Why is this so hard for men? Are they truly the niggers of gender?
Why is this so hard for men? Are they truly the niggers of gender?
Steps to Prevent Rape:
1. Don't cry wolf.
I have yet to be convinced rape is bad.
Steps to Prevent Murder:
why should i have to lock my doors at night? we should just teach murderers not to murder!
No, they’re just the dominate gender. I challenge an ugly fat girl to try to rape me. It will be a jolly good show
white men should rape more if anything. Rape and murder their enemies.
Any advice for female school teachers?
I took this to heart and bought a "NOT A RAPIST" shirt to let the ladies know - they're safe with me!
Considering there’s only two genders, logically one has to dominate the other in a stat. Therefore, saying “more men rape than women” is like saying “more people are dead than alive, stop dying”
Yes, goys. You are all rapists now. Make sure you watch lots of pornhub to learn about acceptable sexual behavior if you are confused
Steps to Prevent Stealing:
Wy would I hide my money? We should just teach jews not to steal !
Get better bait shill.
Because making something illegal doesn't make it impossible.
>Taking away rape, which is a core practice in black culture, from them
I'm sick of you white racist bigots trying to erase our proud history and traditions.
The definition of rape has steadily expanded to the point of absurdity.
If I am a virgin and a SJW accusses me of raping her, am I no longer a virgin?
Someone tries to give you free cock and all you do is complain complain complain.
here's your (You)
It's not hard. It has something to do with character, values and principles.
And of course parenting plays a crucial role.
For example, as a Christian I learned to follow the golden rule:
One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated.
Your mother sucks cocks in hell, worthless slime
Do you still have your boy hymen?
Vladimir Putin will be the reason for the downfall of our generation.
Not Syria, not North Korea and not even the US.
And the whole world is just collectively sitting on its ass while letting him edge his way into neighbouring countries, craft weapons of mass destruction and destabilise countries worldwide.
Ok but what about rape orgasm being stronger than all other orgasms ?
Steps to prevent theft: