Let's fuck with the leftists

You want to really fuck with the white hating leftists? Let's steal the one thing they love the most, Harry Potter.
This is the symbol for the Deathly Hallows. You'll see hambeasts with this as bumper stickers and on their laptops.
I propose we take it and use it in to promote white pride so they will feel guilty by association.

Let's steal the thing they love the most.

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Also lightening shaped tattoos on the forehead

Also a fantastic idea.

Bumping for the potential.


Way ahead of you

Steal every symbol until everything is racist. That should wake people up.

good idea

It will be very hard to cuck them with Harry Potter. Hermony is the perfect example, how do you want to de-feminize her? Lord of the Rings is easier. Several white males from unique countries combine to stop the ork hord lead by a black man

Heck yes

Terrible b8m8

The problem is they don't care about LOTR.
Harry Potter is basically their resource pool to continously go back to and make references from in relation to politics.
We don't have to tear the entire series apart, but associating a major symbol with the shit they hate is easy.

Perhaps, but I think this would be funnier.

Fucking solid points

Bumping for potential

(((Death eaters)))

Straya... Always one day ahead

Harry Potter is ironically a very white story. The author might be a libtard because that's because all women are politically retarded. She wrote the books before the liberal mind virus grew so they're clean.

You're better off attacking star wars and marvel since Harry potter is a dead meme to them with just tattoos and stickers remaining. The mouse is going to have more influence for longer than the Twitter crawling, retconning author. The rebels in SW are a weak force made up of incompetent leaders in the new SW, keep running with that and others like it.

Great idea user

>implying they care about SW
It's literally canon that the empire is a white supremacist organization
Good luck with undoing that

Symbol for nazism? Potter secretly hitler

Bump Bump

Let's decide what each hollow actually means.

> White
> Amerimutt

Is the threat china or spics that

>This is the symbol for the Deathly Hallows. You'll see hambeasts with this as bumper stickers and on their laptops.

So that's what that stupid fucking symbol I keep seeing is.

The real Nazi have two

Well done

Every time a meme flaggot uses the 56% meme an angel gets its wings.

Bump this subversive wonder to the front page RIGHT NOW


Kikes gonna kike.

I'm a fan of the meme, but hiding behind a mask while you scream you're not white is just comically kikey.


They don't even try these days. SAD!

Terrible idea, walking around with pedo symbols. Get to fuck, OP.

Wear this stuff and you'll deserve what's coming to you.
DOTR when?

The Death Eaters, which infiltrated their government, also infiltrated ours...

Bumping for potential

Some background to my objections:
I am not some loony Bible-basher but would advise you to rethink your strategy.
JK Rowling is a human trafficker and she founded
to snatch kids from Haiti and East Europe. Those symbols are some bad shit and should be encouraged.

Should NOT be encouraged, rather.

At this point I really have no interest fucking with the left. They fuck with themselves. They eat their own at this point.
It's past the point of any kind of credibility with them. Really? All you have to do now is sit back and watch. It's madness.

Ok but you have to have a good connection to back it up.
They'll come back with the whole "Don't be Purebloods, everyone with magical blood is welcome" stuff, so you have to show the connections between the villans/Ministry and the good guys

We have already taken 'ok' as ours. Maybe the next step should be "its great to be ok".

>It will be very hard to cuck them with Harry Potter.
Not really, you just have to show that the domineering government is the problem that's working with evil

damn she looks good there.

She reminds me of every rich persons barbie doll that got a business in the divorce.

Disagree, am truly repulsed by Rowling's physique

>Hermony is the perfect example, how do you want to de-feminize her?

The main problem is that the other person who wanted the Deathly Hallows is Voldemort, who wanted a Pureblood society. So how do you reframe the Deathly Hallows symbol to be "Proud to be white" without looking like Voldemort/Death Eater?
Instead it's much easier to make a debate against *Government,* like against gun laws by using Hogwarts where they have Defense classes, or against the Ministry taking over and making everything shit


>Hermony is the perfect example, how do you want to de-feminize her?

We don't have to, the left already did it!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present: The NEW however you spell her stupid contrived name!

