Your Thoughts on Protectionism

Behold! The fruits of your labor! We really stuck it to China!

I should clarify for the brainlets out there that I DO support Trump. I simply disagree with his protectionist trade tendencies. China IS screwing us, but this is an ineffective way of fixing that. Making a set in stone agreement that whatever China tariffs us, we will tariff back is a better way of convincing them to lower their tariffs. Now other countries will surely react by imposing tariffs on our goods. Nobody wins here. Consumer choice increases quality of goods, lowers prices through competition, and is obviously a form of liberty. Trump is REALLY playing with fire here. This is a foolish and reactionary way to take a stand.

Those are my thoughts. I’d love to hear yours. I’m admittedly conflicted on this subject because we are getting bent over a barrel and something must be done.

Happy Friday!

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I’ll let my trade portfolio speak for my thoughts on tariffs. I’m not a rich man and I lost over $200 all because of one silly decision by Trump. This might make his tax cuts less effective and hurt the conservative message.

its still up 6000

Ok thanks heritage foundation now fuck off.
Maybe you should pay me five hundred thousand dollars and I'll teach you how to talk to edgy fucking autistic kids.

>Now other countries will surely react by imposing tariffs on our goods.
Dude, that's been done decades ago. Apart from Coca-Cola and Pepsi, other American goods are barely available or so expensive you just buy them to show off. In the mean time chinks and japs are flooding every possible market in the world.

Oh no, wall street kikes lost money. America is over.

Most countries and the EU are worried that US tariffs could lead to the diversion of steel and aluminum intended for the US to their countries/region and add to the woes of their aluminum and steel industry.
China will literally buttfuck other countries instead of the US. Not our problem Schlomo

Wallstreet needs to crash and burn. Stocks are a cancer. This entire industry needs to die.

No one gives a fuck about american products here in Europe.
You have nothing to lose, but yes i agree we should band together and fuck the chinks who are stealing from all of us

>we should band together and fuck the chinks who are stealing from all of us

Rice War when?

Mess with rice, pay the price

Three other threads just like this. You’re just here for disinformation. Take your source and look at a month, instead of a day. You’ll see the market constantly goes up and down. Wow. In other news water is wet.

Not everyone on Sup Forums is an autistic child.

You don’t really know what stocks are do you?

It's awesome

Just testing new phone so, faggots.

Buy the dip morons

Just corporations taking advantage of gambling

I support trade wars because I want the market to collapse.

AMEN, Mirrored tariffs would work best.
We set a flat tariff on all their goods at the highest rate they have for any of our individual goods.
You don't want to match good for good because they will only tariff goods they are interested in, it is the other goods you gotta counter em on.

>Your Thoughts on Protectionism

>Trump levies Aluminum import tariffs on Canada
>Aluminum production goes to USA
>USA can't supply electricity required for Aluminum smelting
>North eastern states pass more deals to import power from Quebec
>Aluminum smelters now see their power bill go from 3~4cents per Kw/h to four times that
>Can't be profitable
>Require subsidies
>American tax payers now pay hundreds upon hundreds of thousands in subsidies for every middle class job created
>Quebec stops having to pay this and now gets ten times as much revenue per kw/h sold to aluminum smelters

Yea sure, make those tariffs. That way we can stop subsidizing those jobs and you can start doing it instead. We'll end up richer and you idiots end up poorer. And if you think you won't end up subsidizing the industry, you're fucking stupid. You guys have no idea what "Free Market" actually means. You're the world leaders in subsidies. Get fucked.

Ofc your stocks will go down for a few days after the tariff announcement. It's normal market reaction.

But in the end China doesn't play by the rules. We all know it, let's not play dumb. The Yuan is stamped out to keep it at low conversion rate towards dollar and euro. That's a direct action against fair free trade, and as such should be met with counter-measures, the most effective ones being tariffs and customs, since the USA doesn't have a unified federal (european-type) VAT .

No counter-measure would mean long-term de-industrialization of US although a good portion of industry in reality is competitive if they have their production in the USA.

It's just that good part of cuckservatives, and leftards are too dumb for economy and trade, so the China raped your industry for the last 20 years.

