Temperatures are reaching far below zero in most of Europe .. So where has global warming suddenly gone ?
Also I hope a lot of 'refugees' freeze to death
Temperatures are reaching far below zero in most of Europe .. So where has global warming suddenly gone ?
Also I hope a lot of 'refugees' freeze to death
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Not to sound stupid, but doesn't global warming increase extreme weather conditions.Also a European making a thread like this, what a treat.
The Climate bullshit just shifts around as it gets shown to be wrong over and over.
Was cooling then warming, now it is just mysterious change, maybe next it will be climate stability..
>I don't understand the theory so I'll straw man it hoping retards buy it
it's not global warming retard
its climate change.
We are going to have more extreme weather. SUPER HOT spell and Crazy Cold winters and uneven season.
go fuck yourself you dutch cunt. Don't you have some tulips to sell?
global warming means the earth is getting warmer.. Warmer in summer , warmer in winter due to allegedly man made causes etc.. However that is not the case right now.
>Before the Ice Age, we wuz Kangfishers and shieet.
Global warming is a tax scam by kikes to fund jewish companies.
Invisible problem that's hard to truly measure, new market no one is in. Grants thrown all over to tackle this nonexistent problem.
In the 1970s we had overpopulation.. In the 1980/90s acid rain in the 2000s it was global warming.. and now it's climate change I guess ?
It’s climate change because you retards got it wrong the first time. Instead of admitting you’re wrong you changed the name.
Drumpth BTFOOO
this shit gets shot down every decade and you faggots just keep rerolling its name like we dont know its the same bullshit
That is global warming, global warming causes rapid climate change. Some places will get warmer, some colder, the equator will remain more or less the same but have to deal with more storms such as hurricanes. Most of North America above Virgina will start getting longer and colder winters, similar to alaska.
hope you saved some rare feather.
>you retards got it wrong the first time
The first time, they said global cooling.
Then it became global warming.
Then it became "climate change" because the name makes no claim of anything and yes of course climates change, EVERYBODY KNOWS CLIMATES CHANGE YOU SCIENCE DENIER.
It's also too late to recycle
False, you faggots said this before you said it would only get warmer, make up your mind, hoaxing fuck.
You don't know the meaning of cold, dumb euroniggers
Lmfao... Stupid goy op. He still thinks we are doing the global warming thing. Uhhhh, that is like, so 2 seasons ago you faggot goyim. We are on that global climate change tip right now g-sauce! If this cold shit keeps up, we are going to go back to that supz cool retro 70s style impending manmade iceage shit too. Listen, whatever we decide just know that you better stfu and like it, or you're a fucking racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, islamaphobic, anti-Semite (wrap you're stupid goy head around those last 2), science denying, gun and bible clinging, literal Hitler, trumotard, bigot.
Secondly, whatever we decide is happening to the climate, it is your fault. White people. Just you. Specifically white males, and specifically white conservative males. Just you. You did this to the world!!!! How could you! Think of the children!
It's a polar vortex shift moron. The north of Greenland is warmer than the Netherlands right now - and there's no sunlight at all.
It's probably an anomaly, but doesn't prove anything for or against your pet theory.
In the 70's-80's they called it global cooling. They created a fear campaign and got all their blank checks for research. The same research by all the same groups over and over again. And when they exhausted that fear campaign for checks, it turned into global warming. With a new fear campaign and a new round of blank checks. Now, we are at climate change as a way for """researchers""" to all do the same studies over and over again while actually doing nothing to combat these problems they speak of.
will birb okay?
>climate stability
Would you like to play a meme?
It's always been a hoax. Ice Age, Global Warming, Climate Change......billions of dollars. Billions.
There's a difference between weather and climate
dont worry its just hibernating
It is. But it is also highly symbolic.
>carbon tax
Gee, It's almost as if science corrected itself as it makes new discoveries. Kys retard
>climate stabilizes
>get charged a climate stability tax anyways
Just can't win, goys !
>So where has global warming suddenly gone ?
what do ISIS and global warming have in common?
When you vote democrats out of the white house., they both disappear
we also exhale carbon dioxide so in principle they want to tax you to breath
reminder nature produces more carbon than we do
It slept away.
(((Carbon tax)))
>So where has global warming suddenly gone ?
It hasn't gone. When I was a kid we used to have actual winters here in Sweden these days it's more like an English atumn. Sure January-March can sometimes have some snow and cold but in the olden days the snow and cold used to come in November or December.
