What language should the EU adopt post Brexit?

It is either French or German and German seems to be more widespread.

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>third most spoken second

nicht sehr... impressive

but i don't wanna learn arabic

I take that back. It is impressive

German is third most spoken second language - in Germany? What does that mean?

and this?

The third most spoken second language in Germany is German? It's really going downhill

i noticed that, i assumed the picture was just wrong


French or G*rman. Everyone learns one of the languages in school. No?

It's not wrong, it's because of all the migrants.

It says so in the asterix footnote

Nah you could learn Russian instead, which most pupils do

Young people here don't speak German anymore. People over 50 years are pretty fluent in it, but all teenagers fucking hate it, since it is not useful, unlike English.

Oh. It's not everywhere.

Oh look, another divide and conquer thread. Fuck off.

In France English is the mandatory second language in most schools, except along the borders. After English most kids will pick Spanish because it's easier than German. Some schools don't teach German at all because it wasn't popular.

Whoops, wrong thread.

What is Ireland's first and second language?

god damn, so german isn't even the first or second most spoken second language? what are they learning instead, english?

Why not just speak Arabic since the tide is changing?

Haha you'll be speaking wahabi soon you clowns. Good luck Poland and hungry

Don't even know what wahahabi is. Can you teach us Mohammed?

Many Portuguese can't speak Spanish. You will probably find more people speaking English than Spanish.

If it was the second most spoken language that would mean that more people would not have German as their mother tongue. So at least German is "only" the third most spoken second language.

But you're right, many immigrants don't even bother to learn German, they speak broken English and enjoy their gibs.

>Second most spoken language in Spain:Spannish
>Third most spoken language in Germany:German
Second most spoken language in England:England
Hold up

this obviously

I'd assume 1 & 2 are English and French.

Yeah, Hans. I can see how that will go down very well.

German, like Europe should have done 75 years ago.

Arabic, of course.

French language is a fucking joke, it reminds me so much of danish. Both languages have morphed because people are choking on so much dick that they stop pronouncing words properly. German is better than english, mostly because english is a mutt language with more exceptions than there are words.

Binland, no one would understand anyone

Not sure what your point is. There are 3 working lamguages in the EU, all legal documents are equally valid in these 3 languages - English, French and German. All other translations into Slovak or Swedish or Italian are convenience translations.

Following Brexit, why should English remain one of the three main languages?

> جيرمانز تعلم اللغة الألمانية كلغة ثانية

Why is german second in Germany?

Ideal tier: Latin
Not ideal, but practical and still patrician tier: German
Shit globalist pidgin tier: English

>German is a second language in Germany


Long story short germany has twice as much crime per capita, but 25% fewer murders.

So no, guns do not kill people.

30% of australians speak english as a second language. the next highest number is mandarin - 2.5%


Unironically Polish

>German third most spoken language in Germany

top kek


Just keep English since we all understand it and will make it easier to get what the goys in Brussels are doing.
Most of the guys here just speak 1 or 2 languages, so dont start larping as poliglots and saying that German would be better. English is a good language because its the simplier. Thats it.

English (European form)

That's not even close to true. Who speaks German here? There's not exactly an influx of Gerry at the moment is there. Lies to get a new eu language

At least French is spoken elsewhere in the world. Why would you doom the competitiveness of the eu for stupid pride
You lot are meant to love the fucking thing

The uk gets Africans and Arabs with English as their 2nd language
Ireland is getting French Africans

Spain is getting south americans. You get it?

Old Church Slavonic

Old church slavonic it is!

You can switch to urdu or pashtu in the meantime.

Nice try, Hans.

You do know "spoken" is a bit of a stretch and it's mostly the american type right?

>post brexit
Sorry Nigel, you have no voice anymore.

>can speak

Well fuck

if you think even with us out of the EU you are going to stop speaking english all of a sudden, you're being naive.

As if you could ever escape our influence. It's the only logical choice.


>No say Nigel
>Types post in English

Almost like English is the international language. I figure a globalist would've known that.

Where do you think you are?

nobody speaks english since brexit, faggot, I can't even understand what you typed

Better start learning Hans

>German is the third most spoken language in Germany
And I thought Sweden was cucked

lol, barely anyone in Italy can hold or understand even basic english conversations, I have severe doubts about that percentage, it may be true for big cities dwellers, which is probably where they acquired the data

>why would he respond to an Englishman in English????????
For the same reason why I'm talking to you in American, friendo.
You're uneducated and unable to speak any other human language
>inb4 mexican spanish
I said human.

Obviously spanish.

German sounds like you are yelling at people and french it's just faggy.

Trade with america and sheit, at least it's a continental european language

Hungarian, because it is gender neutral.

Had to learn Greek and Latin, shouldn't be that hard.

we're getting a little bit of everything, john

>self reported
Why isn't England 100% lmao

95+ is literally anywhere between 95 and 100

>Ireland is getting French Africans
Ireland's black population is decreasing.

i cant even off myself cause i dont have a gun to do it


For many in Spain, spanish/castilian is their second language, if you are born in a catalan/valencian/balearic, basque or galician family chances are that is the case.

Yeah, even 25% is a stretch. Maybe 25% in cities.

French obviously lol

Because it's the most universally spoken language

>third most spoken second language in the Eu by countries
>Germany: German

Ouch...warum merkst du dummer Idiot eigentlich nicht, dass du dir damit selbst ins bein schießt?

Fuck off Grenada


Idiot you made me snort my tea

That refugees are a majority in Germany.


Fucking make the eu speak italian. It's for the best

Sorry, In numbers large enough to affect that graph I meant

Are you fucking simple? To make that be the most common 2nd language of non English speakers

Lol. Please be very very French about this and troll Germany into it. Were counting on you

Third most spoken second language you retards.
When international students and immigrants come here they also tend to know English.

>German is more widespread
French is. Don't be ridiculous.

>To make that be the most common 2nd language of non English speakers
I didn't comment on that, angry anglo.

Why would you think that?
I have a danish buddy who had to learn German in school, why would he learn French?

You talked to a Bulgarian in English.

This map makes sense otherwise every country would've said "English" if the map was for "Most useful second language"


This. By 2030, Arabic and Turkish will become one of the few official languages of the EU, and by official I mean widely used in administration not just symbolic gestural recognition like Basque.

French or Dutch.

So you're admitting your native population is outnumbered by migrants? Are you stupid?

You'll be speaking desert nigger in a few decades. Fuk U

This must be on the basis of self-reporting. Dutch people think they know some French mostly from vacation, but they understand German much better. The eastern half speaks pseudo-German dialects and the rest can just speak Dutch with a German accent and krauts will understand.
Frogs always roll their eyes with impatience whenever a Dutch person imagines he speaks French.

In Germany it's considered rude to speak a language others don't in the presence of them.
And I know how limited you are.

Other than English, it will be a shit show.

French should be it, but by bowing down to the French we know we will have no future.

If the language chosen is German, all the South and East of Europe will rebel led by the French.

If it is Spanish, we will be considered a joke.

In the absence of Latin, we must keep on with English, otherwise we are just playing games.