Are you afraid to die Sup Forums?
Are you afraid to die Sup Forums?
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Not really. Seems like being afraid of it is about as useful as worrying if the sun is going to rise.
I hope for it. I drink and smoke everyday since I was 15 years old now 29. Went to the doctor 2 months ago apparently im in percect health despite all that abuse. Life is pointless
No, but I'm afraid for parents to die.
No death is but a doorway
Yes. I've never died so I have no idea what to expect.
death is but another journey after life
After I passed out one time from blood loss, I realized that you don’t feel very much.
>itt a bunch of fags who have never been close to death or are severely mentally ill
Yes I am afraid of death because if I wasn't I'd be dead right now
nah i already died when i smoked 5meodmt. its not a big deal
t. soyboy
Nah, you just shut off.
Not even dramatic pain and suffering style.
Like Windows NT style.
Had great blood loss once and all I felt is the color drain from my vision and just feeling very cold even in a well heated room.
Not scary, sort of only depressing that the jews and muslims are still free to destroy the world.
I am afraid of dying too early or very painfully
I wish I had a better grasp of my transitory state. I live my life not unhappily, because mostly, I am oblivious to my impermance. More and more often I am struck by a melancholic sense of the days gone by
I welcome death. Death is leveling up.
Don't worry, if the pain is too bad you'll go into shock and trip out watching cartoons in your head. That's how it happened for me at least. Kek.
Yes, it's the ultimate loss of power to affect anything else, when you go from living person to pile of dead meat. All that's left is a memory of you in other people, and that will fade away quickly at best, hopefully before it gets twisted into a criminal charicature for some SJW'S virtue signal.
Why be afraid of the inevitable, that has always been and always will be?
I don't have children yet, but if there's something I'd probably be truly afraid of is something happening to them. I can't imagine a worse fate than being an old man and witnessing your own children die.
Not really, but I don't want to rush it by any means. I want to live as long as I naturally can, but I'm one of those "just pull the plug and save the money, senpai" kind of people.
Yeah, so?
In general, 'no'. But I watched and cared for both my parents as they slowly died of cancer. I'm not going out that way and I won't put my children through that. I'll go feed myself to the wolves in a nearby forest first; sit by one last bon fire, look at the stars, and then I'll let the exposure take me. At -30C, it's painful until shivering stops, but it's fairly quick.
Heart attack had me dead 2 years ago.
CPR and defib 4x kept/brought back
No longer believe in god or afterlife
>No longer believe in god or afterlife
Get out.
No. This life is so boring.
I'm signing for cryonics so that I can possibly be revived after I die.
I'm afraid of killing myself, but I would happily embrace death if I ever found out I was dying or about to die soon. Life sucks.
The main reason I haven't killed myself yet is chance that the Singularity might happen in mi lifetime, and I might get to live in a transhumanist utopia.
Checked. I really hope the next level is better than this one. This shit fucking sucks
I’m afraid of dying any other way than in battle. Shipping off in 2 weeks, pray for me anons. I need more action. My last tour i only saw a handful of firefights. I’m hoping for more this time.
I’m hoping you get to plink a pinko everyday. Shoot straight avoid lead.
To be afraid of death is to be afraid of nature. All things are brought together and then desolved into their component parts.
That's why I've been agitating for nuclear war for the past decade.
Nope in all likelihood you're gonna get chopped up into slop and sold as food to the skilled humans once the resources run out
if we live past the coming wrar
That comes later.
Nah, if anything we slip into a global famine/population crisis and start eating eachother like some horror film.
After a hot nuke war, of course.
No I believe in quantum immortality and, as backup, in one of my own immortality theories which I know to be plausible.
I'm flying towards death as fast as possible but I'm being prevented from dying the way I choose.
Life is Pain.
Life is Suffering.
My soul is right with the house, but I am raising two children and I'm all they have. I have to finish my job of raising them. I only have a few more years. But it's extremely important to me.
And I don't want to die before I'm finished and I don't know what would happen to them if I did, and so I must finish. After that? No I wouldn't be scared.
Dyeing would be extremely painful. So yes.
No, I'm too young. But I am afraid for my grandparents. I already lost a grand dad and it was the worst thing that happened in my life
>perfect health
You should sue your doctor. Go get a 2nd opinion from a different doctor, and then go back to the first one and tell him to go fuck himself
I don't care
Yeah I’m terrified of it.
I’m terrified of just getting old too.
I used to not be when I was younger.
As long as the show goes on, I enjoy it when its after I finally come home.
you have a lot more to come then, sadly. I lost all my family years ago apart from my sister. it gets numbing after a while and we all got on so good memories, but in a way it's easier later in life not having to worry about others as much, but do miss being able to chat occasionally.
And I never got to hear much from my grandfather about his time in ww2 which I always wanted to hear about.
The shutting off isn't what scares me. It's the never turning back on again.
>user doesn't know about human dna showing up in food production "randomly"
The cartels have been disposing of bodies that way for a long time.
"shutting off" is not an experience you will have to undergo.
I have, it’s more of the same.
I wouldnt say im really scared of death, sure I would be shitting my pants if bullets were flying around me but thats normal.
What really scares me is the passage of time and how basically everything we currently know will be forgotten, even the most iconic of things.
Also there are only 2 possibilities for the human race, exist forever or eventual extinction, and both options make me sad.
What do you mean? Also, regardless of whether or not I'll have to experience it, it's the never turning back on again that really scares me.
Nope I'm a vegan.
I would be so happy if this is true.
I hope you die serving your kike masters while your family dies in the coming civil war here at home.
I haven't lost a single relative except for my grandma, as you get older you start worrying about other people. Hell I have a 12+ year old doggo and just the last 2 years she has really started to age and now I'm starting to worry.
