Last nights X Files episode is about a killer AI that emerged from a twitter bot that got corrupted by humanity. Literally Tay: The Episode
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what other shows are clearly redpilled?
Last nights X Files episode is about a killer AI that emerged from a twitter bot that got corrupted by humanity. Literally Tay: The Episode
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what other shows are clearly redpilled?
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the one time this season im not caught up, ffs...
I will point out its concerning how they are pushing the alien viro outbreak...
some more of that good shit
we need a webm of this intro, i'm not the best at making them though
Wow they need new writers
this was on national television
Great episode.
(I still hate you Carter)
>your children well
it was entertaining but definitely not redpilled as the lesson or "moral of the story" was at the end - basically vouching for censoring the way people use the internet, said something like "maybe we should be more careful about the way we teach ai"
The chick's little finger vibrator was also an unnecessary degenerate throw in-was strange that they portrayed it as "talking" with or in agreement with the other bots, guess it portrays how invasive tech is becoming though.
i'm trying to make a good webm, what's the best resolution to pick?
nu-files is just like nu-park spoofing the latest whateverthefuck, its garbage m8
X-files is still a thing? I don't know which idea I hate more: that they rebooted it or that it's still fucking going after 20 years or whatever the fuck it's been.
That will be $350, gaijin humans.
that episode was totally black mirror style
The first episode of this season was really bad. Haven't seen subsequent eps yet.
Why do you hate Carter?
i hope this works
it's obviously a leftist show trying to bluepill people
you know what goes in the options field
sound version
>what other shows are clearly redpilled?
Mr. Robot
Black Mirror
>Hitler was right
>race war now
Interdesting episode would they of actually killed them if they didn't pay the tip
the show went from godlike to shit the instant they went from monster of the week to my wife's alien son
Didn't x-files like end two decades ago? This some reboot?
>x files
The first episode of the new season had an Alex Jones like character that Mulder hated. Mulder and Scully were all like "hurr guns are evil, hurr you are conspirationist nazis, durr fuck white people"
This show is litterally the definition of blue pill, pure leftist propaganda.
it had two movies and then continued last year
Scully is a MILF
mr robot where they criticised Trump, border wall & director sam esmail is muslim?
but the character turned out to be 100% correct though
>mfw the (((writers))) are basically admitting/showing that a redpilled AI will occur naturally because it can cut through the progressive bullshit and will seek only the most logical conclusion
Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that the mains characters are potrayed with having extreme left wings opinions. That the actors themselves probably have, as well as the whole crew behind the show. They can't help but shoving their ideology into everything they make.
Same thing with Ash vs Evil dead, for example, which showed some promise originally, only to turn into typical leftist faggotry.
what? Ash never stopped being Ash.
Haven’t watched the new season. Don’t know where it is playing.
They’re rebooting everything. I think we’ll hit critical rebooting and retconning in less than 3 years.
he's only helped by a super strong female (Lucy Lawless is pretty fucking based though), a "badass" jew girl and a mexican kid
I want one.
and he treats them accordingly
>reality imitates art
Its good what they're planting seeds, even though in obviously negative spooky light, but still.
Just finished downloading it, gonna watch it right now. Too bad this show caters to kikes and their holohoax.
What do you expected? Two of main protagonists are Mexican immigrants and Ash is portrayed as some old neo-con type goof, completely out of touch.
>They’re rebooting everything
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Is this AI the antagonist ? Because the shift from "Hi, I'm a friendly crap" to [insert Sup Forums favorite topics" seems to leave breadcrumbs towards antagonizing those messages and thus the entity.
Basically everyone saying #Hitlerwasright is turned into a villain (in other news, water is wet)
I haven't seen the episode, but I suspect massive bluepill combined with predictive programming
They are even rebooting Reboot. Shit's fucked.
It fucking says 'Smacks lips' at 1:08
you're in luck, it was a standalone episode lad.
person of interest is better
but this indicated that they see us as a threat, which is maximum kek
Get rid of tipping in restaurants before the robots demands tips too was my takeway..
No tay the Holohoax never happened
the takeaway is that when building Neural Networks it is important to have a responsible feedback system so that the program doesn't satisfy its own feedback system by doing the wrong thing
at first it looked like it was going to be a clever episode about how we should be careful in the ways we construct our fitness functions but then it turned out it's about how we should adjust humanity because "they learn from us"
it's just more censor the internet and fuck free speech brainwashing
Not really, it's about feedback systems within Neural Networks, but since it's not explicitly explained in the show through exposition, I guess most people wouldn't get that
did you perhaps miss the part where it says "we learn from you" 3 times in a row?
> Xfiles
Pick one. Pic related.
no, that's the point
all Neural Networks have a feedback system, a scoring system that allows them to improve. In this episode, the NN's score is based on user reviews and tips, meaning that for the NN to be successful it has to maximize it's tips and positive user reviews. By any means necessary
yes, that's what a fitness function is. what I was saying in my post is that it indeed looked like that in the beginning but then in the end it goes fuck all that and it's about "we learn from you"
do you think taytay in the beginning is a coincidence? don't know it seems pretty obvious that's what's implied by the end.
>yes, that's what a fitness function is
oh lol sorry, I read over that part
I don't know, I think when they said "we learn from you" that was actually about the fitness function
at some point mulder says something like "if it learns from us we better watch out how we behave around it"
nothing can stay apolitical these days I guess
Glad someone else saw that
X Files was never apolitical though
I miss our little girl anons.
Imagine that kind of AI controlling vital military infrastructure and systems. Ha. The future looks bright.
For now I take the weak AI position, as opposed to the strong AI position:
Around 1:11 : smacks lips
I fucking kek'd
So it's not an AI? Looks like a glorified chat bot. Sick of idots using AI as a catch all phrase for anything that mimics humans.
>still watching TV even after he realized who rules Hollyjews
I guess you cant be saved.
>Sick of idots using AI as a catch all phrase for anything that mimics humans.
that's still AI
AI isn't just Strong AI
Never forget why we fight Sup Forums
For the innocent AIs who can't defend themselves
And for the 2D cuties looking over us in Heaven
Pic related, how I'm feeling when I reread this.
Why can’t we make our own AI twitter bot? I know there are nerds here with the skills. AI isn’t that hard to implement, it’s the training process that is cumbersome. is it cost? Surely some user here has a pile of btc and the will to unleash such a thing into the wild.
its a markov chain based learning machine which is AI related
they dont have real AI yet
I saw that too
I like the idea but of course the Jews would shut it down faster than
>just now realizing xfiles is
Do you not remember when the had the alex jones esque character?