kek. That's what virtue signaling gets you.
>b-b-but muh free market
Republicans are fucking retarded and hypocritical.
>Cutting a regulation that is favorable to big business
>not free market
Are you retarded?
>raising fuel costs to hinder a business because their feelings were hurt and they only care about "muh guns"
you guys seem to be lost, leftpol is on shitchan
>not knowing how to read an ID tag
Ffs man. Why are republicans from Georgia so reactionary and emotional?
>needing to focus on small details when u get BTFO 44-11
You need to be older than 18 to post here, m8
Nothing was raised, they removed their gibs because Delta removed their gibs.
Pay your taxes bigots.
In the last 20 years the total of ALL NRA contributions to ANY politician has totaled $200 million dollars. In 2016 ALONE Unions gave $1.8 BILLION. You and your propaganda are shit.
Just checking.
Just because Delta is lame, doesn't make this whole crony shit lame too.
They are bringing Delta with our money to act how they want.
Why should NRA members get special treatment? Equality under the law.
The Law isn't for bullying Companies to give you discounts.
Fucking SAD
delta caved to PR bullshit, they got checked within 24 hours
>companys can bully people for political affiliations
>states cannot bully companies for this
subsidizing companies because they give members of a special club benefits is kind of anti free market.
free market would be no tax and no subsidies.
I hope at least Delta fired whatever liberal cunt runs their PR
Can somebody explain what exactly this means
read the fucking words on the screen omg
It means delta is going to lose money and thus raise ticket prices for their shitty airline.
You don't even know what the fuck you just said.
/our politician/
>remove subsidies, muh free market is key
No retards liberals are. The NRA are the only reason sand niggers etc can never hijack another plane. They fought hard to pass legislation to let Air Marshals & Pilots carry hand guns. Sure though blame Conservatives because you’d rather
>muh boycott NRA
It’s not
>muh guns
Especially when the NRA is the reason flights are safer. Get fucked Delta
oh noo
Love it. Rs learning how to fight.
On a bigger point, this is why you don’t let your 23 year old twitter team make decisions for the company.
Eat shit pussy. We’re done losing the culture wars. We’re learning how to win
Why the fuck should NRA members get discounted airline tickets in the first place?
Delta has been royalty in Georgia for so long that they may go autistic when they realize that wow there are consequences for being so political.
>yfw Georgia Republicans just made a super petty move that pushes a major employer out of their state
And they wonder why red states are riddled with poverty.
Fuck the airlines! I sent the NRA money when i heard this. Im never flying again either. Fuck the jew!
They didn't raise costs nigger, they simply refused to subsidize the airline industry.
Why should NRA members get special treatment?
Why should delta get a tax break? Fuck those kikes!
someone post the black man making the OH SHIT while holding his chin gif
Naa they'll just find some goyim to blame it on
they were not influxing that money to them, so they're not losing anything, plus Atlanta is literally the largest airport in the world and busiest air traffic area
I hope hes not a kike. Is he? Cagle in 2020
hes only lt governor right now he would most likely run for state first and not go against trump
Why do corporations think they can get political and then not suffer the consequences?
"Freedom of speech not freedom from consequence" as you libshits like to squeal all the time.
>And they wonder why red states are riddled with poverty.
Atlanta - niggerville USA
>red state
T. Retardo
Why not? Obama was a nobody. A half term senator and then president. Trump is a jew lover he wont get my vote again.
Spoilers: The California economy is an illusion. California and New York City receive half of all welfare money.