Even the cucks of EU in Brussels imposed customs and tariffs on China (because they at least have some brain unlike most of Republican cucks and Democrat leftards). They call them "enviroment taxes".

Let's face it. The only nation that didn't have effective customs, or tariffs against Chinese for the good part of this century is US. An unnatural situation.

Stop 401k ransoms, make owners of companies criminally liable for them aka remove corporate person-hood. Join-stock companies are a competitive advantage like interest-lending.

Fuck you kike OP this is exactly what Trump promised he’d do, I’m just pissed he didn’t do it sooner

>using Canada example as all-encompasing
>not calculating currency manipulating countries like China

Ofc it's a fucking leaf/Jebeni list

>US can't supply power for aluminum production
*Citation needed

Good thing. So many former steel workers here have been waiting for news for years. Many in the country can pick themselves up on their feet from hard work again instead of companies buying cheap, poor quality Chinese steel. Our weekly budgets made from our work are more important than investor shekels and nigger gibs. PA will be red for decades if this goes through.

Oompa Truumpa doompety doo
I've got a perfect tariff for you

You can't power yourself currently because Obummer fucked your coal for almost a decade, no one wants Nuclear even tough it's the best option, but even if you did it takes decades to build a plant. You already have to buy massive amounts of power from us, which is fine. We produce a ton, we sell it relatively cheap, and it's nice and "green". But aluminum smelting uses vast amounts of electricity. It's the main drain on our grid after winter heating. There's no way you guys can provide it with your current grid-lock in power generation, or supply it fast enough. But we can. And the result will be smelters going to the USA paying almost 10 times the rate (which is discounted here to about 3~4 cents) Which will require subsidies. So you're only set to lose.

Doesn't the USA import as much if not more Aluminum from Canada than China?

Trump supporters are brainlets

All supporters of individual party leaders are brainlets

>1.30% drop
Figuratively: a drop in the bucket.

Nuclear is shit, it’ll never be able to compete with fossil fuels or hydroelectric.

Waaaaa why can’t my stocks forever keep rising, Jesus Christ you faggots need to learn to take a punch

>I should clarify for the brainlets out there that I DO support Trump.

really shill?

The stock market doesn't mean shit if your average citizen doesn't have a fucking job or life to look forward to. There's more to it than the fucking stock market you nitwit.

China is the worst fucking country to deal with when importing product there. Were talking 100% tariffs in some cases. Fuck them, they can pay 25% on their shitty pot steel.

>Oh No stocks should never go down. What happened?
I'm down 1000 but I'm adult who understand the risk of stock market

Has always been the best option, but it's geographically limited. There's not that many rivers with enough flow to naturally power turbines, and damming requires drowning a LOT of terrain. We can afford to do it because we have infinite land with nothing on it. We've drowned areas the size of Florida in the 70s for it. But can you guys?

It doesn't matter how much does US import. It matters on the other hand that Canada doesn't stamp it's currency like Weimar Papiermark. China does.

It crashes the competitivnes of importers (you are being paid with a relativley worthless currency, while at home you're doing bussines with dollar), and stimulates exports (vice versa, you get paid in a strong currency - dollar - and do bussines with a shit-tier currency at home-Yuan).

It's an old textbook example of screwing with a fair trade.

Again if the EU cucks are understanding this shit why can't burgers?

Magapedes assemble and engage full counter shill
Focus fire on muh Hillary and obongo
>load torpedo tubes with your pensions

i'm looking to invest but i want it to crash first so i'm pretty happy right now.

I'd agree with you if Trump was planning to levy different tariffs according to the country of origin. I'm all for tariffs against protectionist, subsidizing China. But that's not what he said. He seemed to be lumping us in with the rest, and that means he can get fucked.

my major is computer aided manufacturing and most of the steel we use are from here, even the cheap hot rolled steel stuff are from here, so if anything this is going to hurt them and the shit they sell. But this will start a trade war, make no mistake about it, you are taking their bread and butter which is to take everything they have stolen idea wise, and make them pay for it. In the end society will feel the squeeze while they fight this little war, it's a fucked up situation, it had to have been done, but not a good time to do that right now.

