How to solve world hunger?
How to solve world hunger?
>inb4 30billion to end world hunger meme
Let 'em starve.
Ach Bernd.
Rumble in the Jungle
India vs. China and the war will be held in Africa.
If only we could invent a food additive that sterilized people who ate it. We could offload boatloads of food to feed african children, and solve all of the problems in Africa in less than a decade.
>Launch all worlds nukes at Africa
>solve world hunger, overpopulation and the nuclear tension
>whites in radsuits can mine diamonds and oil
Those people must undergo a dramatic cultural change
As it is, they pump out far more children than they can feed. If all that happens is they suddenly have enough food that no child starves, those children that would have died will instead grow up to breed at the exact same rate as their parents, and in a generation they'll be right back to the same rates of starvation, this time with higher numbers of dead children.
They must change their ways. Wether we should wait and leave them to do so themselves or step in and enforce it is an ethics debate of its own.
That's actually very possible.
>stop giving any kind of welfare
>stop collecting taxes or at least cut them to the minimum
>let the useless starve and natural selection act for 4 generations
Have you seen Utopia by Channel 4? They explore that concept in depth
kill all the rich people and overthrow the government, we will have to dismantle capitalism because its not profitable.
cannibalism, it will solve the overpopulation as well
i'm african and it's sad to say this, but you guys shouldn't do anything. Some questions/problems are unsolvable
Shut the fuck up you nigger
> Canadian flag
> I am african
what a shocker
stop feeding them, enact birth policies.
Eventually they will die off a point where the available resources are enough to keep the remaining in good health.
then you expand local agriculture to keep up with demand.
breaking the birth policies will result in an abortion and both guilty parties being rendered sterile, obvious exceptions for both male and female rape victims.
seriously if they cant learn how to fucking feed themselves, then we will have to teach them, or let them die, we cant just fucking perform CPR every time they flatine
Feed them the jews.
>meme flag
> implying i need to prove anything
Sieg Heil !
Gas the kikes.
solve it by taking no action.
Hardcore asceticism
Birth control in africa
Kill all the poorfags.
>If only we could invent a food additive that sterilized people who ate it.
What about just not sending shit to apefrica?
Birth control.
stop giving aid, aids already is there to solve the problem already. The rest the Gates foundation will finish off.
Stop redistributing wealth by force. The stupid die out or work for the smart, and don't have enough resources to have too many kids, so the population levels go to a sustainable level, greatly decrease world hunger because everyone lives within their means.
The rich have more kids and teach them to also make good decisions, and the population becomes smarter and better cared for overall.
There will always be tiers, but free market decides where people end up and even the poorest and dumbest have decent conditions and lives
we wait and stop helping them with gibs
some untermenschen will sooner or later do that anyway so there has to be another way
Probably be best to just pay the stupid to get sterilized - becuase the stupid will breed regardless of resource constraint and starvation, and inevitably some sympathetic smart people will donate money to keep the stupid alive..
Gas Jews
build awall around africa.
nuke pajeetistan.
Send in Bill Gates with the vaccines.
>The stupid die out
>The rich have more kids
It's simply not true. What happens in reliaty:
> a 70 IQ nigger lives in a dilapidated shack that he heats by burning trash and feeds his 5 children the cheapest food he can find
>a rich whitey has one child and says he doesn't feel like having more
World hunger was "solved" 3 times already in the past and yet niggers are still starving.
It is impossible to feed them because they will always just grow their population sustainable no matter what.
It'll be 30 billions a week, goy. Food gets bad one day.
You don't want to poor african children to starve, right?
this, lets mass donate bottles of soylent
The Africans will force migrate to wherever there is free food and everything else. The sterilization food won't work either. They won't eat it. They burn the GMO seeds because they think the protective coating on them is witch craft. If you want to sterilize niggers you need to put it in a stimulant. Something strong cheap and addictive. Preferably something you smoke.
kill all hungry people.
This. Problem solved.
This, Eugenics doesn't have to be cruel.
Let them starve then there won’t be hungry people.
Make soylebt green out of the fattest ones to feed the skinniest. Rinse and repeat until no more hungry people :D
Let all the niggers in Africa starve.
Let all colored pieces of shit from shithole countries starve.
50% of humanities problems are now solved.
Gibs link, I want to donate
>all food aid given is soy
>all kaffer turn gay
>No more reproduction and aids infects entire continent
>no more kaffer
Let nature run it's cores