Only Muslims are Terrorists

Fuck of Sup Forums

You white crackas been responsible for more death than entire Muslim and black population combined.

You started all the wars and enslave each other with wage debt, yet blame all your troubles on blacks, Jews and minorities.


Shut up you fucking coon.


I'd bet any money it was because people teased him and said he looked like the beebs

Sheet. If someone went through my ubuntu docs folder they find lots more detailed plans than this noob.

White people like to plan things to great detail. We dont usualy carry said plans out. So we shouldent be arrested\targeted. The sandniggers are not the same species and have a tendency of not planning very well and executing anyway.

>the sporadic knife attacks
>the random truck thefts
>the shitty suicide bombers

I mean its kind of obvious. Also niggers, they usualy never get passed the occasional triple homicide.

>ISIS inspired
guess you missed that part

what mean 'inspired' ?did joined the soy division of isis?

Arabs and pakis tend to despise negros.


I haven't killed anyone. Many Muslims and blacks also haven't killed anyone. It's about probability of an individual or individuals within a specific group committing a certain act that is the issue.

Lrn2Logic, sandnigger.

His won't survive a month in prison with that face. But mohamad and jamal will surely enjoy his company.

Nice false flag Rabbi

Boooo hooooooo hoooo :(

>You white crackas been responsible for more death than entire Muslim and black population combined.
clearly cant read stats, ill see if we can find an ASL gorilla to translate

What that's like the second white guy doing this shit

the dude will be a hero to the muslim prisoners, he will learn actual terrorist skills...will be released and be more dangerous than ever.

Well played MI6/Moosesad

>You white crackas

white bois movin in on muslim n changin it n shit. Crackas can't help colonizing, it's onto political and religious ideologies coz you suckas can't get no land no more, bitch shut the fuck up

No one ever said muslims are the sole cause of terror attacks.
But it is statistically proven that they are the majority, just behind the commies

Nonwhites should move away from whites. They're crazy dangerous terrorists. Better to go back to Africa and Mexico to escape their unending madness


>giving 25 to a teenager

>Shilling this hard
Nice sage thread

You don't sounds British....

> Jailed for life
> Will serve 11 years
Fuck. Make up your fuckin mind


Let’s be real

Who would cry over Bieber?

>islamic state inspired
Remember Islam has nothing to do with race. Thats what leftists think.

Don't fall for JIDF cuckolds and other shills, SAGE, National Socialism for all countries not just white. Hitler did nothing wrong. Justin Bobor is a fag and so are his fans just like OP.

Its funny that he planned an ISIS inspired attack and it becomes "SEE! SEE! WHITE PEOPLE ARE TERRORISTS TOO!!", but when ISIS actually does attack and muslims are literally the culprits, people say shit like "NOT ALL MUSLIMS GUISE! STOP BEING RACISTS" and absolutely no news coverage outside of brown people protesting that they aren't responsible and how its white people's fault that a terrorist attack happened.


Sorry Chaim. Wrong again.

I guess in your little world that you live in, African genocide never happens. FUCK off cunt.

Why are you living in a white country then?

muslims are not a race goyim. back to school kid.

who split them up into Hutu and Tutsi?

Belgium imperialists

>11 years until parole
Pick one

simple solution bred, move to a place where there are little or no white people
good luck cunt

oh, do it soon


>white crackas
White boy detected, what a shameful display of botched Ebonics.

>You white crackas been responsible for more death than entire Muslim and black population combined.
Stats and historical figures say otherwise nigger

>"Teenager jailed for life"
>"will serve at least 11 years in prison"

Do bongs not know what "life" means?

>He surrendered his phone and told police his Instagram password was “TruckAttack”

>it's another nigger dog shields his jew master episode

the kid is a fantasist looking up ISIS crap online, all he had was a hammer and a fishing knife in his school rucksack, some adolescent taking on the world fantasy probably brainwashed by the media to defend Syrian ISIS rebels.

The internet has runied his life

>average Sup Forumsack reading comprehension

11 years is the time period after which he'll be CONSIDERED for parole. That means he very well may go on with his sentence.

Is this Atomwaffen?

Coons are your friends dumbass. They try to calm down the plantation. You used the wrong choice of word cracker!

Lol he looks even more retarded than the Jersey Sheikh autist

Is this Trudeau?

But was he going to use an AR15?

It's SoySIS, innit.

Shut up nigger