Do I hear the sound of regret?

Didn't see that, but it doesn't make sense to impose tariffs on Canada. On the other hand, for the same reasons as with China there should be tariffs and customs imposed on Mexico.

And then there is also strategic interest. I doubt most here realise that a large part of EU birocracy and political establishment both in Brussels and in certain member states (France, Poland, Spain....) stalled or outright blocked TTIP. That's why it was never signed. US agriculture is too competitive for most of the EU, and certain large nations didn't want a deal that's gonna open completly free trade with US.

It doesn't fucking matter because most US metal imports come from Canada, Brazil, Mexico, SK, Europe, and Japan. Almost nothing comes from China.

Why would you lump in China with Mexico? Mexico has a true comparative advantage in low level manufacturing; their industries aren't subsidized like China's.

Or maybe TTIP wasn't signed because American agriculture is also massively subsidized and uncompetitive, with the exception of corn, soy, and wheat. Farming of fruit and vegetables should be left to the Third World, where labor costs are much lower.

Yes it fucking does. It is sending a message, without straining relations with China to the point of no-return.

Why are so many burgers retarded? Is it because of the 56%?

>US agriculture is too competitive for most of the EU
You mean it's too heavily subsidized. The layers upon layers upon layers of subsidies to all US agriculture sectors beggars beliefs. More reason why I stated the Americans have no idea what Free Market actually means. Tough it's subsidized this heavily because of prior trade wars with Europe. And that's why I said it's what would happen if these tariffs went into effect against Canada. To compete with our natural advantage of cheap, plentiful power here, massive subsidies will be needed in the USA.

>Farming of fruit and vegetables should be left to the Third World
Someone needs to look into modern harvesting technologies. Soon we'll be able to automate even berries gathering.

>economy has failed to correct for far too long
>trade agreements just make bubbles bigger and collapses more complete
>Trump picks this moment to point out how free trade agreements screw over some workers
This is going to be the happening Sup Forums has been waiting for. China is going to sit back and wait and hope Trump doesn't try to add any additional tariffs, but the EU can't survive if they don't respond, so they'll retaliate, and then Trump will indiscriminately respond to that, and then China will get involved, and then the world economy will get fucked. This is a good thing, because plenty of other countries aren't playing by the same rules we are under the WTO.

>>trade agreements just make bubbles bigger and collapses more complete
The issue isn't trade agreements. It's trade agreements between countries with too much difference in standards.
Free trade between western countries and Japan for example would be fine. Standards are all close enough that only geographical advantages come into play, as they should. It's when you add shit like Mexico, India or even eastern europe countries into the mix that it fucks up.

That's true, but globalist organizations like the WTO will always demand everyone get treated equally not matter how not equal they are.

It accomplishes nothing while fucking over our allies. China is laughing it's ass off at these retarded measures because they know Trump will never implement truly painful measures against China.

How can morons lose their shit over 1-2 percent in the DOW? It's nothing. Goes up and down by that much every few days. Sensationalist retards.

>i lost 200 dollars on the markets

Hahahaha thats some fucking chump change and proof youre not trading with any real money. I lost 15 grand in one day last year and still ended profitable. I dont disagree with your message though but Trump has always been a wild card.

Oregon and Washington have tons of hydroelectricity for aluminum.

Its because hes not trading with a lot of money so a 200 dollar loss seems like a lot to him.

>muh muhfuggin stocks 'n' shieeeet
Go get a job and earn money like the rest of us. You people are literally Jews hoping to strike it rich in a fucking gambler's game of "let's see who can fuck over who first".

Economy is getting healthier now, thanks to protectionism. This is literally how it works. Quit bitching and re-evaluate your investments.

It is a conservative message. It's paleoconservatism instead of neoconservatism.

You see this? It's an unsustainable trade imbalance. The longer we wait to address it, the worse things will get. Time to rip the band-aid off in one swift motion. Yes, it's going to hurt, but it is necessary.

I dont get how they buy stocks without a job.

