Let's have a Sup Forums books thread.
What are you currently reading?
At this moment I'm reading Mythology, by Edith Hamilton. I'm too looking for recommendations on a good intro book to economics.
This, but unironically
>inb4 mutt
Whiter than you Ahmed
More lists for your enjoyment
Is this book redpilled or it's just another marxist propaganda?
Good list overall but the art of the deal is a zog piece, like it not capitalism at is root is Jewish; Any ideology that works to create individualism on the basis of materialism and greed is poisonous and therefore must be rejected by the sensible white man.
Besides economics isn’t our struggle and we fared quite well without usury a long time ago, our fight is for our existence.
I would also suggest you take a look at Arthur de Gobineau’s essay on the inequality of human races.
I haven't read yet the Art Of The Deal (I didn't make these lists) but overall is well regarded here.
I agree with your vision but after all, we live in a capitalistic society and we have to survive in it.
Nice thread user.
I'm into Roman history and fiction lately so Im unable to up any "redpilled" book but if you want to have a great time and understand a little more about the Republic I recommend you the "Masters of Rome" series. GREAT books.
Already read "the Wealth of Nations", "The Capital", part of "Mein Kampf" (which was pretty shitty, being honest), 48 rules of power (very interesting), some Von Clausewitz and "Atlas Shrugged" (was very disappointed with this one...).
Could you recommend me some more interesting stuff? (Asking your opinion directly)
Thanks for the rec, fellow spaniard.
If you like Roman history, you'll appreciate Mythology, since explains Greek/Roman (and Norse too) religion very interestingly.
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is a must, if you haven't read it.
If you want some women redpills, The Rational Male is the best book I have read in that theme.
And lastly, this year I discovered a little gem: Efficiency by Wall Street Playboys. Great book which shows you the way to get rich with no bullshit. Seriously, read this, if you're skeptic you can get pirate it on lib.gen.