Why is Sup Forums (and Sup Forums) so right wing?
I'm not asking for an explanation of your opinions, talking about from more of a meta perspective.
Why is Sup Forums (and Sup Forums) so right wing?
I'm not asking for an explanation of your opinions, talking about from more of a meta perspective.
Alienation drives dissenting views underground.
Because the left wing has become politically correct?
cry moar, faggot
You have to go back
>libs litterally controll all social networks
> silence and ban right wing rhetoric
Where else would we fucking go?
Because we're always right.
>Sup Forums
>right wing
You have to go back.
I believe in the welfare state provided it's homogeneous.
Is that right wing?
If you can't bully people into compliance they are suddenly not so leftist anymore.
Because niggers, jews, and faggots.
This is one of the few places left that isnt censored.
I think Sup Forums has always been sort of "counter-culture." What is happening is that it's considered counter-culture to promote traditional morality and decency. Sup Forums as a whole is just be contrarian as always, but it's really a sign of the times that we're living in.
because most of us come here as a refuge from the incessant onslaught of the Left in all media and most academia and most government
Unironically this.
it's the opposite of right wing; left wing is government dependence and right wing is freedom
because facts don't care about your feelings and Sup Forums really doesn't give a shit about your feelings hence we love facts. facts and truth are tenets of conservative mindsets.
The absolute anonymity means that people don't hold back their opinions for the sake of retaining their reputation. Naturally the most extreme opinions would be attracted to this place, and the far-right won because it's the most correct. Extremists of the other varieties all rely on social shaming and beheading.
Because we are those who were thrown out of various sites
The free speech
Leftism cant survive open debate. Hence all the censorship
Libertard detected.
autists have superior pattern recognition and little social filter
>hmmm, it seems like more crimes are committed by this group, why is that
>hmmm, i notice this ((group)) is disproportionately powerful, why is that
>i'm not supposed to talk about it? why should some facts be ignored because others find them hurtful?
It's also kinda this. On social media when your name and face is attached to your posts, you have an obligation to protect your reputation, which usually results in people jumping on bandwagons of what everyone else is saying, and appealing to emotion to get "likes" on their posts. But here, you're anonymous, so none of that works here, and it's easier to see through that kind of thing.
It's not surprising. When the silenced majority are allowed to express themselves freely, this is what you get.
People at the margin of society hold non-centrist views, who could have thought
Because we don't buy bullshit narratives before they get tested in this court of public autismic opinion. Only the best explanations, questions, and bantz survive
unmoderated free speech always ends up being conservative.
"liberalism" requires enforcement by authorities
idiot detected
Hey newfag. Lurk more before posting.
the overton window has shifted. opinions that leftists would consider you a nazi for, would have been considered moderate views back then.
Im left wing, i just hate the modern left so id rather associate with far right and nazis over having to talk to the trannys, sluts and fags that make up the left. The best thing the right has is bro culture, can actually talk about shit without niggers, feminists ans trannys making the conversation about themselves. Honestly Sup Forums has made me much less of a progressive.
Breakdown of Sup Forums:
65% incel
25% retard
10% intellectual
The incel and retard population combine to make Sup Forums 90% right wing.
Fuckk off nigger
another idiot is heard from
take it up with Kung Fu Tzu, aka Confucius, who stated that there are two kinds of people in the world; one useless group who has to exert power over others in order to survive, and one group that wants to be left alone.
the former is the Left, and the latter is the Right
>using the world incel unironically
you have to go back
shut up shitskin
No censorship, anonymity. This is gonna sound really really gay but to put it in once sentence, the silent right with a voice
one sentence* fuck
Anywho, other forums (and even game communities) with little to no censorship tend to turn right wing too
You forgot the obnoxious reddit tier liberals who think insults will change minds because they project their own weak character onto everyone else. People like you easily make up 5% of this board. There were more of you but i think they died during their sex reassignment surgeries.
seems rather diverse to me.
Fuck off newfags.
We are largely anarchist.
Take your own advice
>One dimensional politics
You're fucking retarded.
>Why is Sup Forums (and Sup Forums) so right wing?
It started with Sup Forums, you shouldn't have messed with videogames user.
>accepting redditor fags because their sub was purged
You fuck off as well.
I wouldnt say anarachists but most outside of natsoc are for smaller government for sure.
What the fuck is a incel?
Because it's the ideology that won most arguments.
Thats obviously not true since i just told you to fuck off, gotta learn to read better.
Extreme free speech leads to truth, as it should
Involuntarily celebate, its just an evolution of the "youre a virgin if you dont agree with me" argument.
Because people aren't censored.
The left, which largely overlaps with the elite, controls media and academia, strangling any dissenting views by claiming to be more qualified to propound opinions. This sets up an antithesis in populism, which denies that qualifications matter in democracy or that the sanctioned opinion of the elite-controlled media is better than the common sense of the people. The elite have colonized the left, so popular opinion in reaction swings right. It could easily have gone the other way, as it has in many countries. Since the elite have the mainstream media on lockdown, the populist right finds its voice in decentralized, democratic media like the interwebz. In short, Sup Forums is the voice of the people, and the people are right-wing because the elite are left-wing.
