Redpill me on the Jews
Redpill me on the Jews
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The true master race.
we dindu nuffin
The actual master race. Whites stay jealous for over two thousand years and ongoing.
Or why do they control
>inb4 b-b-b-b-but IQ isn't genetic
They are fine guys.
They chop up baby penises and afterwards suck and kiss on the mutilated baby penis.
Need more or is that enough?
They are fine guys
who are they?
They do it right
just a cohensidence
oy vey
They are right
We should learn from them
spotted the kike
thee types of jew
the first type is the religous jew. they dont get involved with politics, they wear the big fur hats and their the ones with turkey twizzlers next to their ears. they would be fine if they didnt suck babt cock, self segregate and keep preaching about the return of isreal when isreal already exists (so stop preaching and fuck off).
the second type of jew is the blood jew. they are jewish only by blood. they dont do any religous stuff and are patriots for the nation they where born in. these are the best type of jew becuase they eat non-kosher food and hate the other two types of jews.
the third type of jew is the "jew". this is the worst kind. you can identify them as the only religous things they do is wear a kippa which is always made of wool and they go home early on jewish holidays. these are the ones who claim holocaust if a white person breaths.
Rockler do no wrong
Shill harder, shitskin muslim
>he is shilling for the parasites that destroyed his country by promoting mass imigration from islamic countries.
the fact that the chinese have conducted studies on how they could manipulate the west like the jews have should say enough.
>>he is shilling for the parasites that destroyed his country by promoting mass imigration from islamic countries.
This fucking 89iq dipshit "argument" has to die.
It's not helping the cause, it's not helping Sup Forums.
It's plain stupidity.
This real?
>not giving any evidence why it is bullshit
you're just a kike shilling faggot that is trying to spread missinformation about the people you shill for. fuck off to reddit.
You are too dumb to be in charge.
It is like all the smart scientists are Men...
Oh my all the smart Jews run the companies...
They are a oppressed minority that Sup Forums likes to blame for them being fat ,unemployed, virgin losers
They fucking evil.
The only one shilling here is you. Yes the Israelis know how to secure their borders, which is fine. However the colonization of Palestine is not ok. Neither is everything the Jews have done to the Middle East, Europe and the USA.
Don't forget the USS Liberty.
Don't forget the Lavon affair.
These are no conspiracies.
I agree that is lame
Maybe later
That is just hilarious
B-b-b-but Jews are Evil?
Spotted the Stormfag
Bacon is the SHIT kosher is retarded anyways, there ARE such things as refrigerators.
Kosher only means clean anyways, the whole point was to not get ill from eating dirtier animals like pigs and seafood.
Seafood goes rank prettttty fast at that latitude..
>However the colonization of Palestine is not ok.
Waging war also isn't ok.
Try it harder, you fucking muslim subhuman.
Amen those are lame there is plenty of lame shit.
Don't forget Poland, France, Europe twice.
Don't forget Vietnam, funding Al Quida (sp?) ISIS.
Don't forget the engineered Arab spring funing both sides of Syria.
Don't forget the petro-dollar, nuking Japan.
Don't for get the Maine, the Lusitania, the Gulf of Tonkin.
None of the counties are saints.
>It's da evil Joooos
What is wrong with you losers?
Jesus Christ
A common and filthy lie. Jews hire up even their own members like my ex who was a highschool dropout and later GED, to director positions that even with my grad experience I can't hope to get. It's called nepotism. They certainly have a wealth advantage in schools but do not underestimate the number of qualified people applying for these positions. A single opening at most of these positions could easily have hundreds of US applicants that should be taken seriously.
And even in the most male dominated field like Truck driving, women re still 1 in 20-40 drivers depending on state. but in US media, all non Jews seem to be 0%. There are more women working on oil rigs than there are whites working over c-level executives in media companies. There are more abbo's with Ph.D's even. Nothing else is so unbalanced.
