There is a solution.
We create the ethnostate, we immediately move to rescue whites in South Africa.
There is a solution.
We create the ethnostate, we immediately move to rescue whites in South Africa.
>Outside of Europe
This is not red pilled.
> two lesbian women
> gay vegan man eating fruits
> no hwite children
> drinking alcohol is denegeracy
Two friends.
Man with pro white tattoo
alcohol in moderation is not degeneracy
adults hanging out with adults is not bad.
Good bye JIDF
Just nuke the fucks before the poo in the loos sell them some
I'm all for saving south africans, but you realize white people have homelands? they are all named after the dominant ethnic group (germany, france, england) save south africa! yeah, dont save europe.
i swear to god if you fucking reply "huhuhu thurz no moar germinz left! ;-DDD" then you ARE THE PROBLEM.
>northwest front
Cringe. Stop larping.
Set them up with micro-greens and vertical farming, there is your food source for the ethnostate. Solar farming for power.
Too bad it seems they want to stay and fight though.
Imagine success
bumbing thread for more of where OP got that art from.
You missed the fighter jets on their way back from dropping napalm and poison gas on JIDF headquarters. The people in the picture are celebrating the deaths of millions of Jews at the hands of the NVA.
The biggest issue is that since the SA government supports the anti-white land grab, the US govt will probably label white protection groups and volunteers as terrorists
How big is NF in reality?
You guys seem like a meme.
Degenerate as fuck.
How come every NWF thread gets flooded with JIDF shills so quickly? Why are trhey so terrified of whites organizing for their own best interests? It's not like we're going to gas the kikes race war now, at least not yet anyway.
On the one hand I'd like to go to South Africa to kill niggers but on the other hand as soon as rugby season started I would probably hate the whites even more than I hated the blacks.
Rise and Shine
same (bump)
Here's my opinion as an individual. I grew up in the NW. I was super liberal until my early 20's, questioning everything mid 20's, turned hard right late 20's. Endlessly found things wrong here and there with how "cucked" Oregon and Washington were. Anyway, a couple years ago I had a job opportunity down here in Texas, and I took it. I was really excited to finally experience the south.
Let me tell you, the south is lost. It's absolutely slipping away. I doubt salvage is possible. The NW on the other hand is absolutely salvageable. If an honest effort was made, enough whites could move to the NW to begin changing from blue to red and then from there to the moon.
I'm moving back to the NW within the coming month, and I can't wait. I miss it. Living in little mexico here fucking blows.
>this post
you are not welcome.
Swastika? Really. You guys. Come on.
Learn from the heroes of past, dont BE the past.
You'll never get an ethnostate in the PNW, too many hardcore liberals.
A few Swastikas on Sup Forums never hurt anything. You aren't even in the PNW or active in the NWF so get a grip dude.
>pnw salvagable
>literally every other person is a faggot
Texas may be full of Mexicans, but at least they've got good work ethic and strong family values.
Mexicans are lazy and "strong family values" means they breed like rats. If they were so great Mexico would be a 1st world country. If you'd ever been there you'd know Mexicans are nigger tier for the most part.
Texas raised and have been to Mexico. I'll take Juan over the limpwristed queers in the pnw any day.
The limpwristed queers of the PNW aren't going to put up much of a fight when it comes time to evict them are they now? Shitskin detected/pinion discarded.
I think that, regardless of state, the overwhelming majority of people just go along with whatever is rightthink amongst those around them. Read Solomon Asch studies from the 1950s showing how 80% of people will disregard facts they saw with their own eyes if people around them all agree to the contrary.
Whiter than you Mohammed.
Thanks for the recommendation user, I'll look into him. I understand your pov, there's definitely a huge difference in cultural perspectives between the pnw and the south. That being said, the older your get, the more you realize how much your home has shaped and impacted your own worldview.
What makes you think being White is an "organization you manage" being White is not bounded by territory, and any ethnostate will be open to ALL of European Descent and will exist in a Ethnonation which is Universal.
White Pride World Wide
A State like Northwestern Front is as the FOUNDERS INTENDED
Weak bait.
"organization you manage"=/="active in the NWF"
Don't try putting words in my mouth or making up definitions which you don't understand.
Right. I dont understand what "active in a group" means.
The group is White.
You know what's funny about this exchange we're having user? Were we to cross paths irl, we'd probably get along swimmingly well.