Why is Sup Forums worth visiting? I'm waiting for an answer
Because they tried to be left and it sucked major ass
because contrarian
Because there is no censorship. Websites with no censorship would make the whole internet more right wing. Now maybe not as extreme but it would definitely make things a lot more unbiased towards the left.
>Thats obviously not true
What in the fuck are you talking about, retard?
No. End all welfare, both domestic and foreign. Let thr unfit starve and stop supporting their breeding habits at the expense of productive taxpayers.
You can pretend to be someone you aren't on Sup Forums since no one holds a continuous identity unless they want to. This helps when you need a strawman to deride your opponents supposed positions, or allows you to argue disingenuously to your hearts content because you never have to own your positions and prior statements made previously; you can pretend to hold any position convenient at the time and never have to worry about being called out on it. This helps breed an echo chamber where you accept flimsy evidence as 'fact', hence why conspiracies are so common on this board as well. The echo chamber then becomes self-perpetuating, where you can ironically state you like free speech while also supporting positions or ideologies (authoritarianism) that brought about people like hitler, stalin, or other dictatorships.
Any online forums with less moderation become right wing, any online forums with a lot of moderation become left wing.
In a field of ideas without suppression, freedom reigns as a value.
Also we can't say nigger anywhere else.
No one cares, stay or leave
Currently most of the censorship on internet is done by thinskinned left-leaning individuals.
>Let the unfit starve
Crude Social Darwinism has no place among my extended family.
Good luck with yours.
this. Sup Forums was always saying nigger and shit, but loved drugs/sex so was liberal for the most part. But when the left got so crazy calling the right nazis it was an opportunity to good to pass up.
I think we all just like seeing people overreact
Why not? Leftism has nothing to offer to young white males
for now, it is.
>People at the margin of society
What do you think it is, 2007? Sup Forums has been a normie board for a long time now.
Because 90% of Sup Forums are rejects who dont fit in rational society and retarded views like the ones the right hold only really manifest themselves in the social rejects
I'm an independent. Sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right. I wanna fire up the ovens for the modern left though.
Decent niggers, chinks, spics and others who are already here should be allowed to stay in our countries (I'm English, not Peruvian) as long as they behave themselves. What we need are severe limits on the amount of non whites we have in our countries so they can't gang up on us.
Right is right, left is wrong, everybody knows it
Why does every single competitive online clan turn literally right wing protectionist in minutes?
>guarding their coulours
>guarding and protecting their name like hawks
>in-group preference
>hardcore we vs them thinking even among "allies"
>super restrictive joining policy
>would rather go down in flames then ask anyone for help that doesn't belong to the clan or a very closely guarded and hand picked "alliance"
Why does any website/community that is not heavily censored/moderated tends to go hard right?
pic. related
Because here you can say what you think (and elsewhere you can't)
Because like minded people seek each other out
Post quality is what stands good arguments beat weak ones and become memes that, while esoteric, convey a winning idea clearly and virally.
We don't do msm,so we are not indoctrinated in their bias.
And if we're old and/or experienced, and do self examination,we watch for bias in ourselves
Bullshit. Far-right used to be on Stormfront, but they organized and shilled here until over half of the newfags got brainwashed and most of the original users moved to /leftypol/.
because with free speech the truth can come forth.
Personally I come here because there are very few places and people that I know of in who's presence talking logically (or atleast attempting to talk logically) about politics/philosophy/religion is possible without ending up with someone throwing a fit or sperging out and the whole thing blowing up in your face.
While you can still receive dopamine hits from fishing for (you)s, it's not associated with your real name and Anons don't know who other Anons are. Facebook, Twitter, etc allow permanent attribution to your real name. Much easier to virtue signal and get those sweet sweet likes that give succor in the form of dopamine. People here like having privacy and feel shame and are cautious about attributing their most taboo thoughts to their real name. They are here to explore these thoughts and have fun that comes at the expense of others. Thoughts that cannot be explored without social ostracization on other platforms.
tl;dr - It's the same underlying personality differences that can be generalized for Left/Right political differences.
>t. revisionist
Because we aren’t mentally ill and retarded
yep. this is the right answer.
relatively nonexistent censorship, relative anonymity INVARIABLY LEADS TO right-wing (aka logical) views. when logic/rational debate reign, you go hard right.
5-10 years ago, you would be berated for merely suggesting to have sex for the sake of procreation. The only thing that was unacceptable were furries and ponies. You people are fine with both, as was proven by /mlpol/. Prove me wrong, faggot.
Because leftists are mostly irrational stupid creatures, that believe and promote nothing but lies. They are tools of the Jews, and ultimately evil.
Because we are on the internet, the place of truth and fact. Everything on the internet eventually reaches the fact equilibrium, even in spite of lefties trying to knock it back to leftism.
Basically, the internet is a place for freedom and truth. That's also why you're seeing more and more libertarians.
bronies were so despised an hated they are banned from every board on 4ch. what the fuck are you talking about retard?
Your “extended family” will be replaced by immigrants.
if you actually study this kinda thing youll find out that any internet community that has little to no moderation of ideas or comments always leans right wing. only communities with heavy moderation are left wing because the mods censor the comments or ban users with right wing views. this has been going on for years. welcome to the internet i guess.
Which is obviously why Sup Forums has this logo.
Because we see the world as it is, not as they want us to see it.