Your picture is out of date. We have investigated more positions now. They are identified as Jews by their own words. Youtube removes it but we used to have hour long videos of all these people mentioning that they are jewish at some point in some interview or post.
This list isn't a conspiracy, they told us themselves who they are and put their credits all over everything. It's undeniable proof that there is a kind of Jewish mob. I wouldn't say it's all Jews, but certainly a group of them wields incredible power.
Jews are celebrating Purim right now.
>Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, who was planning to kill all the Jews. This took place in the ancient Achaemenid Persian Empire.
Curious how Jews always wear out their welcome, no matter where they go. And it's happened countless times throughout history.
They are jews
So far you haven't brought up any real arguments why Israel is such a great lovely country. Only cussing.
>So far you haven't brought up any real arguments why Israel is such a great lovely country.
They aren't muslim subhumans?
That's not enough?
what do you expect from a jidf shill?
he is a reminder why kikes are kicked out of 109 countries.
they trace your lineage to see if you're a descendant from "the tribe of Judah" which is said in their book that his descendants are the chosen ones, and if you aren't then you are either a: still considered a jew if your mother or sometimes father was a jew (religious wise_) OR you may convert through a rabbi. this is why there are "Jews" (the race) and "Jews" (the religious) because you can still be considered a chosen one if your mom or dad was part of the religion, or you're traced back to the tribe of Judah (which is basically bullshit but they have some methods) once considered a jew: there is no going back. if you convert you are one forever and so are your children, and if your mother or father was one then you are a jew. the tribe of Judah thing though is what we call "Zionists". this is the real reason Judaism is considered a scummy religion, because half of it's people aren't practicing it, and consider themselves good in gods eyes because of their lineage. they're like... pol, but unironically. They aren't joking guy...
Muslims are better than jews. At least they don't pretend they're white and try to hide among the general population of host countries like parasites.
(1post by OP)
dammit you got me.
>Muslims are better than jews.
Yeah, that's nu pol
Show me where Muslims pull this shit. They stab you in the front.
I don't ever deny a nation or people the right to defend themselves. But I question Israel's integrity in it. They seem to take every opportunity to over react. Hamas fires a rocket that can't damage anything and would only kill in a direct hit, so they level an apartment complex/hospital/school form which it was fired with a 2000lb JDAM.
I'm not convinced that their responses fall within self defense. I have no proof, but I think it warrants investigation about whether Hamas rockets are made or fired by Israeli agents just to create opportunities to retaliate against population and important infrastructure. It's a little convenient if you ask me that such important places keep becoming targets. Hamas knows and runs from sites where they fire missiles, surely they know if Israel will level a hospital or school, it will simply kill anyone. It can't possibly help their cause more than it hurts.
Long, but worth reading about Jew hypocrisy.
You're missing:
>tries to hide among your general white population
because that's only jews.
proof it's a racist cult: (keep in mind "Israelite" has a different meaning, in the fact of the name change Jacob had to "Israel")
most deny the verse "all are children of Abraham through Christ"
when the man says "nation" that is also a different meaning entirely.
the jewish mother:
this gentleman is redpilled and gets it's not real but notes most of his religion is still practicing it.
by the way it's *just a religion, no one actually knows who are the original descendants of Judah, and Judah being a tribe means it is a citizenship, not genetic.
Tell the green eyes Iranians that.
>wot u mean bruv I’m white
They are essentially the same
Yeah, and how's that working out for them? Fooling many people? Meanwhile, in the U.S., Jews are 2.2% of the population, but no one scrutinizes their college admissions, judicial appointments or political overrepresentation because they are counted among the "whites".
This is how faggot like Chuck Schumer get to block a white judicial appointee on the basis that they need more blacks for fir representation, but no one questions Jewish appointees.
high iq, nice culture, nice work ethics, good in group favour
pol is mad bacause they are niggers to them
>{{{nobel prizes}}}
>"thinkers" of the 20th century (aka a bunch of marxists)
are you aware of the existence of the word "nepotism"?
