
why are Canadians and European cartoonist more raunchy with thier comics? Should comics be censored or should comics be left alone completely?

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Are you some kind of muslim?

French comics have always been lewd as fuck.
Even in my french classes in highschool in the book there were examples of sexual innuendos in French lmao
Oh and the illustrations wereborderline soft porn

François Walthéry's comics were the best fap material for a 12-yo boy. I got them from the library.

My mom didn't want to buy me those but my dad said it was fine.


Here's the black ones home life

Being french when you grow up is the best thing cause you watch all the old cartoons like Astérix,Tintin, Lucky Luke etc and those are og and non-jewd

Probably tbqhwy. Here's the red heads life style

There are always non-porn or lewd comics or artworks around in every culture, whether american or french.
You're just using a strawman, and we both know that's fucking idiotic.
Like there are no lewd version of american comicbook art.

3rd day in a row with this thread?
literally noone cares nigger...

We’re pretty laidback regarding sexuality. We know there are more serious issues to settle than those. No one gives a shit about Les Nombrils. It’s a bande-dessinée for teens.


this is obviously not for children... or even teens... so any arguments about this being "raunchy" or "provocative" are moot. This is an adult comic.

Boy I wish that was me

C...can I have more of these comics? I find the.... artwork very fascinating..

I grew up speaking French since I grew up in Louisiana, but we didn't have any French language cartoons or comic books or anything French for that matter. Years ago, I met some French tourists (from France) and I remember one made some sort of reference to one of those cartoons (Asterix, I think?) and I had no idea what they were talking about and they looked at me like I was crazy, how could a French speaker not know this cartoon? It really reminded that even though we share a language, there's still a huge cultural divide.

same, brother



Google "le petit spirou maitresse".


Thats the anglo effect






Are you?


that's an erotic pastiche of 'les petits hommes'

Okay its starting to get weird fucking hate you french fags


you added the mustache on Tintin
just neck yourself

Censorship is almost always a bad thing, you dumb cunt. Kys.


No, I'm against censoring cartoons.
Yeah, Pierre Seron is really good at drawing little lewd curvy girls.

top kek
Sup Forumstards worst nightmare

So whats your worst nightmare^
Not that I wouldnt fight it to my death

the thing is when you look at africans today, they are still the same as they were portrayed by Hergé back then kek

I got bad news for you user.

>white baby

I still own an old edition of Tintin au Congo


Go fuck yourself, faggot

your mom died? Damn, I'm gotta find another whore then.

I don't get it?

"I have an headache" is usually an excuse your wife would say if she doesn't want sex right now.

>lives like a nigger and the niggers live like whites
>the baby is mixed

René Goscinny est né le 14 août 1926 au 42 rue du Fer-à-Moulin dans le 5e arrondissement de Paris3. Il est issu d'une famille juive, immigrée de Pologne et d'Ukraine4.

How prevalent is French in Louisiana? I've always been interested on how it's apparently some kind of French enclave in the US but never really bothered to research it.

Often, when women dont want sexy time, they pretend to have a headache. So he tricks her by proposing aspirin.

Oh. Thank you, Frog!

everyone know that. That doesn't mean that Asterix is filled with zionist shit.

holy shit, my sides

We share the same blood, I'm 1/4 Landry and 1/4 Leblanc, all from Acadia

Thank-you too, other frog!

It isn’t. Only some artifacts leftover in state law.

Albert Uderzo is the one making the stories the jew didnt do shit



this, those comics are pathetic leftist trash

Obelix and co, a jewish album? You gotta have to explain that one, my dear friend.

>Astérix quality after Goscinny died
Uderzo should’ve quit when he was ahead

Her first kids are white, she was clearly fucked up way before fucking niggers

I used to read Gaston as a kid!

A Jew who’s also a communist?
That’s a new one.
>American sarcasm

>he think Obelix & Co is pro communism or anti capitalist.
read it again.

There are a few hundred thousand of us who still speak French, it is very prevalent depending on where you go, the majority of French speakers are concentrated in the southwest of Louisiana, it was never really widely spoken in the north or east of the state.

Also, the French is pretty different since there isn't one "French community" here, we're all different groups who speak different kinds of French. For example, I'm cajun (or Acadian, in the proper French), our people came here from Canada 300 years ago when the British expelled us, then we have the blacks who speak French, then we have the creoles who speak creole French, then we have the indigens who speak French, then we have some people who speak a French that's somewhere inbetween Frencha and creole, like a mixed language.

But yeah, it's still alive here and easy to find if you go to the right places.

Hm? Hundrends of thousands of us can speak French, the language never went away. It went away in that it isn't the language of government or administration anymore, but people still speak it.

Have a look at this video and go to 3:15, I knew this man personally and he speaks the same kind of French as my family:

I come from the Ledoux and Dugas on my mother's side, salut cousin

>Apres-Les-Profs-PEF-adapte Gaston

Nothing should be sensored nanny state cuck, moral people know right from wrong being a sheltered faggot is just as bad as being a degenerate

Yeah I know it’s chirac.
>he loses in the end
Obelix is a proto-amerishart

>french comics
>it's cuck shit

read that comic so many times as a kid

Americans draw rauncy comics too

You’re literally Native American status even in Louisiana. You’ll all be talking Spanish when Texas fills up.

Degenerates should be censored, but I doubt that french comics are that degenerate.

God bless the centres culturels français and their huge collection of French/benelux BDs.

I see. Cajun French is pretty weird, I can kinda understand the lingo but the expressions sound wrong, for some reason. Pretty anglo accent as well.

Let's just pretend that movie doesn't exist.

lmfao. That's funny shit.

holy fuck the memories
used to fantasize about that girl so much

god, this serie turned into shit.

Are cajuns redpill on blacks, etc. I hope you are all pro 2nd amendment

putain jerry


holy shit wat

Didn't read any of the newer albums. What's wrong with them?

You can already imagine the content.


All the art in this thread is terrible


Nice job posting these, i'm adding them to my collection


brutal ahhaahhahaha

T Jew

Comedy series don't exactly need realistic art, it's more important for them to look memorable.

These are really funny, i don't think just because a comic contains degenerate character's means that it's degenerate or subversive. Although i am a Canadian cartoonist so i'm biased.

Yeah, probably, but it's still alive for now.

I'm actually surprised you understand it at all, our accents and expressions are so unusual. But that is kinda heartwarming to know that people from other francophone countries can understand, makes me feel like I'm part of a big international family.

The English were cucking us so hard that all the French speakers whether white or black sort of binded together since they shared and a language and a common hatred of the English, so race relations are a bit different here. There's still crazy segregation, though, don't get me wrong, we all have our own churches for whites, creoles, blacks, indigens, ect. As far as guns, yeah, hunting and fishing is a tradition here.


