Refugees can really feel at home now :)


liberals are fucking brilliant.

Let me see the full photograph of that blonde hottie.

What if the corpse consents tho?

> Small party's youth party
> think these kids have any influence


>kids even getting ideas like that
That's the frightening part.

Here you go

Fuck you, that was unexpected.

finnish eyes

They unironically should be. If you don't like it don't do it.

Yeah play with dead peoples bodies. That sounds healthy. It also should be legal to shoot kikes with no rhyme or reason right between their fucking eyeballs.

and if you don't like just don't do it! 8)

I don't get it. Is that supposed to be an argument?

Somebody stop Sweden before too late

Sweden is scared because Trudeau is leading Leafstan to victory in the cuckcup league, so they have to show new levels of madness to cath up


This was already shot down

Can you imagine how much worse things must be now?


>Sup Forumstards start swarming to sweden

1984 happening full blast


Sause? (that animation looks... really good actually)

Good thing the Liberal People's party is fucking irrelevant. The nationalist youth branch is way larger and their party is shooting up to the top.

Grancrest Senki


To be honest, the idea behind was sound enough. People do have a right to their own bodies, and if someone wishes to let their body be used as a sex doll after their demise they should have the freedom to do so.

It's the same with incest, it should be legal as long as there is forced abortion to deal with offspring conceived through incestuous and consanguineous relations.