Antagonist can copy you

>antagonist can copy you

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His power was the most bullshit of all.

If those other things were possible, it would only make sense someone else could do them (but not as good until the perfect copy)

Nobody's power was more bullshit than Kuroko's

The guy who could make three pointers from anywhere in the court was worse

Basubros ready for the movie? Barring a leak, six days till sale, and hopefully a couple weeks for subs.

Get ready for some engrish.

I want it just because of how americans are depicted

I don't know, they don't really get fucked as hard as they deserve at the end

It's going to be trash but I'll watch it anyway. I watched all 3 seasons and followed the manga for years so I'm stuck.


>antagonist can steal your abilities and your waifu.

Is that Aomine and Kise? The fuck?

The big bad guys? The image makes me think of Space Jam again. We should do another stream.
I will be glad to get that extra bit of resolution from Fujimaki not shown in the manga.
Yeah. The movie includes a few extras along with one last NG.

>You can copy antagonist
>You can use their abilities better than they can

What the fuck are you talking about? Reinhard doesn't even play basketball.

No cause he needed to concentrate himself to be able to pull it off, in basketball you dont have much time to concentrate so his skill could be countered pretty easily

Is this a sports anime? They don't really have super powers do they?

This is true. Also, he later learns the value of team play and develops a shot with Takao because he cannot rely on his alone.
Kuroko's is rather crazy, but the rest are highly exaggerated moves and techniques, and some guys just play dirty.

>super powers
Just retarded abilities

It's a friendship manga, the sports are just on the side but the characters all just have a special talent that makes them special like jumping really high, having enough power to regularly break baskets, being able to predict people's next moves, making three pointers from the other end of the court, super agility, etc.

The protagonist is the least believable since his ability is to not be noticed by anyone and pull off amazing passes and moves because nobody notices he's on the court

It's Basketball Dragonball Z.

16years boys play far better than NBA players but asaide Kuroko and some later player who could "steal" basketball moves everthing that happen in this anime could also happen in real life guess if you ignore author autism about muh special eye who can see through enemy muscles and can predict ever move

There is a huge difference between that shot and various trick shots and what Midorima does since he throws it the way one would a regular penalty shot, rather than fucking hurling it across the court

Does anyone remember that one official promo that had lightening flashing everywhere and it looked like rl KnB?

Someone posted it in a thread years ago but I can't find it.

The Zone is real tho.

Zone is okay, but the Second Zone is horseshit.

>antagonist shows you that Taku is the biggest cuck in the entire world

>The protagonist is the least believable since his ability is to not be noticed by anyone and pull off amazing passes and moves because nobody notices he's on the court

I haven't ever heard of this show
Is it anything like this?

Tornados, space jams, even Heaven itself. Yeah, that covers some of it.

the movie is already out with shit subs

Let me try that again. Did you dl the first subs or dash? Supposedly there's going to another at that too.

Not sure if I should just wait a little longer after all this time.

i streamed it since the subs are shit tier. the movie is shit desu, the animation is awful and feels rushed as fuck

Speaking of Space Jam.

Aomine not being the best is bull shit. Also what happened with the all star team? Did the americans rape them?

Ssssnake man.

>penalty shot

Fuck. KnB was a gold mine for them and the seasons got better. It was rushed?

I'll still watch and judge for myself. I know that movies tend to not be great, but this is disappointing to hear.
Good times. Here's some Shiroko.
Well well. If anything, the English was understandable.

Is this Prince of Tennis levels of crazy sports?

Not as crazy as Prince of Tennis, but still has its moments like basketball sharingan

No one can top PoT. Dinosaurs, man.
I'd say it's your average shounen powered series. Just basketball with a dash of magic.

I just started watching this. Finished episode 2. Should I stop?

You should at least meet all of the kiseki. Or drop it now if you don't want fun, tears, god hand ost and some crazy animated games. Last season was ballin.

But Ditto is a cool pokemon.

>antagonist can use the power of every other antagonist up to that point
Considering Midorimiya's shot is nearly perpendicular to the rim, it reaches a height of 180m and drops at 210km/h

>basketball sharingan

fucking kek, you're right that's actually so funny

I miss klazy times.

new LoGH looking sick

This show would've been a million times better if they were all chuuni and the show would occasionally snap back to reality and show how they're ordinary high schoolers who are decent basketball players playing along with each others' delusions.

Wild powered up lightening bolts and ring of fire bball games completely in their minds and then cut to a near dead silent court of sneakers squeaks and two people in the benches coughing?

user, that's hilarious.

This started biting Kuroko in the ass as the story went on though. It was pretty cool.

I was more imagining them flopping at each others' powers ("Noo! Not the Emperor's Eye!") while their teammates are all like, "Stop fucking around and guard him properly, asshole!"

But yes. Awkward coughing would also be glorious. Or seeing that Taiga can do a layup and touch the rim afterwards, but everyone is pretending it's an earthshattering dunk.

This is true. It is natural in any series, but they were all forced to evolve. Made certain matches very bittersweet when certain teams didn't win.

There's got to be a chuuni gag doujin somewhere.

>Male American anime character
>Huge nigger and a blonde guy

Wow Reinhard learned nen.

At least the nigger part is right.

What's wrong about the blonde guy?


Stop bumping a dead thread with your faggotry

This is the only good thing that came out of this shitty series, queer.

/cm/ is for imagedumping, not Sup Forums.

>Antagonist is literally you, but because he's so self centered he doesn't do anything risky for his convictions or to protect anyone and ends up losing when you do dangerous moves
This needs to be a fucking thing

>Not Emperor eye

Kagami is literally an angel. Take that back, faggot.

Worst boy by a mile.

That was Akashi. Kise was just annoying.

Kagami is typical dumb shonen mc and ugly.

this intro is the set up to the biggest disappointment in vidja

He is a baka, but far from ugly. His smile is like that of the sun.

And 2k18 improves gameplay for even worse microtransactions and worse characters. No MC should have a high pitched voice and annoying caricature sidekick.

Did anyone ever get that Nintendo kuroko game anyway? Too bad there was never a full blown game.

>promises to gouge his own eyes out if they lose a fucking basketball game
What the fuck was Akashi's problem?

Basketball was his only happiness. Once shit happened and he tried to control others with it to make up for what he lost, he got obsessive.

At least I think that was why. Also, I think Fujimaki went overboard sometimes. Though it was painful to watch, the foul play was a more sincere way of making a threat.