Sorry, scholmo. Not even close. Muslims are obvious about what they do.
>high iq, nice culture, nice work ethics, good in group favour
>pol is mad bacause they are niggers to them
The truth is harsh
>being imprisoned for asking a question
no, not quite
>only addresses the achievements
>doesn't address the biological basis for it
see sometimes, a spade is just a spade, and there's no conspiracy theory in the world that can imply that there's actually a jew hiding behind it
Yea, cus that makes it so much better, "Come destroy our race and culture, but if you don't tell us that you're going to do it first, then you're a cunt!"
>sucking baby dick is a nice culture
you are perhaps the WORST shill I've ever seen in my life. try atleast your best to appear like a non shill when spreading missinformation. holy shit hahahahaha
Muslim shitskins are desperately trying to spin this, like they always did on pol for the last 7 years.
>this fucking 89iq argument
what argument is that? you didn't address his argument, you just insulted his character - you neutered german faggot!
why don't you try and refute what he's saying? oh, of course - because you fucking can't!
Yes. Having the same goal but doing it in a more subversive manner makes Jews worse. It's not a difficult concept.
Also, see They push social degeneracy in host countries that they outlaw in their own. Muzzies don't do that.
I suppose you think that a person challenging you to a fight is just as bad as the guy who just comes up and glasses you out of nowhere.
Iranians have a homeland, Jews don’t. They need a host, like a parasite needs one. So they can’t be attacked. And the history of the 6 GORILLAN any attempts to critise them will be met with “literally hitler” nonsense. People know the difference between Chinese and Japanese people, so deep down people know the different between a Jew and a white person, it’s that from an early age they’ve seen people criticise Jews in the past and been met with public shaming, basically a removal from the tribe which triggers the same alerts in the brain as torture, so naturally people don’t bother.
Control everything including the media, Hollywood, major websites and all bug businesses. They are a roch in society that won't die.
Nice try, kike. But we don't need to choose who we hate. We hate you both. I just hate Jews more.
>implying jewish nepotism and hegemony derived from it is biological
The fact that it actually worked on this mutt is extremely amusing, that's the power of propaganda tho
I should make a "paperwork please" meme about this
what about the kike jews
the jews who hate christianity and fascism
the Jews who created Bolshevism and tried to wipe out every intellectual in the world
Thank God that's slowly starting to change in the U.S.
Naming the Jew is the first step. After that, what they're doing becomes obvious.
God's chosen people. It is ou--their destiny to rule this planet. Not because of nepotism and an inferiority complex, but because they clearly are more intelligent than Europeans (even though theyve built nothing)
Maybe it is.
All you need to know, bruddah!
You're not fooling anyone, Jew.
>the people with an average IQ of 115 are actually succesful because of nepotism!!
>DEH JUUUZ are the reason I'm a NEET loser!!!
>there are so many Jew actors because IQ
>being this Jewish
I need to save this vid, I've seen it twice now
this is jewish privelage...
(or more brainwashing)
Imagine uou got kicked out of your house by your wife’s boyfriend. You’d want revenge.
Now imagine that on a scale of thousands of years, and millions of people, in a climate of getting even for the past. theres a pretty good chance some of the people are bent on getting even. They also happen to have a lot of money.
The test to see if they’re justified is if youd try to get even 40 years later if you found out your wife was raped by a poker buddy because she caused him to lose his entire estate.
It's nowhere near the same as a fight vs a glassing, it's the difference between someone glassing you from behind and someone telling you they are glassing you as they do it to your face, doesn't matter how you cut it, you're getting glassed either way.
Knowing they're the same is going out to the bar and expecting someone to glass you, so you at least have the opportunity to stand with your back to the wall
This is all semantics tho, it's like 2 dudes coming up and saying "how would you like to die?" and rather than fucking doing something about it, people in the west are actually choosing
Esau is the reason you're all short hairy and ugly, true story. That;'s when you fell from gods grace and ceased to be G-ds chosen