
CIAniggers, pedos and jews is the threat.
Hunt for Red October
>How are you planning to survive ww3?
I wouldn't worry about it.
Just a quick flash of light, and poof, gone.
no pain.
you going to give up that easy?
if we're going to die anyway, we wouldn't lose anything by striving to survive
>Turn now from these wide questions of good to a certain class of questions of fact, questions concerning personal relations, states of mind between one man and another. Do you like me or not?--for example. Whether you do or not depends, in countless instances, on whether I meet you half-way, am willing to assume that you must like me, and show you trust and expectation. The previous faith on my part in your liking's existence is in such cases what makes your liking come. But if I stand aloof, and refuse to budge an inch until I have objective evidence, until you shall have done something apt, as the absolutists say, ad extorquendum assensum meum, ten to one your liking never comcs. How many women's hearts are vanquished by the mere sanguine insistence of some man that they must love him! He will not consent to the hypothesis tbat they cannot. The desire for a certain kind of truth here brings about that special truth's existence; and so it is in innumerable cases of other sorts. Who gains promotions, boons, appointments, but the man in whose life they are seen to play the part of live hypotheses, who discounts them, sacrifices other things for their sake before they have come, and takes risks for them in advance ? His faith acts on the powers above him as a claim, and creates its own verification.
>you going to give up that easy?
No, of course not... but judgement day is coming, and there is nothing that any human can do to stop it.
and i'm not talking about religion.
>implying that I want to
hahaha faggot
I've only seen bits of the film, but is the book good?
I agree with you, but not all judgments are death sentences. some courts rule in favor of the defendant
I haven't read it
>I agree with you, but not all judgments are death sentences. some courts rule in favor of the defendant
It's not court, it's war... and humanity isn't going to be enslaving the rest of the universe.
You were WARNED not to weaponize space.
The only movie for On The Beach that I’ve ever seen is the 1959 black and white film. A good flick and worthy of the book.
same idea. there will be survivors
My plan post apoc (so pretty much ww3 too) is to go home to my cattle farm in the mtns. The only highway on that side of the valley goes right by my property. I'll stake it out with a hunting rifle and snipe anyone who doesn't pay the toll of food, water, ammo, etc to pass peacefully
this isn't ww2 lad. innawoods isn't going to cut it
keep telling yourself that.
>It is a vision of hell on Earth. The sun disappeared behind a cloud of smoke that encircled the planet, turning day into night and causing temperatures to plummet as fire rained down from above.
>Average temperatures would have fallen by about 28 degrees Celsius [82.4° Fahrenheit] on land and 11C over the oceans.
you linked to star wars "fandom" page.
Wouldn't you much rather discuss when intergalactiv Travel will be possible and when humanity will wage war against other sentient races??
>you linked to star wars "fandom" page.
You think no one in the universe has this capacity?
you won't see any of those hypotheticals if you don't survive the next war
we'll focus on rebuilding after the crash
it's going to get better, but it gets worse first
>other sentient races
yah that's what war is
I don't think so. I think good is stronger than evil
>A law of nature is at work here. Evil is not destructive to the good alone but inevitably destroys itself as well. For evil, which lives solely by negation, cannot continue to exist on its own strength alone.
>I don't think so. I think good is stronger than evil
You think you're the good guys, huh?
your planet is run by slavers.
even your "Good Guys" are slavers.
>be me
>even your "Good Guys" are slavers.
you're free to do what you will, according to your abilities, currency, etc.
there are systems of authority, order, but that's life regardless. most commerce/industry is consensual, etc.
>you're free to do what you will, according to your abilities, currency, etc.
Still trying to justify your attempts to enslave the cosmos, huh?
you think they want to be enslave to rothschild, jews, or boomers?
>enslave the cosmos
does a bear enslave the cosmos when he eats a blueberry? does a bear enslave the cosmos when he eats a fish?
just live yo life
>rothschild, jews, or boomers
scapegoating is for pussies
nice screen cap user, you hit that fuckin nail on the head
i'm preparing for bad times. i feel kinda stupid though. but bored, so.
clear your head. drink clean water, move to a place with clean water if you can. it's not just what you drink. it's what your food is cooked with, what your coffee and beer are brewed with, it's what your lungs breathe in during a shower
clean/organic/especially wild meat is also essential. you are what you eat
>does a bear enslave the cosmos when he eats a blueberry? does a bear enslave the cosmos when he eats a fish?
>just live yo life
Are you literally still trying to justify enslaving the universe?
wheat only last 2 years, it is on par with canned food.
it's not enslavement. you are free to realize the path before you; step by step, life by life, etc.
i figured out my soil is shit, so.
>it's not enslavement. you are free to realize the path before you; step by step, life by life, etc.
You didn't answer my question.
Do you think that Aliens are going to idly sit by while you try to enslave the fucking universe?
it's good to have some food stockpiled, and access to potable water
most city rivers don't qualify, even with with filtration and chlorinization
still getting pharma runoff, including estrogens from the pill, agricultural/industrial runoff is also a common problem
yeah i worked around the rivers around here, and you do not want to drink. they are ruined.
well, short term food supply is important and long term soil is important, but medium term is ww3 and things like we will have to do better than just our own soil. probably a bunker somewhere. I'm thinking antarctica
in the meantime food security is important.
nobody's trying to enslave, except some africans and asians still. slavery was/is more a product of economic necessity
unless you mean the Chinese, et al.? eh, there is ebb and flow through time, powers rise and fall, life goes on
like i said bored. chance of survival with this many nuke plants and silos, not good. and a major city.
