How do we solve the old maid problem?
My church has plenty of virgin girls that are looking for a husband but because most men men are only interested in banging sluts they are just sitting at home with their parents while their eggs dry up.
How do we solve the old maid problem?
Please stop posting the exact same thread dude
Mandatory blacking
I have currently transcended my sexual urges, I have learned from past mistakes, if I get a girlfriend she will be an archetypal woman/mother and like it. I will see the relationship from this perspective, and not from the more recent democratic permutation.
>How do we solve the old maid problem?
Kill all old hags. Bring back child brides to prevent old hags developing. Bar females from schools.
So hard to find home schooled girls who haven't been corrupted by the public education system.
fpbp. saged.
Not really
Homeschool and virginity rates are going up
Judging by her eyes, you can tell it would be a mistake to bone that girl, would not stick it even for murican citizenship.
You fuckin liar. You'd fuck a mule for citizenship.
Well, the problem is, even if you did find such a girl, why do you think she would want you over a Chad?
Biological urges are the same for everyone, regardless of education. No matter how much of a great man you are, you'll always been too short, not enough muscular, not manly enough, bla bla bla to be able to enter their precious holes.
The problem is that we live in an age where pussy is the most priced object on earth, while 99% of men are considered as nothing but maggots
there isn't an old maid problem, its made up by losers who want to cope with the fact they aren't getting women in their 20's
im an attractive, decent income man in his late 20's. I have no problem attracting women my age WHEN I FIND THEM. But try finding a decent looking girl in her late 20's early 30's who isn't married or is maybe single but has a kid
there are a lot of single moms, ill give you that, but childless women in their late 20's early 30's are the exception, not the rule
i wish it was otherwise because it would increase my options
Why do you spam this shit every day?
>The problem is that we live in an age where pussy is the most priced object on earth, while 99% of men are considered as nothing but maggots
It's always been that way. Men have always been expendable and replaceable.
Women only cheat if you neglect them
>but childless women in their late 20's early 30's are the exception, not the rule
even if they are a minority because most families don't have more than 2 kids its a huge problem
What church do you go to that is populated by young virgin girls? I've been going from church to church trying to find ONE, and the only people in church are the elderly and married couples with children.
Christian life for a Christian wife!!!
a shrinking population is a good thing, stop buying jewish propaganda
there isn't one, its made up by virgins. see:
Ah yes mexico where child brides and marriage after rape is still a thing
The difference is that for most of history women had little choice in who they married. If you were a wealthy or successful man you could easily count on either your parents arranging a marriage or being able to arrange a marriage yourself.
>old maid
nah nigga don't settle for old women, even if they claim to be unicorns.
>a shrinking population is a good thing,
Virgins dont think there's an old maid problem
They dont believe virgin girls even exist
>because most men men are only interested in banging sluts
Cool source
Holy fuck you're a depressing Frenchie. Stop blaming society for being a pussy ass faggot. Go lift, learn to talk, and be a fucking man (take control of life, strive for higher goals and ideal, defend your ideas).
Fat faggot.
>It's always been that way. Men have always been expendable and replaceable.
It's different now. All the restraints that once regulated female sexual behavior have been removed. In a society that does not regulate female sexual conduct, most men will be the losers. Nothing we have is more powerful than the female power to stimulate the male desire for sex.
Harems are the natural state of affairs if we don't enforce a monogamous patriarchal society. Women will always know that their kid is their kid, the only risk that comes from "cucking" for women is her not getting enough resources/support from whatever alpha to keep herself and her kids alive.
The problem with the "natural" state of affairs is that when we allow women to form harems around the alphas like this, we create a massive population of guys with nothing to lose and a lot of incentive to kill the alphas. It rips the fabric of society apart - and it's even worse if you have a higher ratio of men to women in your society. That's how war and violent bloody revolution happen.
So wise people from 2500 years ago figured out the best thing for both the alphas and the rest of the men, was monogamous marriage under a patriarchal society. Every guy can get his woman, and society stays stable.
Recently we've decided those wise men didn't know what they're talking about and have been thoroughly destroying society since.
shrinking population means more nature and land for the rest of the people who exist. the world has 7 billion mother fuckers on it already and its increasing.
