well was it?
Was it really a mistake
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Brutal honesty, this is truly the greatest conceivable timeline
inb4 darrell hammond publicly distances himself on twitter to save his (((career)))
Must feel surreal to get burned personally by the President of the United States of America.
the best, folks
but its not just the burn. he took it down and retweeted with ALEC
like he has 0 fucks to give about whoever this alex baldwin guy is
top keks, he knows where to hit for max damage
Jesus Christ learn to spell
he did that because he's a retard who can't spell.
I saw a book in the bookstore and I thought it was a book by Trump and I thought "Great, I'll pick this up" and suddenly noticed it was actually Baldwin.
Christ, what an unfunny twat. So obsessed with Trump
>still falling for the spelling errors
come on
oh yeah somehow spelling shit wrong is 4d chess. You retards could walk in on Trump fucking your wife and you'd say how you always loved being a cuckold and it's 4d chess.
alex baldwin on suicide watch
somebody's really mad today.
>people stop talking about gun control while they bitch about your spelling errors.
Its hardly that deep of a move user.
Trump BTFO!
Trumps the one talking about gun control you moron.
It's really not that complicated. You insert in a few trivial, meaningless errors and without fail you have people giving you free attention and promoting your comment, all while not actually attacking what you said. I do it all the time when shitposting.
>motherless brooklyn
>the meme Book whose adaptation to a movie has been stuck in development hell forever
>forced to watch
No one was forced to watch.
See, we're sitting here, having a fun time making fun of Alex with the President of the United States of America, and someone has to bring Cuckolding into it.
I just don't get it. What is it with you faggot-ass liberals and sexual perversion?
Alec isn't mad
>punches random person walking by
He's laughing at the stupid drumpf
>yells at daughter
He's such an idiot
>gets shit faced at 9 am
Or it's just autocorrect
>Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Who is this?
Not only is his response self-important, he's working on something that is way to artsy to be appreciated (trash).
People like Alex really should just try to learn to ignore people like Trump. Don't get me wrong, I love to watch the idiots actually pay POTUS a response because it's funnier than anything else on Comedy Central right now, but in all honesty, it's pretty fucking sad sometimes to watch these "grown ups" get sucked into it.
That's just a normal day for ALEX Baldwin anyway
Anyone else feel like Alec Baldwin is actually a conservative but just pretends to be liberal for the sake of his career?
"Take the guns first then go through due process"
Why is trump undeniably the biggest bitch and hypocrite to hold office? Is it 4D chess?
lol not any more
Oh autocorrect changes words to words that aren't real?
His brother voted Trump
No I think his fits are real. Hes in the bubble.
Well his younger brother Stephen is a Republican & Trump supporter, so probably Alex is just trying to keep his career going at SNL now that his acting career is over
>Jesus Christ learn to spell
You might want to check with Webster you illiterate fuck.
you're forgetting the part where everyone calls you a dumbass who can't spell and sides with the guy you're making fun of because, you know, he CAN spell.
I think he just doesn't know much about this issue and will be brought into line when his base tell him to fuck off.
>trump distracts himself from talking about gun control by spelling shit wrong
you are seriously this retarded.
You can sense the bruised ego behind his words, Trump got to him.
LOL you should know by now that these "spelling errors" are irresistible bait for our media. They'll be crying about this all through the weekend. By Monday, they'll be back on the "mental illness" bandwagon.
feels like he wants to keep his job around filthy liberals
One or two of the Baldwins are. The problem is, Alec is entrenched, so even if he wanted to come out as Republican, he'd lose what's left of his dieing career. I think Trump knows this, and is trying to push him over the edge just because he can.
It's hilarious.
yes trumps genius plan to make everyone think he is a moron who can't spell is working.
Did someone call!?
Pic related is the only Baldwin i care about.
If the local law & FBI will not act on clear evidence given to them & corrupt lawyers & judges do not want hear a case for months (so they can rack up the bill and maintain the logjam in the courts) then ideas have to come out that will change it. TRump has offered an idea, where are the other ideas?
>Trump is a literal dumbass populist with no spine or depth of thought regarding policy
Well, yeah.
I wish he would have kept that tweet up.
>billionaire businessman who's specialty is branding
>implying he doesn't have a few tricks for generating publicity
You know what they say; any publicity is good publicity.
>what kinda name is "alec" anyway, sounds stupid, why not just call the kid "alex"?
Read that in a Trump voice and tell me it doesn't fit.
>trump hasnt released his tax returns even though he said he would
\>no evidence he is as rich as he says is
>if he is a billionaire it's only because he's a billion in debt
SAME. Also, he seems like a nice guy. Ran into him one time. Very talkative and polite.