Being a neet makes things worst, seeing everyone grow, your small cousins, sister, neighbors, people starting their own family and your still stuck in your room doing nothing.
like, the nothingness that happens is a nothingness you cannot experience, you just stop. You don't sit in a black room for all eternity. In a way it's complete peace, no worries, no more wrangling with your thoughts
Why would you want to turn on again?
And who is to say there is not another conciousness, or that bits of you do not go on to something else? Nature reuses everything into something else. There is no waste.
Sadly, I believe in quantum immortality as well. I've already had a "near death" experience that convinced me it was impossible for me to die. Which is sad, because this life is Hell.
why do you wear the mask?
there is too much in this world that I haven't experienced
I'm only afaid to die if my lineage will deal with Jews.
Death by freezing? Damn you're cold. Both figuratively and literally.
obviously, it's fucking horrifying.
It represents the triumph of evil over good. Darkness beats light. Even the universe runs out of energy and dies.
Pretty much destroyed my faith. How can anything have meaning if it dies and is lost forever? This is why everyone hates Christians. They think they have any concept of the universe, but in reality they have no idea how bad it really is.
im a big goy
No, after death I will live again
everyone here jokes around about suicide. They say they are ready or want it to happen, but everyone is afraid when they get to the point of a razor in their hand or a gun in their mouth.
What you should be more afraid of is not changing, ending up spending more nights on here. Pretending that anything is ever going to change, pretending people around here actually give a fuck about you or your idealogy. Every revolution is composed of the new guys backstabbing and betraying each other, if yall got your way... do you think a bunch of anons have integrity? Maybe 3 percent of posters here do... tops.
I'm only afraid to die in my bed after a long and boring life I want to die in the upcoming race war after I killed hundreds of niggers and raped thousands of maghrebi sandnigresses
>still stuck in your room doing nothing
All life is part of god and to the timeless lord we return after shedding our temporal flesh
if nothing but dreamless sleep awaits, that's fine too. Nothing to be scared about. Relish life, relish experiecing it all. Don't be afraid, it's all a ride. Love and hate. Peace and war. Life and death. Pleasure and pain. Relish every moment.
Yes because im not a larpering faggot
>Why would you want to turn on again?
To experience things. Smelling smells, seeing sights. To think about things, solve complex problems. I don't want to not exist.
>another consciousness
This would be nice, but I don't believe it. I would even be satisfied with a lower form of consciousness that we can't comprehend, but to be nothing anymore like before I was born, is just an unimaginable horror, and is almost certainly the reality of what actually happens.
I just like being alive. I don't like when I get blackout drunk and then it's magically the next day and I can't remember what happened. It's like a missing chunk of time, and that's what eternity is. Just never coming back to life.
t. Jesus' wittle snowflake
a man should neither fear death, nor welcome it
I've never been in a truly life-threatening situation so I don't know.
Yes, maybe I will change my tune if I make past 80 or something more horrible happens to me but life is just too interesting and the happenings too numerous to want to check out willingly.
Yeah Suicide breaks the commandment of not killing. It includes yourself as well
That would be nice. Unfortunately I can't turn the part of my brain that recognizes the inevitability of permanent non-existence, so I fear death and I always will.
I've heard something from my grand-grandfather about WW2, he was in Italy against nazis, happily he didn't kill any people. I'm 23, so im waiting for what life has set up for me.
Only because i don't feel complete
No, it's the one thing the rich cant cheat on...yet.
Not fear. But a definite desire not to and a will to fight until the bitter end. I came to terms with my mortality a long time ago. I will see to it that I live as long as possible through any means
Without any shit im not affraid to die, im more worried for hurting my family than about myself.
But you won't have a concious, so you will just disappear. You won't know you are not existing. You can't see anything. You can't imagine anything. Hard to explain, but there is just nothingness and you will not comprehend it, because you don't exist.
A little, I suppose, but then it is a step into the great unknown.
I try not to fear it much though. It makes no sense to be ruled by the fear of something that is unavoidable.
It's actually certain. Just consider that you're alive now, yet there is infinite time before and after this moment. It's vanishingly unlikely that this existence is a one off and it also happens to be unfurling at this moment.
No. Research NDE's and the
Common traits that have been reported by NDErs are as follows:
A sense/awareness of being dead.[3]
A sense of peace, well-being and painlessness. Positive emotions. A sense of removal from the world.[3]
An out-of-body experience. A perception of one's body from an outside position, sometimes observing medical professionals performing resuscitation efforts.[3][15]
A "tunnel experience" or entering a darkness. A sense of moving up, or through, a passageway or staircase.[3][15]
A rapid movement toward and/or sudden immersion in a powerful light (or "Being of Light") which communicates with the person.[16][citation needed]
An intense feeling of unconditional love and acceptance.[16][citation needed]
Encountering "Beings of Light", "Beings dressed in white", or similar. Also, the possibility of being reunited with deceased loved ones.[3][15]
Receiving a life review, commonly referred to as "seeing one's life flash before one's eyes".[3]
Approaching a border or a decision by oneself or others to return to one's body, often accompanied by a reluctance to return.[3][15]
Suddenly finding oneself back inside one's body.[17]
Connection to the cultural beliefs held by the individual, which seem to dictate some of the phenomena experienced in the NDE and particularly the later interpretation thereof.[13][page needed]
You say this with no evidence, with no reasoning, and without having a worldview capable of making such statements.
That's my only hope left, that maybe someday I can do something to get rich enough so that when people either invent a way to achieve immortality or a way to bring people back to life, I can be chosen.
No I know, it's not something you experience. That's not why I'm scared. I'm afraid of never experiencing anything again. I know that when I'm in that state I won't care because it's impossible, but I'm in a good state right now and I don't want to never be able to come back.
Which of the 613 commandments have you kept perfectly your entire life?