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bump and spread it
Insulting the mods will get the thread killed and your ass banned.
Keep it civil and your thread will stay up.
fuck off faggot and go back to fagbook.
Mods can lick my smelly french ass.
>just ignore all the rapings and Islamophobia laws of peace happening in the West, sadiq
>Mudslime countries have ever not been shitholes
Pic related
Yeah last thread 404'd what the fuck and the Front page is just full of shit like usual
Nice derailing faggot get out
alexa miednik is right. She walking out with Cruz during the fire alarm when she hears shots. According to Israel, cruz was already coming down from the 3rd floor & blending in after shooting up the school. Not even possible. Plenty of kids had time to make it outside during the fire alarm. Like a good 2 minutes before the shooting start.
>The “weapon and bullets were not high quality and were breaking apart,” one of the legislators, state Sen. Lauren Book, D-Plantation, told the Herald.
>Cruz went in with only 10-round magazines because larger clips would not fit in his duffel bag, Book said.
Yet somehow he shoot Meadow Pollack 9 times on the 3rd floor. Also on the 3rd floor he
>Sources told CBS News that Cruz broke a third-floor window, possibly to fire upon people from above. Sources say he tried to create a "sniper's nest" by shooting out the window, firing 16 rounds into the glass, CBS News correspondent Manuel Bojorquez reports. But the hurricane-proof glass appeared to have stopped it from shattering, Bojorquez reports.
This is the same floor where 2 teachers witness someone in mask and helmet. This timeline dumber than Vegas
>According to an eyewitness, Cruz arrived at the school in a small, gold-colored vehicle. He was wearing a maroon shirt, black pants, and a black hat and carried a black duffel bag and backpack. The eyewitness watched as Cruz walked towards one of the school buildings. Moments later gunshots were heard, and the eyewitness called a “Code Red.”
He was wearing a maroon shirt, black pants, and a black hat
>“And then I suddenly saw the shooter… standing in the hallway, actively shooting down the hallway. Just a barrage of bullets. And I’m staring at him, thinking, ‘Why is the police here?’ This is strange ’cause he’s in full metal garb — helmet, face mask, bullet-proof armor, shooting this rifle that I’ve never seen before.
full metal garb — helmet, face mask, bullet-proof armor
Eat a dick mods
16 rounds into the glass???? WTF
That little turd Hogg was complaining to CNN during his last interview that they still HAD NOT installed bullet resistant glass in the school?
That is not even a good bullshit story.
>Mackenzie Hill had just left her AP Psychology class for the bathroom.
>Her twin sister, Meghan, a student in the same class, stayed behind. The bathroom was closed, so Mackenzie made her way upstairs. Then she heard the bullets. Ten, maybe 15 gunshots.
>Looking to her left, all the way down the mostly empty second-floor hallway, Mackenzie noticed a man holding a large gun.
>“I immediately knew it was him,” she told The Post, recognizing Cruz’s face. She remembered the boy from her middle school, and from the dollar store in town. She recalled his terrifying Instagram posts about wanting to kill people. “I always had a bad feeling about him,” she said.
But then in the interview here at 0:20 changes it around
It Also conflicts with the whole Chris McKenna story
No helmet, no armor, no mask.
I have no clue what the deal is with that whole "sniper" nest story. and with 10 round mags he waste almost 2 magazines on the window! and then somehow they say he still manage to sneak out lol
Strange how we don't hear from any of these kids on national television.
It's just the same 4 Jews that weren't in the building at the time being propped up by the mainstream media
who in the fucks name writes these narrative?
Every new report or news article gives out conflicting information. Every single one of them goes against eye witness reports...
It is as if they are flooding people with information so it becomes impossible to ascertain the truth ;-)
If this is the case (of course it is) then you know without a doubt that they have something to hide.
I feel a bit ill thinking what kind of shit (((they))) get away with just by promoting their narrative in the media. Normies need to be informed and the fucking "hurr conspiratard" shit needs to be killed
OP actually deleted his own thread
THIS is the psyop
ya, and these 4 little junkies have a story that contradicts the testimony of the non-celeb witnesses
Pretty specific @5:37..."Pointed his fff AR at me, and started shooting". This guy is full of shit.
