I never thought that I'd live in an America where conservative republicans were in bed with the Russians and the liberals were fighting against it to save democracy.
I never thought that I'd live in an America where conservative republicans were in bed with the Russians and the liberals were fighting against it to save democracy.
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Damn its like the NRA is the only organization of gun owners
Guess the second amendment has to go then
Well yeah duh,
NRA stands for National Russian Agency.
Democrats are less likely to fight for the Constitution than Russians. Hilarious.
>WOAH Conservative authoritarians are friends with foreign conservative autocrats who would have guessed? UNBELIEVABLE
>mouth-gaping soy mutt.jpg
Maybe that is because you are describing a kike media fantasy inspired delusion. If you are stupid enough to believe the NRA had to be paid by Russia to support Trump you are definitely the dumbest individual in the US.
>liberals ...fighting...to save democracy
>Democratic Party doesn’t follow votes or its own delegates & elect Sanders as its candidate
>Liberals don’t accept outcome of democratic American election in 2016
If that's how you interpreted this revelation you are definitely the dumbest individual in the US. Russia used the NRA to wash their money and funnel it to the GOP.
>If that's how you interpreted this revelation you are definitely the dumbest individual in the US. Russia used the NRA to wash their money and funnel it to the GOP.
Is this according to officials familiar with the matter?
In the last 20 years the total of ALL NRA contributions to ANY politician has totaled $200 million dollars. In 2016 ALONE Unions gave $1.8 BILLION. You and your propaganda are shit.
stopped reading right there
1....Explain Uranium 1 and Hillary.
2....Explain the Dossier being paid by democrats.
3...Explain Obamas hot mic.
4...The U.S is a republic, if one wants to save democracy, move to France.
5...U.S gun owners are diverse lot.
>the NRA is big, influential, and well-funded
Nah, actually anti-gun Jews literally have more money.
I swear. Libtards are just so fucking tedious.
And that union money is for things like better wages and working conditions. How awful. Meanwhile Russian dark money was used as a quid pro quo to get rid of sanctions. The NRA contributed over 3x as much money to Trump than they did Romney because of Russia.
>We have always been at war with East-Asia...
Reminds me of a book.
Sorry Vlad but you're wrong
He's just an average leftist at this point. Years of cavorting (and sometimes breeding) with niggers have given them nigger-tier IQ.
>I never thought that I'd live in an America where conservative republicans were in bed with the Russians and the liberals were fighting against it to save democracy.
You don't.
The thing about the NRA that makes the libtards so furious is that it really involves very little money because it is just a HUGE number of people who are like minded. The power of the NRA doesn’t come from money. The libtards can not match it. They have no organization that is like it, theirs are all money and very few people. Sure, their organizations “punch way above their weight” but that is just because of the kike media.
>all the Ivans ITT stroking Putin's shaft
Is it because the Russians have abandoned nihilistic Marxism but the left has not?
>when the tinfoil hat fits juuuust right
It doesn't even mention the Russian organization "Right to bear arms", what noobs.
They have been importing tons of gun nuts to Russia, as in that black sheriff in Texan hat, yet it is clear it is a fake organization that is used as some under-cover intelligence operation to create ties with people.
Not to mention that most 2nd Amendment supporters aren't even NRA members. It's just a natural white male way of thinking in the US to support gun ownership, and even Southern Democrats support it.
They just focus on the NRA because it gives them a single target to vent their impotent rage on.
All that Union money comes from people who are all too often coerced into financially supporting candidates and agendas they personally do not support.
Manufacturing unions in the Rust Belt voted for Trump in 2016, because he actually espoused protectionist policies, unlike Hillary and Obama who shilled for TPP and don't care if white workers lose their jobs to Pedros.
Hillary took millions from Russia and paid the Russian government for damning information about Trump. So which side is working with Russia again?
At least twice as many people CLAIM to be NRA members as actually ARE NRA members.
>Russia wants americans to have more weapons to defend themselves against Russia!
They did the same thing with the Clinton Foundation and so did Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
All the libtards in this thread sucking Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff cock.
Don't even get me started on that DOJ slush fund. How much corporate money did Obama funnel through those channels?
$3 billion paid to “non-victim entities.”
Great argument, Shlomo.
:дeмoкpaцз иc гooд
And now we find out even the fucking Aussies “interfered” even more than the Russians are supposed to have. Fuck. Is there ANYONE who didn’t fuck with that election?
National Propaganda Radio?
Good source brainlet.
Source, nigger, or stop sucking Hillary's clit for 5 seconds.
"Sources say"
>Is this according to officials familiar with the matter?
Officials familiar with the matters way of thinking ackshully.
My hat is off to you Russia bros. How the fuck did you survive 75 years in a country RUN by these commie retards?
The FBI, DOJ, and sitting President were all helping Hillary and she still couldn't win. But somehow the Russians are the reason why Trump won. Even though they were helping Hillary more.
