Why you care so much

All the white people on here spreading hate are doing this because they have a prototype of a perfect man (Pic related). They think that you must be white, have blonde or light brown hair, have blue or green eyes, have a defined jawline, be ripped and be at least 6'4" (193cm). Also, you must act a certain way as a man, you must be manly, you must have certain characteristic etc. This is why you hate gays because they don't act manly. This is why you shit on slavs because you think they are aesthetically inferior. This is why you hate all non-whites (except maybe Asians) because they are aesthetically inferior to you.

Grow the fuck up
The funny thing is you don't match the prototype yourself

You’re straw manning. Very few people really care about hair, eye color, and height that much. What is important is race. And it’s obviously important for a lot of reasons. Ethnicity is important too. But it doesn’t matter if you’re British, Irish, German, French, Swedish, etc. as long as you’re not a nigger or a spic, well, then you’re alright in my book.

ALL Europeans are equal :)

You are downplaying Sup Forums

Most people aren’t serious when they say stuff like that. They’re either race baiting, or like Sargon, they just want to destroy white identity.

Hello fellow white man, yes white people must stop fighting.

Oh really? Then why do you think Sup Forums shits on Slavs and Mediterraneans? They are white but they don't match they're precious prototype. I don't think you can speak on behalf of Sup Forums when you don't even represent their views.

Dolph Lundgren, really?


>pic related
I'm a racist and nationalist because I care about my people and don't want them to be ethnically replaced.

Why should you care about "your" people. What makes them "yours". Why don't you just live your life without worrying about an arbitrary responsibility of other people who just happened to be born in the same geographic region as you and assumed its culture?

That’s an ideal standard to some. I will say blonde hair and blue eyes looks super hot on women, but on men it looks kind of effeminate. There’s nothing wrong with having a high standard to aim for. But, no one is perfect, obviously. I don’t care about hair or eye color so much. It’s good Europeans can be so diverse and have different hair and eye colors.


Stop with this marxist relativist bullshit user.

Prove me wrong.

Just study biology, marxist

>DO some research
Classic response.

... I think what women value the most, is the best.
Case closed.


Do some reaserch then. No one wants to be a minority in his country. Go peddle your bullshit multiracialism to the africans or chinese and see how they treat you.

women don't value that otherwise you wouldn't have a 1.1 birth rate and your country would not be importing millions of muslim and african men


Bro Lithuania is really fucked with it's poplation

1. For the same reason I care about my family or my friends. And the neighboorhood, region and country I live in. Norwegian people is an extention of my family, and so is European people.
2. They are mine because I share my genes, my history and land with them. I share a future with them.

3. Europeans are generally the race of people that have the highest amount of empathy and maybe the only race that naturally cares about the environment. Europeans create the best societies to live in - the earth is limited, do you fill it with people that create the most happiness, or do you fill it with low-empathy people like Jews or less logically driven and destructive Sub-Saharans?

and what european country isn't??? the birth rate is much higher then germanys though it has increased slowly it is like 1.8....at least lithuania isn't importing niggers and muslims

If you think it's women that is behind importation of niggers and muslims, then you are wrong. It's the elites of our countyr. Economical and cultural elites both support it.

Women are more naturally inclined to follow leaders like sheep.

Wrong brah. My perfect man is Zyzz, u mirin brah? the reason i spread hate is because you want to live like a baby and a pussy that doesn't even lift. If you are weak you should be bullied

Well the problem with Lithuania is that all the young are leaving to London, Germany etc.

what makes blue birds fly with blue birds and red birds fly with red birds? its all genetis brah you are retarded you wouldnt know you never been on a ECA cycle just kys u are not gonna make it

My prototype of a perfect man has black hair. WHAT NOW

I dont want to be subjected to genocide, nor my children subjected to genocide.

Wgite people are kind and forgiving to minority populations, but no one else is... We have seen what happened in rhodesia, in turkey, in syria, whats currently happening in s. Africa...

If whites have no nations to call their own, the subhuman races will see to it that we are extrminated to the last man out of jealousy. That is human nature, and we must love our own people, for self preservation if nothing else.

