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What the fuck is holocaust class? Is this a joke?

>holocaust class

Oi rabbi don't pretend to not know what you have done


It's a predominantly Jewish school. Of course they have a Hall of Cost class.

We had a seminar when I was in high school 1999-2003. But not a class.

>holocaust class
Whats that?

>american education


Genuinely embarrassing, so sorry folks

Also known as "White Guilt 101."

>mfw not smart enough for holocaust class
>need to check that privilege

Its a jew school


Learn how to holocaust I guess

>holocaust class

dude you are so old, you must be a pizzagate customer


Wtf I'm 22 and grew up in Los Angeles. We never even had a holocaust class???

>holocaust class

>Be American
>Finish Holocaust class
>Get shot

hey Israeli, how do you feel about the whole Jewish Question and what not? Be as non shill as possible


Holocaust class?!

Why are you not posting a link to the source?

i don't think a school shooting has enough juice to get to president.

>Holocaust class
So it’s a creative writing class?

>go to holocaust class
>they don't teach you how to systematically kill an entire ethnic group

Hahahahaha “holocaust class” my history teacher covered the holocaust in 1 minute by saying the soviets were far worse.


>holocaust class
America - what's going on, big guy?

>Actual Jew can't believe the cuckery of American Education.

This is why Sup Forums is great.

My school had a Holocaust and Genocide Studies class as an elective, I never took it but I found the description online.

>Holocaust and Genocide Studies is designed to expose students to recent historical and modern issues concerning crimes against humanity and how individuals and human rights organizations can be active citizens in order to help achieve peaceful solutions over violent conflict. Students analyze how and why genocides have occurred through class discussions, writing papers, film analysis, and reading primary and second excerpts and account of 20th and 21st century genocides throughout the world. The depth and expectations of the course are greater than the regular elective section, involving more writing, deeper analysis and independent learning, and more outside readings and projects.

>Students are offered the possibility of acquiring college credits accepted by most U.S. colleges. Visits to museums, including the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, allows students to view exhibits and issues that are an integral aspect of the class.

Wow you have to take Holocaust class.

Jewish dominance of the USA is true


>holocaust class


>Holocaust class
Boy I remember that class, it was UNBELIEVABLE!

Hitler was the first to teach holocaust class.


I had a Holocaust class, but it was the 7th grade not the 11th.

im from california, a liberal town at that and never did we have special jew classes.

holocaust class? The schools just keep getting worse and worse.


i mean it's nice, but it's not a medal of honor winner thats been a congress men our something for ten years.

We learned about it but never had a class devoted entirely to it.

I like learning about WW2 so it was interesting.

Daily Holoco$t class

Then we wonder why 56% of the burger posts are devoid of intelligence.

Ehh back then I didn't really know anything about it. The seminar was just survivors that came and told us about it. In reality it was one of those times you didn't have to be in class so it was better then nothing. But yeah seems extremely strange looking back.

Someone having a bad day and need attention? I come here for the laughs not the political witch hunts.

>A separate class on Holocaust
Memes can't be this true.


Makes sense. There's a ridiculous amount of jews in south Florida

This shit it real. I never heard it before-

I keep telling you guys I'd take an actual Israeli or a Polish Jew over their American cousins any day, but you refuse to listen. They're ignorant as fuck. Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.

Anywhere with a Jewish population there will be Jewish schools, dummy. They don't like mixing.

>tfw teacher asks you if you'd die for Israel and you say no and fail holocaust class

Holocaust Class X

Back at ya

>tfw they dont even have holocaust class in israel

United states of goy

Nikolas Cruz took the holocaust class a little too seriously.


Eh. We have a breed of Atheist Jews here that thrive on guilting whites into doing what they want. It's a whole population of Jewish Mothers throwing a national guilt trip. They're also "white" when it's convenient. "As a white man, feel responsible for slavery." But when held to account for supposed misdeeds by whites, they will proclaim, "I'm not white, I'm Jewish." It has led to jokes such as "Hello, fellow white people."

>having an entire class devoted to a Jewish holiday

You burgers are reaching levels of cuckoldry normally reserved for Canadians.

Holocaust class a.k.a. home economics, the only class in the school that has ovens.

DESU it's probably an elective, but that chick singed up for it because of white guilt.

Cruz loses it after he cremates his mother for Holocaust class extra credit and still fails.

I believe that there is indeed a serious problem, and hate the Jews who propagate such behavior, so practically Nazi sympathizing - feels except I genuinely think, based on a deep examination, that Israel is profoundly different in its culture than typical Jewery is. And I don't want to be exterminated for not being against whites, that'd be kinda ironic.


>Holocaust Class

>you have to take Holocaust class.

Is this real? If so americans are cucked beyond way of return. There is no recovery from that.

>takes a whole class on what happens to whole populations unable to defend their lives
>advocates taking away the ability for own cohort to defend lives

Yes its real, did you guys really think usa wasn't a goy slave nation? It was only coincidence that most of the rich in america are kikes or that kikes arr misrepresented in politics more than any other race in america?

This smug lesbian wetback is so fucking disgusting.

Holocaust class? What the fuck lmao. We spent like a week talking about it in 3rd grade histroy but that's about it.

>ambigously brown shaved head cunt will run for president one day
Wake me up from this nightmare

Kek d and




>holocaust class
this better be a fucking joke

I literally burst out laughing saying "SAYS THE FUCKING KIKE!"

LOL actually is the opposite of home ec.

In home ec they teach you how to put things in the oven

In holocaust class they teach you how to avoid the oven at all costs.

Pretty sure its just a thing in some schools but its still insane.



but they are really trying to ring out this school shooting thing for everything they can get.

The last quarter of my AP US History course was about the holocaust and civil rights. I wish I was joking.

Jews congregate in certain areas. South Florida is one of them.

Am I dreaming?


Home school your kids

Worthless gun grabbing kikes.

>Holocaust Class
We're living in a meme


What in the fuck is holocaust class?

back in my day we had to go 4 years to the holocaust school
now they've gone and reduced it to a single class

Same, holocaust was american history for me too. Always thought that was weird.

that is actually sad.
I imagine most Americans despise having to hear the narrative over and over again, then have to take a TEST to prove they have ingested the bullshit enough to barf it out.

That is the class where they learn how to best manipulate the Holohoax to their advantage.

I took a Holocaust class in college and it was pretty much just ww2 history with all the reading material being jew-centered like The Pianist and Children of the Flame.