>nobody's trying to enslave
Tell that to the jews and rothschilds who own you, fool.
I'm in Colorado now. water is clean here, but there's not enough if/when systems fail, and the area has a lot of military targets
thinking the upper midwest. minnesota/manitoba region. lots of fresh water lakes, with lots of fish, deer, etc. then antarctica in time for ww3, inshallah
i'm not moving to antartica, i don't want to live that bad. kek.
theres a median, of how bad do you want to live.
>delusional rambling
they have insulated bases, and it wouldn't be a permanent solution. just for when it gets hot hot, be cool
more like noah's ark
eventually the skies will clear and the sun will return
like, i don't want to live bad enough to move.
>>delusional rambling
So, the deepstate doesn't control the world currently?
And they aren't made of jews who answer to rothschild?
Is that your FINAL answer?
first, to the extent any man controls anything, it is but a limited thing. god, or the universe, is in control. we can barely predict the weather a week from now. that said, wise men can learn and know enough to do right and generate currency thereby
>Men of an extraordinary success, in their honest moments, have always sung, 'Not unto us, not unto us.' According to the faith of their times, they have built altars to Fortune, or to Destiny, or to St. Julian. Their success lay in their parallelism to the course of thought, which found in them an unobstructed channel; and the wonders of which they were the visible conductors seemed to the eye their deed. Did the wires generate the galvanism?
>wise men can learn and know enough to do right and generate currency thereby
So, rothschild and jews who practice usury because they are wise, huh?
You are still trying to justify enslaving the entire universe, you realize this, right?
And the universe doesn't want to be enslaved.
The Russians don’t take dump without a plan.
I have planned for everything, weapons, food, energy, women, vodka, everything.
China is already balkanizing the coasts of the United States. Look at all the properties and land Chinese people are buying up. And most of them buy it with cash! How are the Chinese getting so many federal reserve notes when our own banks are struggling to keep reserves balanced with the market value of their assets?
Uh, IT'S MATH, NIGGER! China is making themselves solvent for debts they have incurred by holding land and commodities, while the United States is liquidating its assets (its POPULATION) and pouring the money to the Chinese.
We ARE going to have a third world war. Or, at the very least, a civil war. Our government is SELLING US OUT. IT'S FUCKING MATH.
I'm not speaking for anybody in particular. I don't know any Rothschilds personally so I can't speak for them
generally I'm of Shakespeare's admonition - neither a lender nor a borrower be, but loans are consensual. that's not slavery. some people get in over their heads. that's life, money or not
>You are still trying to justify enslaving the entire universe, you realize this, right?
>but loans are consensual.
last two presidents that tried to extract our nation from the federal reserve system were shot in the fucking skull.
Stockpiling food, water, fat reserves, and ammo.
we might just wake up one day and everything is bought and nothing changes.
the federal reserve was created in 1913. since then only 1 president has been assassinated
>the federal reserve was created in 1913. since then only 1 president has been assassinated
The precursos to the federal reserve bank, the rothschild owned "First Bank of the United States"
Lincoln printed greenbacks free of debt, and was assassinated.
Are you still trying to justify slavery?
That's if the American population realizes 1) they have been sold out, and 2) do not give a single fuck that they have been sold out.
I have no reason to believe that another civil war won't occur. It's not a situation dissimilar to the Vendee genocide.
The only part of that movie I remember is when they sail to San Fran on the sub only to find the xmitter they heard was a key switch attached to a window curtain. Haunting.
cool movie, i remember that. time to move to antartica and eat seals. kek
>Lincoln printed greenbacks free of debt, and was assassinated.
so did Washington. two coincidences don't mean they were causally related
No guy, imaginary struggle sustains economy such as fear protects you from actual danger, the product of your energy is "psyphoned" to the highest bidder. This is achieved in a multi-faceted esoteric predictive programming operation that spans the length of the human lexicon. Its far beyond your understanding of math.
i want to see their plans, you see glimpses of it here and there. they have worked on this since the 50s.
>two coincidences don't mean they were causally related
get a load of this faggot.
like I said, Washington also printed money. it happens. the power of money, however, is limited. nobody obligates you to borrow, for example.
Remote off grid farm. Far enough from major populations I don't need to worry about being nuked. I can't be drafted, to old. The US may be invaded but I really doubt they will get more than a chunk of it. A few states at most. The places to avoid would be the southwest and any major minority anywhere. The chaos will be insane.
Food, water and medicine would be in short supply so I plan on stockpiling that. Legality makes it a problem with medicine so I am stockpiling OTC stuff and herbal remedies. Healthy living and good food should off set most of what I would run into. The isolation would keep away the really nasty shit that will pop up. Expect the Spanish flu, plague and other diseases you thought erradiacted to return. Especially because of low hygiene standards, which are already very low. At least 80% of the people I run into at work in the bathroom (walmart) don't wash hands. 20-30% smell like they haven't bathed in a week.