>I have a limited knowledge of firearms yet in the middle of the chaos of a shooter in a school, down at the end of the hall shooting at me I wouldn't be able to identify an AR like this tub of shit so readily did.
yea I go through dozens of articles and it is pretty clear the real shooting was around 2:30ish and not 2:21
It’s a common form of victim psychosis to misrememeber, misinterpret and fabricate the situation differently.
These media darlings obviously do just that just to stat relevant
Yeah because (((they))) WANT attention brought into these things? Didnt think that one through huh?
some user was talking about that. They had some confusion about starting the incident. Didn't that little turd Hogg also fuck up the timeline?
Bump, can come firm mods are kikes.
They want to frame conspiracy theorists as insane tinfoil-hat wearing whackos who rant about far fetched nonsense
I think OP delibirately deleted the thread to create controversy, is all
also 9 rounds into meadow pollack who was near the western stairwell on the 3rd floor. Unless I am wrong and the teach Mr. Rospierski checks the pulse of another dead girl. Gunman was near east side stairwell.
>The shooting stopped abruptly as the gunman reloaded. Rospierski said he took advantage of the pause to push his students toward the stairway so they could escape. He followed closely behind. A girl was lying by the stairs. He checked for a pulse but couldn’t find one.
He also mention mask & helmet
Orson Welles...
They don't want you to see the bodies.
So the solution to fix all this is not to "rant about far fetched nonsense" or do any real investigation into anything? I know theres a problem here with self censorship but this is ridiculous
Hogg Mentions several different times when doing the school kid interviews, I think, but I forget. He was also in another building inside the Culinary room. The culinary teacher is that fat lady he did several interviews with
This whole allegation just seem to be unplausible to me. It’s far more likely that the shooter was a bully victim who snapped
>“He picked bad person 101 very well because he picked the one contained building, and then he pulled the fire alarm,” the teacher said. (Rospierski)
>The shooting began just before dismissal, after Cruz pulled the fire alarm. Students and teachers were puzzled because the school had already held a fire drill that day. Still, some left their bags by their desk and walked out of their classrooms.
>On the first floor, Geovanni Vilsant, 15, said he was in a Spanish classroom when a fire alarm went off, urging all the students out of their classrooms. Then, two minutes later, gun shots rang out enveloping the three-floor building in explosions.
>Then students reported hearing another fire alarm around
>2:35 p.m. An announcement via school’s loudspeaker then told
>teachers and students to evacuate. “We heard the pops.”
video of the shooting into room 1214, first floor. No fire alarm. A kid named Sid Fischer did reddit AMA. He was in this room and says the fire alarm goes off 10-15 seconds after the shooting. Now I know why. It is to cover up the fact there is no alarm going off in the video.
Yeah instead of an organized OPS created by intelligence agencies? People always assume that normies would do this kind of shit but to me it was always pretty obvious NOBODY even the actually insane people would do shit like this to this extent.
Its once again self censorship because youre giving the benefit of the doubt to the cianiggers for no reason. Like doing their job for them for free.
what a crock of shit this thing is LOL
"to this extent" i mean by getting fully kitted almost like theyre trying for a high score or some shit. This guy was talking about "becoming a professional school shooter" and the FBI apparently knew about that and they did jack shit. Theyre not that useless they know this shit is happening and they can intervene if they want to. Yet they didnt
somehow the gunman is already on the 3rd floor before Rospierski reaches the stairs.
Download here:
Why does everyone in this school sounds or looks like retarded?
Is this a special needs school?
Well, it IS Florida after all.
kek it's true though
there does seem to be a lot of special need kids. Watch this kids interview.
kill yourself you fucking POS
falseflag fags must be gassed
and Kremlin shills too
Orson Welles.
Hurricane resistant glass won’t stop individual rifle bullet penetration but it contains plastic laminated layers that hold the whole thing together and keep it from shattering and falling out, like a car front windshield. So you’ll end up with a bunch of little holes in it while it stays mostly together.
They do look like junkies now that you mentioned it.
the point is they claim he use 10 round mags. Gunman uses 25 rounds on
>1 person (meadow pollack)
>shooting a window
Where have they been taken down? I started a Valentine's day investigation playlist, and I still have that video from two different camera perspectives.