Lel, fuck fairbanks.
t. Anchorage mongrel
just saw on the news couple of days ago, two refugees froze and drowned on separate occasions when trying to cross our boarder river.. god damn stupid fucks. i want them to turn around not go and die in a freezing river.
ive talked to plenty of these refugees, they all came here based on illusions and now they mostly hate it here. either they are totally fucked, no money no place to stay.. or they work and hate it because they are lazy fucks and are used to sit around all day and not dig up trenches like they have to here. lots of the are warning all their brothers from coming to eu because they had it better at home. stupid fucking fucks, cant you fucking make sure where you are going is really the fairy tale they are trying to sell you
This erratic weather provides the perfect opportunity to get some extra sleep. Speaking of which.... YAWN... Best listen to the (((Pope))) and bin those recyclables... Time to catch up on some shut-'eye.'
Yes, see Encino Man.
there are only a certain number of Fahrenheits allotted in the biosphere they simply redistribute
If global warming is real why is there 3 inches of snow outside my house with -5 temperature.
Is the icebird ok?
>Temperatures are reaching far below zero in most of Europe
It's called GLOBAL warming, European temperature don't mean shit
no it froze to death
they're called "ijsvogeltjes" over here for a reason.
The relationship between temperatures goes kind of like [hot] --->[cold] but also follows air pressure when it comes to the atmosphere; a lot of the freak cold is coming as a result of a weakening jet stream which allows polar air to "leak" out of its containment zone, noted by the correlated rise in arctic temps.
As much as people want to believe cold weather equals no global warming, the planet is just not that simple.
Screened porches probably kill more hummingbirds than global warming
Don't forget global cooling and the ozone hole.
I heard some explanation from some twat in media saying the warming pauses for some years now.
>weather is climate
Kankermongool detected
All of you are either trolling or are complete retards
The term global warming came never into dis-use. Pic related is a random recent example. Just go to any relevant scientific journal and type "global warming" into the search bar and you will find dozens and dozens of instances.
Scientists never played semantic games to deceive people - you're confusing that with conservative climate 'skeptics'. Franz Lunz explicitly advised conservatives to use "climate change" instead of "global warming" because use of the former invoked much less concern in his polls than the latter.
You have to go back to Morocco
When i grew up i played in snow all winter long with my bros.
Idkw whats happening but iv noticed my country doesnt have winter anymore and its been like this for past 4,5 yrs or even more.
no snow, no sub zero temperatures only rain.
>Summers are longer and spand well into fall
>There is no fall or spring anymore
>There is no winter anymore, only minor cold days with snow like these for 1 week then its all back to 10,15 c
Call it what you want but something is causing the change for sure.
Eh, guess it balances out. Winters where I am have been consistently worse. In fact, there's a snow storm outside right now.
>brainwashed german
How original.
Globaly maybe, localy its fcked up.
Gib back my winter buger, now !
Global warming is all apart of the jewish agenda
you're conflating Climate Politics and Climate Science, a common trick of the Climatic Jew.
In Climate Politics, it went from Global Chilling, to Global Warming, to Global Weirding (no shit, google the term), finally coming to rest at "Global Climate Change" because the term sounds scary yet lacks any concrete implications whatsoever.
Haven't you ever seen that movie with John Cusack, it gets really really hot (which it has) then it gets really really cold and a new ice age begins.
That should clear this up for you, Ivan.
Utter fucking retard. It's like saying, well it's called hamburger so it must be made of ham. You can debate whether man's influence is affecting the change in climate but just because some areas are getting colder doesn't mean climate change is a myth. Read about how melting ice caps from increased temperature ruin the ocean conveyor and how that can make certain places colder before you open your big dumb mouth
kingfisher noooooooooo
this, I took a geoscience course at Penn State in 2005 and the professor said we're going to enter a period of global cooling
who would win?
>people who've spent their whole lives studying an issue make an educated conclusion about something
>people who use caveman logic to explain the phenomena around them
I think the reason people even denie global warming is because the right would have to admit that businesses are causing it and that the government has to do something about it.
Just forget about our huge fuck ups that put deep fear into people totally changing their lives :)
>Niet begrijpen wat klimaat is.
Hoe is het daar op vmbo-b?
The incalculable amount of variables which factor into climate are impossible for us to comprehend much less measure, disseminate and discern each influence with every other corresponding variable affected. It is closer to chaos than picking out a handful of environmental flags and stating such a blanket explanation as fact.
Even the simplest of processes become near chaotic when examined in ever increasingly smaller scale much less planetary. Improvements in data collection with disregard to localized environmental and topographic variables (changed or underreported), coupled with the sheer amount of data collected for comparison antiquates previous data in scope and methodology.