I didn't used to care about those things until asshole POC/SJW/fems told me what was acceptable to be / think / be / feel. So it's you asshole converting and redpilling the masses. One day you will reap what you are sowing. At that juncture you will realize why a white christian male has been the most feared creature on the plant for centuries.

This is also a factor for why you should be against immigration of non-Europeans in Europe and North-America. Absolutely.

If the trends continue, there is no reason to think that white people won't be attacked at a large scale for their race in their own native countries.

London? Maybe 5 years ago, nobody wants to go to England anymore and Germany is not very popular, Norway was very popular recently, but overall Lithuanians aren't going to the uk really anymore, it's a shitty country there are far better ones in europe, plus it's leaving the eu hopefully and then wage cucks won't be able to go there to work in the tesco factories, overall over half of these wage cucks come back whether its 3 months or 10 years. anyways they are not a loss anyways and make lithuania a better place. immigration will start to decrease over time as the population stabilises, hopefully though the eu crumbles because it hurts all of europe in the present state it is now.

Do you think Lithuania's birth rate and emigration problem will eventually subside though?

We have seen what non white populations do to minorities living in their boarders... Imagine the whole world looking like south africa... Thats the future if we do not halt the destruction of our people.

Don't come to Norway if you plan to live here with children, the child care services will lierally steal your children and give them to some foster home that in turn get money from the government. Baltic children are very attractive to the foster homes because they look and act like Norwegian children.

you are so naive

Yeah, imagine that horror.

How does that opinion make me naive? Please tell me. And please show your geoflag.

what's wrong with controlled immigration?multiculturism may be wrong
but nothing wrong with integration

Jews are here spreading all the hate. That's just a fact.

emigration will, birth rate is a problem for all white nations, but that could also increase but it needs to change sharply, I am not that optimistic for birth rates of white countries I just see the numbers and they look bad, the degeneracy doesn't help either, but emigration has a limit, it's funny though cause countries that are even slightly better off like Estonia have very little emigration so I think if Lithuania just gets a little improvement in 5-10 years the emigration may be very small, you may even see Lithuanians returning as western europe gets worse and worse. Also no gibs in Lithuania so maybe white western europeans may move here if the eu still exists which would be ok.

detect the slav nigger living in a communal house with 10 other slav niggers, working trash jobs in norway.
it is not our fault you can't not beat and neglect your kids.

I'm Lithuanian and English (not a mutt) and was wondering about visiting Lithuania. Don't know where to go besides Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda

everyone knows this, it's literally discussed once a month on lithuanian news.

lithuanians say you want our children because you are so inbred lol

I don't know maybe nida, and then go to the national parks and lakes, Vilnius really dominates and Kaunas is also big but all the money and gibs go to Vilnius and it is way more international of a city.

What is good with controlled immigration? Answer that question first.

Integration = Multiculturalism. The word you are looking for, are assimilation. Multiculturalism may not be wrong, IT IS wrong. It divides, weakenes and destroys a nation.

But the thing is that the day Non-Europeans assimilate, it's the day when the European nation is no more. Non-Europeans will NEVER be fully assimilated in European nations. Never happened and will never happen.

Now, to your question, what is wrong with controlled immigration? Would it matter if Norway had 10000 non-European immigrants that were prohibited from racemixing with the local population? Not really. But once the non-Europeans grow to a certain amount of people, that they start to have influence, or that they affect society in a way that the native population doesn't like or are somehow affected by, then it's a problem. The number of non-Europeans in most European countries are ALREADY too high. They are already so high that our nations are divided, that people are losing trust in democracy, that people vote soley on anti-immigration issues.

And with controlled immigration I assume you mean taking smart and educated people from other countries, or skilled workers;
1. What about the brain drain from the countries they are leaving? Why shouldn't these people that want a change, stay in their country and make the change there?
2. They are ethnically not European. And they will never be. They will never fully assimilate. They compete and sometimes outcompete the native population for jobs and positions in the native people's country.

You are the naive one here.

Jeg er 99% Norsk tilbake til 1600 tallet. En tysker i 1650.