>bawwwww churchie chad won't fuck meeee
Blah blah blah stop living in your head you fucking brainlet. All I read were excuses to why you're a loser faggot who hates his life.
Like I told the French retard, live life as you want. Don't justify your failures by externalizing it to society.
Lift, practise talking to girls, strive for something better.
Don't be a faggot.
"Old maids" are pointless to marry to for any traditional man. She won't be able to give birth to multiple healthy European children and raise them properly, so marrying her doesn't have any fundamental ground to it.
overpopulation is only a problem in third world countries
That is the problem
They became old maids because nobody would marry them when they were young
>shrinking population means more nature and land for the rest of the people who exist.
You do realise the only population across the globe that's shrinking is the Native Euro population that also happens to be the smallest group, right? I would understand if you were talking about chinks or nogs, but telling whites that low birth rates in their population are good is madness.
Marry one. Pretend to believe in God if that's what it takes
>How do we solve the old maid problem?
teach them about immortality
> My church has plenty of virgin girls that are looking for a husband
Is that what they tell you? Ask them to be more descriptive. Suddenly you'll get stories about how they only had sex for 1 min and because it was so short it doesn't count. Or she just gave head. Or she just had sex once but since the abortion.....
Church girls my fucking ass. And I'm a Christian, and I'm not knocking church.....
But I know " Christian " girls. Please.
>My church has plenty of virgin girls
I ain't converting to NO RELIGION to appease some ignorant woman even if she cooks and cleans.
I unironically believe this user for the few years I used to go to church when I was a teenager
Those were the types of people who opened my mind to their hypocrisies
>not using your looks and relative wealth to attract a 20 yr old when in your late 20’s
I’ve got news for you user...
you are fucking dumb as fuck
If you really want early 30s as a wife, wait till you are 47
Christianity allows people to do whatever they want unpunished. It's a meme religion. Repent.
>unironically worshiping a kike on a stick
I'm having the opposite problem. I'm trying to find a good marriage minded woman but when they find out I'm not just looking for a quick fuck they stop talking to me.
Former Church guy here, Christian girls are 10x more promiscuous than regular girls because of a lifetime of restrictions by strict parents. I promise all the attractive looking ones rode Chads cock at some point. Only the ugly fat ones stay true to their virginity.
>Only the ugly fat ones stay true to their virginity.
Is it so because they have good morals or because no one tried to have sex with them?
Who care white women are enemies also along side the jews and traitors so let them suffer for as much as I care.
> anything other than urban areas is hard
Where the fuck do you get your idea of how society works?
Are you familiar with the Indian custom of suttee? It was customary for Indian women to throw themselves on their husband's funeral pyres. You know why that custom developed? Because widows are not a good basis for a financially viable household. Indian women killed themselves because they knew that in the absence of their husbands they were just going to slide into dire poverty and die, so they might as well get it over with. And one of the major reasons that children of single moms are such pieces of shit is that in addition to lacking a father figure they also suffer economic privation. In fact, the primary purpose of the US welfare system (including the EITC) is to subsidize single mothers with men's resources because they fucked up and failed to get a man.
>but r/theredpill tells me men are expendable
Society can afford to lose a small to moderate portion of young men in things like war. But for the most part society suffers greatly when it loses men because men are the primary sources of production and leadership within society. If you lose enough of your 20 year old men, you're going to have a rough time over the next 40 years when that productivity would be harvested. Then at the tail end of that is a leadership crisis. Look what happened to the USSR in the early 1980s. When the men born in 1920 would have been at the age to lead the country they had a group of octogenarians take turns holding power and dying of congestive heart failure one after another. Very destabilizing.
This. Breed Arab/persian christians indtead
Because no one tried to have sex with them, they get rejected like ugly fat dudes do so they embed themselves more into religion, they're easy targets for preachers who want to make $$ off them. And when I say fat and ugly, I mean like really fat and ugly like 1/10 or 2/10.
>My church has plenty of virgin girls
You fags keep convincing yourselves that trad women have no issues, don’t complain when you end up with a Bristol Palin
because i fucking hate the idea of marriage. 5/10 roastie with saggie tits after 5 years and 4 pregnancies whining about menstruation, gossiping with other vapid whores, and just generally being a bitch? why would i want to enter into that hellscape? Use em' like a cumrag then throw them out like a cumrag. women deserve no less.
10/10 post