Yeah. (((They))) say that. Fucking shekel theiving publicists!
They still haven't learnt from Trump's election campaign, still using polls, still using 24hr wall to wall coverage of TRUMP - literally $billions in free ad's for TRUMP. It will be a walkover for TRUMP in 2020
For me it does, though that could partly be due to that swype text
That's a butthurt response. It's a cry of nuh uh I'm great see?
A good response would be more like. Who "forced" you to watch Don? Tell Mike to let you go!
Lol massive side loss!
Replace “stupid” with “pathetic” or “weak” and you got yourself yet another classic line.
is everyone itt unironically calling him 'Alex' now?
When he filed for presidency he declared his assets, go read all 9000 pages of it if you doubt him.
Mental illness and low moral character
v& for having a screencap of this abomination
Trump literally lied about his inaugurationm crowd size his first day in office, why would you ever trust this man about anything?
Wow thats awesome! He is also a conspiracy enthusiast like me. Was involved in gamergate etc. Funny he was on a show by cuckmeister whedon.
>still better than trumps spelling
Were you literally shaking when he "lied" about the crowd?
Brainlets think it's possible to "sometimes" forget how to spell a high frequency word like dying.
>Trump makes claim about his networth
>you doubt claim
>I explain how you can check for yourself
Firstly that has absolutely no relevance to the topic at hand.
Secondly if you doubt him check for yourself.
no, but his 8 year old son was
>it was agony for those who were forced to watch!
Just needs a statler and waldorf image attached
trips of truth
Well he's obv. lying as nobody has ever enjoyed working with Edward Norton. Secondly, Alex needs to go die in private for talking to his 11yo daughter in this manner.
Honestly, the level of narcissism in the way he says this shit is even more damning than the "pig" remark which gets most of the attention and that is saying something, TBQH.
This guy just embodies Hollywood and the virtue signalling, "progressive", pedophiles that inhabit it damn near perfectly and he does so in under 140 seconds, Bravo, Alexis!!
Most of these people seemingly deserve the passengers they are riding with every moment of every single day to the end of time.
It is a word that looks wrong when it is spelt (or autocorrected), so he may have left a letter out (y) & pressed ii twice, let's say it was diing, autocorrect?
>being such a brainlet that you focus on a spelling error instead of the thoughts being shared
This is why it works. Because of retards like you.
Is he in the process of using dye on Alex?
>autocorrecting to a non-word
Stop being retarded.
>doesn't know how to spell the present participle of die
Your kind of stupid can't be cured.
Always great to see an user lose his shit because Trump misspelled a word. Holy shit you people are pathetic.
Just noticed the pic related's title...*golfclap*
>calls others stupid
>is hung up over a spelling error
I personally believe it should be spelled dieing as dy just doesn't sit right with me - in that case why not just spell "die" as "dy"?
>was it?
maybe, baldwins version was ok, but i dont know if id call it a mistake
Expecting Twitter programmers know how to spell in the first place.
>Not sure how great this would translate to user shitposting(you are fucking retarded...Just so ya know) but, yeah Trump has successfully used this tactic in many facets(his wife's "plagerized" speech as merely one of countless other examples outside of tweeting) and the media by it's very nature truly is incapable of not falling for it time and time again.
Did my misuse of greentext garner my splendid post more attention? Yeah, not really, as I am anonymous and it just makes me look like a redditfag, TBQH.
Actually surprise the Americans have not changed the correct spelling of dying to dieing, seeing as it is easier to spell for the 56%
I don't even know what the fuck you're on about or why you think you are relevant.
Don't give them any ideas.
>>doesn't know how to spell the present participle of die
Dieing definition, to cease to live; undergo the complete and permanent cessation of all vital functions; become dead. See more.
Assuming you believe the dictionary knows how to spell...
Ha. Alexander is so boring, we prefer dieing in our spare time. You just got trumped.
I am surprised the UK have not officially made it legal for anyone with shitskin to fuck white children at will since that is the reality of the situation in practice.
OOC, what do the "Fathers" of the 12yos that get shitskin dick in their ass say after their daughters get out of surgery? "Tip top cheerio maybe don't be such a whore until your stitches heal?" Or what?
It's true, we think policing grammar is school marmish, thanx lol.
You fit right in with the 56%, and your reply makes me relevent
I think Trump is just senile. My dad posts the same way on Facebook. But has anyone watched SNL lately? It's not actually funny at all, it's just a political circle-jerk.
someone fucked this guys wife
>revived a dying acting career
>on TV almost every day
>muh agony
Yes well the PC culture all came from your KGB infested wasteland, maybe next time when you come up with an idea the US will think about it first?