Climatology is political party, which explains the wildly unreasonable reaction to qualified dissension in peer review, refusal of data sharing and dismissal of the need for reproduction when errors and falsifications are present. If it had remained in the scientific realm, it would still be called Meteorology. That every climatologist concurs, what they were taught and are now teaching is fact, means nothing. Experimenter bias can be attributed to much more than a salary in the prestige of fronting humanity saving research in our dire final hour, receiving awards and accolades and earning a prominent place in the regulatory behemoth established to counter the contrived results before they show no fruition. It might just focus data gathering at predetermined locations of concentrated production of the conformational data required.
The embedded politics are on display when all importance is placed on halting progress and limiting freedoms instead of countering the perceived effects through their own means of collection, disposal, or production of whatever they imagine will balance things out.
If man's influence on climate change was correctly represented as a hypothesis, it would not currently be the basis for the regulatory systems being devised, causing apoplectic opposition to the devastating economic ramifications and repression of civil liberties. Then research with the removal of politics being of foremost prominence in the exclusion of experimental bias would ensure the integrity of the studies and true consensus can be found.
Snowing here. Good thing is that niggers are no longer begging in front of supermarkets entrance.
Al 21 jaar geen 11 steden tocht.
who would win?
>Keeping your easy ass job
>Admitting that you cant predict shit
>"It's cold outside because of the global warming."
>"Oh, is it hot outside? Told ya global warming is real"
Every scientifical fag in recorded history
In the winter, it is called climate.
During a typical summer heat wave, it is called global warming.
Meanwhile the extinction event asteroids are whizzing by every day and the volcanoes are building up pressure.
Picture of how Korea will solve the debate.
First of all, look at this winter's average temperatures for the northern hemisphere. It's funny that OP, like a typical uneducated Yurocuck, doesn't know that Europe has had a warmer than average winter this year thus far. Most days have been WARMER than average, not colder. Look at the data. In North America we have also for the most part had a WARMER than average winter, with record colds in some areas, yes, but the majority of days have been ABOVE AVERAGE winter temperatures.
>Warmer- and wetter-than-average conditions affected much of Europe during January 2018. This was the SECOND WARMEST JANUARY, behind 2007, since continental records began in 1910. Austria and France had their wettest January since 1982 and 1959, respectively.
>Warmer-than-average conditions plagued much of the western half of the contiguous U.S., while the eastern half had near- to cooler-than-average conditions. Nine states across the West had a top 10 warm January.
Only literal brainlets and fossil fuel shills deny that humans are inducing changes on our climate. We are literally terraforming our own planet with our activities.
tl;dr - read the actual data. Don't live in a bubble, WHERE YOU LIVE IS NOT THE ENTIRE WORLD. Your entire argument is the equivalent of "Wow, it's cold in my refrigerator, so much for global warming!"
>Look goy, there are 4 degrees Celsius at Svalbard isles, must surely be climate change
>last time it happened was in the 50ies
WTF, seriously WTF
That is not at all what they had been saying. I'm not sure where this "no, no, we will have longer and colder winters." meme came from. Show me articles from BEFORE we had colder winters saying this.
Also, no one thinks it's weird that suddenly the sun is cooling is also a thing being said?
a really cold winter will be followed by a real hot summer.
Extinction event asteroids aren't "whizzing by every day," and in the past few hundred million years there have only been a small amount of impacts, only 2 of them are hypothesized to be extinction level events, and only one are we certain was even an impact event (the KT extinction that wiped out the large non-avian dinosaurs).
So no, asteroids are not zipping by Earth every single day, that's blatantly false.
Secondly, on volcanoes, take it from an actual geologist who has studied volcanology, Earth WILL have more supermassive volcanic eruptions in the future, but as of right now there's no significant threats, and things like Yellowstone are overblown and overstated. I mean if you look at the volcanic history of Earth we have had many super-massive volcanic events in the past, some triggered by impact events, but most of these volcanic events occurred over thousands / tens of thousands / millions of years of eruption activity, not just one big explosive eruption. Events like Tambora for example have been observed in history and had global climate impacts temporarily, causing volcanic winter. More recently in 1991 Mt. Pinatubo caused a reduction in global average temperature through its eruption.
Overall however, volcanoes are NOT the drivers of the current temperature trend, see pic related. Humans are emitting exponentially more GHG into the atmosphere compared to volcanoes.
Also worth mentioning events like Toba which occurred around 75,000 years ago and may have been so catastrophic an eruption that it reduced human populations quite a lot.
Having colder winters is related to weakening of the jet stream, which is a known impact of larger temperature gradients in the northern hemisphere. These extreme cold spouts are because the jet stream is becoming more "bent" which makes it easier for arctic air masses to penetrate into places like North America, and makes it easier from cold air from Siberia to penetrate easterly into western Europe.