The symbol isn't inherently related to voldemort. It just symbolizes the cloak, stone, and the wand.
People love the faggy triangle circle stick symbol.

you assume they arent stricken with a mental virus

>JK Rowling is a human trafficker and she founded wearelumos.org to snatch kids from Haiti and East Europe.
Did not know this, thanks

I know, BUT you have to have a solid connection to back up your use of the symbol, OR it will not spread like intended and the meaning will be lost.
People who know the story know what the Hallows are used for, but in this context they will automatically associate with Voldemort because the intentions are similar (to create a specific society).
It's fine to connect to popular symbols but your intended meaning needs to be immediately apparent or your meme will not work.

harry potter is actually a very Jewish tale.
harry represents the Jewish tripe who have escaped death but been marked by the ultimate Hitler archetype, which was eventually slain. The lingering threat of this evil returning is always around the corner though, something that fuels the Jews, they are essentially fueled by fear. Notice all of their holidays are not celebrations of the sun, or god, or happy times, but they are all celebrations of how Jews have overturned the evil goys who were oppressing them at a time. .
Also note that people in harrys tribe are very powerful and above the muggles(goyims) but must practice their superiority in secret.
Even the actor chosen to represent harry is quite jewwy and has those stupid circle glasses that all Jews wear. They also have many other undertones such as the muggle family who hosts and supports harry but do not understand him, and treat him poorly.This is exactly how they see us whites.

That's why memes work, they are an immediate clear message that gets your intended point across.
Relating the Deathly Hallows with being what does not have any clear connection.
Relating Hogwarts or the magical world with Libertarian Nationalist America *does* work because there are many clear connections like personal defense, blocking entry of unwelcome people, personal achievement through many competitions, etc

I just don't think spreading the DH symbol will be enough to make that a viral message

>Let's steal Potter memes
We dabble in this every few months, by all means give it a shot, they usually get pretty ass-blasted whenever we start to gain traction with this on twitter.

>'omg, those fucking nazis had to come into MY ONE ESCAPE'
>fuck off nazis, harry potter would agree with US!

I know some progressives with that tattoo - this would be great

white power

twitter.com/search?q="Central Michigan University"&src=tren&data_id=tweet:969592373729792000

>harry potter is actually a very Jewish tale.
Or perhaps the Death Eater Purebloods are the jews, trying to eradicate the gentiles...

>Teen Vogue is printing truth
mein sides

well that was easy

I thought Harry Potter was based off of the bible? Wouldn't it be funnier to start a right wing campaign urging people to read the new testament because it's the original harry potter?

This shit is so played out. Think of something new.

LOTR is already pure white though.

Everything about it is pure, especially its entire philosophy about simple good deeds and simple bumblefucks saving everything alongside the prophetic heroes and divine wizards

You're missing the point entirely.

Holy shit

...so wicked it is beautiful. You should definitely do it, fags.


Hermione's transphobia was apparent when she became half-cat due to her mixup with Polyjuice potion. Instead of embracing her Female-to-CatThing identity for the short duration of the potion, she felt humiliation, shame, and ugliness; going so far as to tell Ron and Harry not to look at her.
Based Hermione realizes that she is a trans-species abomination. Also, when her, Harry, and Ron were attempting their polyjuice potion gambit notice how Hermione attempted to disguise herself as Millicent Bulstrode (a woman.) Were Hermione the third wave feminist everyone makes her out to be, she would have been perfectly content changing herself into a male student. But she didn't. What does this tell us? That Hermione recognizes the material difference between men and women and that trans shit don't fly with her.

sir...i am in awe of your political memetic genius right now. this is brilliant

>The main problem is that the other person who wanted the Deathly Hallows is Voldemort, who wanted a Pureblood society. So how do you reframe the Deathly Hallows symbol to be "Proud to be white" without looking like Voldemort/Death Eater?

Ok I'm retarded, don't mind me.
Carry on, I think that this campaign will be discovered quickly and people will know they have the DH symbol for the HP reason and not the Voldemort reason but that doesn't mean you guys can't try



clean up the letters jesus christ

It symbolizes ultimate power over Death. This is what the SJWs adore. Not Harry Potter. HP and friends took possession of those items only as long as needed in order to keep them out of the wrong hands.

((those that must’nt be named))

holy fuck im stunned. so true

Oh man, there are so many libshits with this tattoo, this will drive them bonkers.


Whenever I see the symbol I think it's for skyrim shadowmarks. I saw the symbol on someone's car today- it's surprisingly prevalent

Guess i'm retarded

Yeah it's fucking everywhere

It's an old meme sir but it checks out.

One more bump

So, the Voldemort is basically an Albino white supremacist in this story?