The NRA looked into it years ago when they realized a lot of people on TV were claiming to be NRA members but weren’t. They published it because they were surprised by it.
I suspect that at least some part of the reason Trump won is because a whole lot of people realized just how much criminal help 0bama was providing Hillary.
Theyre European and Christian. You sir are a kike. And not a very able one at that. Now good day.
Which is REALLY surprising when you think about it because in order to do the survey they had to call people up and ask for their name and if they were a member of the NRA. The shocking part is twice as many as were members would say so.
Shit article written on a shit day to get shit clicks.
Never voted Republican in my life, but 2016 woke me up something fierce. Voting for Trump again in 2020.
I went through that. I returned from a 5 year deployment to a country I barely recognized. I was a Democrat when I left but 5 years off the propaganda it was so in your face blatant kike media lying I couldn’t believe ANYONE was buying their shit much less that I ever had.
>liberals were fighting against it to save democracy
>to save democracy
Democracy is the rule of the people. Liberals intend to save the rule of the people by resisting the right of the people to defend themselves. Arms in the hands of common men are a safeguard against a tyrannical elite dominating a nation by force. The Democrats don’t even have the decency to be embarrassed about foreigners supporting the American Constitution more than they do.
I hated politics 10 years ago and then the Zimmerman trial happened.
Curious, isn’t it? How you can just roll along drinking the Kool Aid and then something happens and all of a sudden the entire fucking world just turns over and you realize this shit is happening right under our noses and most of these people don’t even see it.
Go as the Current Year Man what year it is. (Hint: it’s not 1976) America’s ruling elite (and yes New England hedge fund Mormons are elite) uniformly support gun prohibition. As time has gone by the government has gotten bigger and the Presidency more imperial. Defending people’s natural rights today means you have to have a 3 prong approach that engages every font of government encroachment, judicial, legislative, and executive. Barry taught the NRA that having a few lawyers and plenty of friendly congressmen/senators wasn’t going to be enough anymore when the pen & phone and pliant civil service could shit all over citizens without anything so crass as a law.
>literally one Russian politician used the NRA over several years to meet with a few people
This is the best they've got? I expected better from NPR.
World War Z was in 2013, no?
Arab Spring (with Libya and Syria as side events), PRISM, there was something going on in the world in 2012. Americans are autistics though.
We aren't a democracy you fucking shill. Russia isn't our enemy by nature.
I knew it, National Russian Association
why in the fuck would Russia support America having an armed populace?
>inb4 muh divisive
eat shit you fucking shill
You should paste this post in a letter to Jeff Sessions. Who knows? It might wake him up.
Yeah. That shit is so blatant now. The worst part ws watching these black people I know all swear up and down that Zimmerman was evil without even looking at the evidence. I guess I'm lucky finding this place. Otherwise I'd probably still be in the dark.
What I was trying to say was before Obama was elected I ignored politics and voted how my parents voted. I wasn't trying to put an exact date on it. WW Z was definitely the eye opener. Then I learned about all the other shit.
There really are niggers out there who think npr niggers shouldn't be lynched.
Cold war is over bud
You may be too young but every black person in America ran around celebrating for over an hour when OJ got away with murdering two white people. It was seriously sick.
Liberals in 2017 = attack 1A
Liberals in 2018 = attack 2A
Liberals are anti-American.
I didn't even watch that one but I've seen these people talking about it more recently and it made me sick to my stomach. That and then finding out more about the LA Riots. I really was naive before WW Z.
Tell me why Russia is inherently bad?
The Party of Reagan is suddenly licking Russia's butthole with grape jelly.
>I never thought that I'd live in an America where conservative republicans were in bed with the Russians and the liberals were fighting against it to save democracy.
You aren't.
You're just a moron that believes obvious bullshit.
Sounds just like what a Russian posting behind a UK proxy would say, Roman.
Let me translate that for you. The capitalist are friends with one of another and the shitty wannabe commies are revolting.
top kek
Lay out your case then, oh American patriot. Explain how funding a civil rights organization that defends the interests of all Americans, regardless of their intersectionality, is a bad thing. The NRA are a narrow, single issue advocacy seeking to preserve a human right that Americans have held since before there were Americans. You don’t seem to have a problem with all the other political organizations receiving funds from non-Americans, so why don’t you explain why you object in this single isolated case?
No matter how much you Drumpfkins deny it, the Bill of Rights was drafted in 1789 by Putin operative James Madisonovsky for the express purpose of encouraging 21st century schoolchildren to eradicate each other. Read Adam Schiff's exhaustive memo for irrefutable proof of this.
We're through the looking glass here, Republitards.
Hello cuck
>NRA in bed with russia
literally so what? walmart is in bed with china. when did we decide russia is anathema to democracy?
I never thought Id see the day when Russians and the American Right would have to team up to save the Republic.
Damn! BTFO by Sup Forums again
Acceptance is the first step, Pitor.