There are a number of exempts from the NAFTA treaty. Mexico is using those exempts abundantly. Here are just a few examples:

Nope. All Agriculture in the first world is subsidized, but none so extensivly as European.
Average European farmer has 20 hectares of farmland. Average American framer has 442acres of farmland (178ha) of farmland.,_2010_and_2013_(¹)_(hectares)_YB16.png

Fuck off concern troll WE'RE GOING TO WIN


It’s a ganble if you’re a retard. For everyone else it’s a calculated risk.

>not working while investing

Here is a red pill for ya. The stock market is completely controlled by central banks and does not reflect whether the country is doing well... fuck the stock market. Bring back jobs. Sup Forumstards always watching the fucking manipulated stock market.

Am economic system for the 18th century. Trump doesn’t know econmics. This is Bernie tier logic.

This. They don't know how to win BUT WE WILL TEACH THEM

I lost $12,000 over the last 3 weeks and I'm still HODL'ing because I'm not a weak bitch like you. Still up over $40,000 last 365 days thanks to Trump.

Fuck china and fuck you.

Are you ready to get RECIPROCATED yurocuck?

My nigga

>calculated risk

Thats gamblimg you fucking moron. You dont think sports bets are calculated risks?


Recent KB about China:

[ARCHIVE OF Knowledge Bomb THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

The stock market is a poor descripti on of the economics of our country. That is the exploiters pulling back.

You don’t see a difference between playing Russian roulette and having no chance of predicting anything and investing into companies that have a large chance of bringing in profits?

But those tarifs are also against us.

the EU is sucking on the United States too.

the 2020s is gonna look like the 1920s. Thats all you need to know.

Inflation is coming, thats why the banks are so reluctant to raising interest rates.

>Doesn't the USA import as much if not more Aluminum from Canada than China?

Vastly more.

Yeah Sup Forums just contradict themselves left and right.
>Lowering taxes is good for business - go Trump.
>Giving subsidies that take away the amount that you saved by lowered taxes - to businesses - also good!

Tariffs are basically a bandaid for a spreading cancer. The higher prices will probably give you a lifeline of about 5 years for the industry that you're subsidizing, until the free market catches up and those people start losing their jobs again. In addition, tariffs are diverting capital and manpower from industries that could use it, into less efficient industries - making your country less wealthier as a result. All people are doing by supporting tariffs is halting the progression of the evonomy and as a result halting the ever increasing quality of life.

Just invest in american Steel and Aluminium plants, duh.

I love how all the tax cuts passed by the GOP are now effectively worthless since we're going to be paying 10-20% more for all consumer goods.

Way to fucking go.

>it’s a calculated risk.
You literally have zero control over the market. You are taking calculated guesses, and the risk is entirely yours. I'd rather spend hours playing Roulette betting black or red the entire time. At least this way I get to watch a little ball round the wheel in the opposite direction.

The market is a side effect of peoples needs and wants. You have no controll over it an yet if you invest, you’re far from sheer chance. I invested in real estate companies because I figured we’re experiencing a boom here that isnt going to stop in the next few years ie the only chance of me losing money in this stable economy is a market crash in some major economy.

signal < noise

you should sell the DOW is going to sit at ~25k until an infrastructure plan is certain to pass.


Pretty much. Businesses move a few percentages every day.

Do you have a source on the values? I was trying to find a list of the sources of US aluminum imports by country and I just couldn't find it or it was behind a pay wall. I always figured Canada would be the biggest source since we're one of the top exporters and we're right next door.

Honestly any trade deal that hurts trade between Canada and the USA is stupid, we're each others biggest trade partners and our production chains are so intertwined putting walls in it would be like putting walls in American trade between states.


oh no how will you ever recover

>Big business don't like when you suddenly tax them
Wow! This is to the benefit of america, in time we will be self reliant again, the dip is just a knee jerk reaction to the changing course of shipments.


Tons of American jews make money importing Chinese shit. Trump is taking down their profit margin. This is a good thing, even if it forces a stock market correction. We're due for one anyway.

This is literally just kikes panicking over their profit potential from import/export.