There is a question mark wondering if it will be taken down
Did they say how many 10 rounders he had? The whole thing makes no sense. How would 30s not fit in a duffel bag with the rifle itself?
>Cruz had 180 rounds of ammunition left, a source confirmed to CBS News.
not sure a total.
>Investigators believe the suspect tried to reload, but after changing magazine clips, his gun may have jammed, Bojorquez adds.
Okay, I get that, but it hasn't. Just go to hooktube, and download it. Then when you have evidence, show it. Mods 404 threads all the time, especially if it's the same autisticish type of threads. Are you new here? Not saying this isn't a false flag, I think there is enough reasonable circumstantial evidence to proceed in an investigation. That's why I started a playlist dedicated to it, but I doubt Sup Forums mods are apart of it. You give those basement dwelling faggots too much credit.
they 404 every thread I had from the 14th-16th
Including this one?
Yeah the old "Something Lucky happened lmao"
just the early days threads that had some good stuff
Im not sure if he had 180 loose bullets or 18 magazines. loose bullets wouldn't make any sense. That is a lot of fucking magazines
>after changing magazine clips
>butt pirate meme flag
opinion immediately discarded.
What if the second shooter was David Hogg our friend who's daddy is from the FBI? That guy gives me the creeps.
very badly dubbed. fake
my guess is all 3 shooters are trained military or blackwater-esque special agents. or at least 2 of them + the patsy. remembering sandy hook (and aurora + boston) the guys in heavy black gear running through the woods etc.
Cruz walks out of the school with Alexa during the fire alarm. There is no way he can be a shooter
it's true there are no witnesses saying they saw cruz actually shoot, right? just saw a guy in black gear? either way the actual shooters have gotta be trained specialists. hogg looks too weak to put on a damn jacket let alone carry out the task. his reddit is so pathetic i almost started feeling bad for him he's all dyslexic and sad about having no friends lol
this girls story is the only one I find But then she changes it around in the video interview. I don't think she really saw him. Considering the written story where she sees him puts the start of the shooting on the 2nd level
yea man I read Hogg's reddit and it was so depressing. I think he is in over his head.
your projection is transparent
Conspiracy bollocks as usual
Time to get in the pile boys
i agree and the more i dig into his timeline i think he might not actually know what's going on, or he knows very little. he's still shady af, never mentions his shot sister etc? but i think we need some heavy digging on the characters around the story -- rocxanne, the kasky dad, hogg parents, DWS/Sheriff Israel involvement.
who the fuck is that black girl? she is still not listed
He was just hiding in the culinary room which was in another building. Still not 100% sure if he was in the Freshman building at all.
no one knows. None of these asses ever follow up with anything. It may be possible to comb through survivor stories and see if anyone mention a dead girl.
Fuck these kike nigger mods.
buildings already demolished so all evidence is already destroyed.
Is this actually true, why the fuck would they do something like this and expect people to not realize somethings up? Or am i just overestimating the reasoning skills of normies again?
meme flag as usual.
10 round magazines are also expensive on a per bullet held measure... $10-15 to hold 10 vs $15-20 to hold 30.
sandy hook was demolished pretty fast as well.
Pretty good. The only thing that is stupid is the whole garb thing.
He could have simply took it off, it's not rocket science.
gotta hurry up and tear it down so nobody can investigate
surely they would have reported that he was wearing all that and not just a gas mask.
read the stories. this kid would have needed to be superman to change into all that gear before he start shooting & none of it matches up at all.
Just saying, to ask where a riffle, helmet, mask, etc, is, while the kid was arrested at McDonald's is pretty dumb. It's not like he would walk around like that.
I get your point too, just that was not conveyed in the video.
This story stinks, no doubt
Thanks Swede proxy for the satanic pedo take on the event. We are all shocked by your conclusions.
Link to playlist
Nigger. I don't think so. You provide sources for your bullshit claims right now. WE DO NOT USE BIOLOGICAL WARFARE. Stupid cock sucker.
saved this interview
>jew parent
>"isnt it great that we pulled our son out early that day"
>oy vey goyim we should raise the age to 25, in israel its 27
It is true. Maybe it was a mistake. I hope
Well then. Why don'y provide proof? Or is it all propaganda? I think you need a visit from the FBI.
he outted himself