Solar activity is down, and so less energy is reaching Earth, which creates global cooling currently.
Global cooling reduces the amount of wind streams, so weather regions stay stable for a long time, creating pockets of either too hot or too cold weather
Prove me wrong
>1. There is a nonnegotiable lack of predictability of a hyper complex and non linear system. You just can't there is too much variables.
>2. All the climate models leave out key variables because they can't measure them or they fuck up their models so they leave them out.
>3. How the fuck do you even validate a your model if your numbers arent complete and even if they are complete perfectly accurate. Note point 1.
>4. All the previous models over valued CO2 as a warmer. CO2 is over hyped
>5. The sea floor is sinking
TSI (Total Solar Irradiance) has decreased, yes, but it's not that significant, and the Earth continues to warm despite decreased solar activity in the past few decades, curious right? That's because it's caused by anthropogenic activity and release of CO2 into the atmosphere.
And no, we're not under "global cooling" conditions, that's blatantly false.
It's just funny, because there's so many types of climate change denial, and one of the most popular ones is that the warming trend we're experiencing is due to an increase in solar activity or "it's the sun!" when the data we have on TSI shows that there is less today than there was in the past few decades, yet the planet keeps having warmer global average temperatures almost every year, with new records being broken all the time.
They don't callit global warming anymore, it's called climate change, because temps were dropping. Their original idea of green house effect was btfo'd when researchers discovered green houses were hot because no air circulation, so changed to global warming, then researchers couldn't ignore fact temps were decreasing in parts of world, so change name to climate change. It's bullet proof, because the climate is always changing naturally, we live on dynamic planet. Now even any natural climate change can be attributed to (((climate change))).
in the movie the Day After Tomorrow it was like that.
Global warming caused the gulf stream to change and that caused a ice age in the northern half
>dumb roastie walking her doggo on solid ice
poor pupper's paws must be freezing. Why aren't women capable of empathy?
Weather is not climate.
That being said see pic, previous interglacials were significantly warmer than it is currently, Greenland and Antarctica didn't melt then either.
Even this interglacial was warmer during the Holocene climate optimum a few thousand years ago.
Increased co2 is a good thing, the planet has greened significantly in the past 50 years. Why do you think greenhouses pump co2 in?? The optimum for plants is 1000ppm (currently just over 400).
Fight me.
Complete retard. Shows what your average denier cuck actually knows about the history of climate science. FYI buddy, the term "climate change" has been used for decades, see pic related from 1975 for example.
>Their original idea of green house effect was btfo'd when researchers discovered green houses were hot because no air circulation
Are you actually retarded, or just this uneducated / ignorant?
> so changed to global warming,
False, see above.
>then researchers couldn't ignore fact temps were decreasing in parts of world, so change name to climate change. It's bullet proof, because the climate is always changing naturally, we live on dynamic planet. Now even any natural climate change can be attributed to (((climate change))).
Literal fucking brainlet. Of course climate is always changing, I'm a geologist, I've studied paleoclimatology and I know a lot about atmospheric science, climate has of course always changed and only a brainlet would say otherwise. That doesn't change the fact that what we're experiencing right now in terms of the Earth's climate IS ANTHROPOGENICALLY DRIVEN. We have empirical evidence to back up this statement, it is not nothing, only a literal brainlet who's never read an actual piece of scientific literature believes otherwise.
So many fucking brainlets, dunning-kruger know nothings that you know EVERYTHING when the reality is you're just another fucking ignorant twat shitposting about things he knows nothing about.
>averages invalidate extremes when analysing data
you have never taken a class in the shit you just wrote a text wall about.
lrn2observe and analyse data faggot
Yeah it is retard
Have you seen the temperatures in northern norway and and further north?
Its one thing to not care about climate change, i do not. But denying it is happening is completely fucking retarded. It is being willfully stupid.
Increase extreme conditions, you say? Finnish are destined rulers of extreme conditions.
>Be Finnish
>Go to Sauna
>It's kinda warm in here, I have to get some beer :D
>Go outside naked
>Dig snow until you find your house
>Get a beer from fridge
>Go back to sauna to boil your skin off
that's a kingfisher, also known as the ice bird
Yes global warming accounts for anything anyone feels is not normal, at anytime.
Yes and your (((climate science))) in 1975 hypothesized that the earth was COOLING at an unfavourable rate. Were they right then? If not why shouldn't the same skeptical eye be cast on (((climate experts))) now?
inb4 some shit about how global cooling was never a thing. My parents remember watching the news and reading articles in the papers in the 70s and 80s about how they were going to need to teach their kids how to cross-country ski because it was going to get so cold in the UK.
Problem only in white goy countries