It's about money and greed and corruption

The problem will continue until the majority start accepting people for who they are. Won't ever happen though

Why should I accept people that are not my people and that are destructive towards my people, in my own native country?

Even if that is "who they are"

what negative effect did immigration had on norway?

>The funny thing is you don't match the prototype yourself
i do though

1. Huge rise in crime of all sorts. From petty theft to murder and rape.
2. Lower trust in soceity, or social capital (people see immigrants not working, not assimilating, being overrepresented as criminals, different religion, tries to change our country etc.)
3. Less democratic debate. Current government can get away with unconstitutional policies that majority of people oppose, simply because they are more strict on immigration than the opposition.
4. It has changed the demographics of Norway - which to most Norwegians is a negative thing. We do not want to be replaced. In many Schools and neighborhoods in Oslo, there are barely any Norwegians left. If there are, their kids will be attacked and bullied in School for being Norwegian.

>muh joooooz
guess how i know youre a genetic failure

Why do Communists suppor the ethnic replacement of Europeans?

Nothing in the Marxist ideology says that you should. Actually Karl Marx himself would be called a racist and fascist today.

Are Communist ideology subverted?

They're not "your people" unless you own slaves (which you probably wish you could)
I could move to your country and no one would suspect that I'm not native based on my appearance. These people are only destructive to your mental health because of a belief that brown boogeymen will breed with all your white wiminz

huge crime rate increase is due to refugees not immigrants

You've got it wrong user. most just don't care for the shit hole-ification of Western cities and governments. It's a demographic issue, in the only places we have as a home. Not everyone can be a Dolph and we understand this. It's not a visual ideal kind of thing and you sound like a fucking brainlet for even saying so desu.

Because the phenotype can't be extinguished.

Most of the Nazi Germany elite didn't look anything like the Nazi ideal set by Himmler and this didn't stop them from worshiping it regardless.

Ah, so your father and mother are not your father or mother. Your brothers are not your borthers and your sisters are not your sisters. Your friends are not your friends. You alone and an individual, don't organize.

>They're not "your people"
But they are my people.
See >I could move to your country and no one would suspect that I'm not native based on my appearance.
What is your ethnicity?

>brown boogeymen will breed with all your white wiminz
Do you seriously believe that is why we take the stances we do against immigration? Lurk more

Legal Turkish and Pakistani immigration increase crime. Children of legal immigrants are very overrepresented in crime.

funny I just finished rewatching rocky iv

if you are really having that much problem from those countries than ban those countries

I don't. I just oppose bullshit conspiracy theories that sow hatred between the poor so the rich can divide and conquer.


>this is why
>this is why
>this is why
Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself more than anyone else. All we're saying is "it's OK to be white"

>The funny thing is you don't match the prototype yourself
>heh, you aspire to ideals of platonic beauty? silly goy.. your ideal should be ugliness, filth and disease, same as the ideal of us chosen ones

We hate them because they come to our countries uninvited and we are forced to live with these useless subhumans

One day i will snap

>MFW I still see it clear as day
This isn't good.

All people are not the same because all people have certain cultures. There is absolutely nothing evil about hating some cultures. People have different tastes and preferences. The evil thing is trying to convince people they have to like people of cultures they don't like.

These are the countires where most "legal" immigration come from.

People that promote multiculturalism promotes division. They are the ones carrying out a divide and conquer agenda. Look at the world, never been further away from socialism.

what if a person is born in country whose culture he does not like.is he then just expected to stay there just because he was born there?

no they are not show me statistics

>WHY DOES Sup Forums X
WHY DOES Sup Forums X
>WHY DOES Sup Forums X
WHY DOES Sup Forums X
>WHY DOES Sup Forums X
WHY DOES Sup Forums X
>WHY DOES Sup Forums X
WHY DOES Sup Forums X
>WHY DOES Sup Forums X
Why the fuck do you keep asking?

sage this dumb shit

baka kys you're sleevs desu

Most legal non-European immigration* obviously into most of Europe. In Spain, Italy and France maybe it's North-Africans.