WTF is holocaust class?
WTF is holocaust class?
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It's exactly what you think it is.
Remember the six gorillion and support Israel, or you're a bad goy and get an F.
>burgers have classes dedicated to the holocaust
no wonder they suck kike dick so hard
They are in one of the most Jewish places in the US instead of learning about the holohoax in history class every year they have a whole class about it.
Clearly Emma liked the jew costumes in the pictures
When I took it it was like a cooking class.
Yeah, this must be because it's a very new populated area. I've never heard of a holocaust class.
I've never heard of this before this shooting
Kids should be home schooled by their stay at home mother.
I would have loved to have holocaust classes.
I am sure it would have been very funny
>a state murdered people "allgedlly"
>ann frank, hollywood, movies, propaganda
>psychological manipulation
La creatura...
>WTF is holocaust class?
The linchpin of the American edudoctrination system.
True story.
so the mutt memes aren`t memes at all ...
I dont give a fuck if germany spit roasted and made kikes roasted beef, I care more about Americans that died tgan kikes that died.
Holocaust is in Chicago
The fuck? is she joking about History class?
America needs to fall apart, else all is lost.
this. but i didnt go to a jewish highschool or live in a jewish segregate community either
We need to apologise to the shooter and give him his gun back.
Do they learn how the nazi germans took away the guns of the people in Holocaust class?
she is jewish. Her mom is jewish
i don't know how it was for you but when we talked about WW2 it was 80-90% Holocaust our teacher didn't even know about what happened in the pacific theater
I would never let a female teach. They're inferior in every way and would raise a retard.
Shame your parents didn't have the same outlook.
tfw you get a uniform for holocaust class but get expelled
Do you get a gold star if you do well on a test? Please God, let it be so.
You were obviously on the other thread. Why not read the answers there instead of making a whole other thread with the same exact pic faggot?
It's where they teach you about the amounts of Zyklon B required, how big your crematoria need to be, when it's appropriate to use mobile gas vans or einsatzgruppen, how to use subhuman police forces to control ghettos, etc. You know, genocide stuff.
>hasty generalization
You clearly have never met my mother
Americans are literal mutts LMAO Canada is getting invaded by Asians but we aren't like Americans haha
Please tell me this is a joke, there's no such thing as a holocaust class... r-right?
So you basically denied the rape of Nanking? Japanese-Imperialist-apologist scum! You must really hate chinks. Problematic as fuck.
don't be butthurt watching the memes come to life.
What is a "holocaust" the systimatic murder of a people by a state?
All wars and conflicts systimatically murders their enemies, why is the Jewish enemy.special?
>schlomo "allegedly" had family murdered
>John had family murdered
>schlomo gets reparations
>John gets a dead parent and nothing
Fuck the holocaust, Jewish murdera are not in anyway more valuable than any other murders in the world.
I've never heard of such a thing, but I would not be shocked if it exists.
Fictional history class... noice... what do they learn about next? Wakanda?
this but unironically
I had a really good teacher, we talked about the whole war and only a bit about the holocaust,
You don't have holocaust class in Australia?
Maybe you just use another name for when a whole bunch of orthodox jews storm into your classroom and you have to get and your knees, tear up and apologize for the holocaust and symbolically give them all your pocket money to show how remorseful you are?
I never had a holohoax class, it was rarely brought up. But you can't be surprised since the school was around 50% jewish, in a large jewish area of Broward county. Also, the fact that there is some foul monument to the holohoax in virtually every state and country in the world. I couldn't believe how many holohoax museums exist, let alone statues/memorials on State property no less. Meaning they don't pay for the upkeep on alot of these. it's subsidized by the tax payer. this is how evil jews are.
The murders of the Jews "allegedly" are not in anyway distinct or special nor infer anything political or economical.
Where they teach them how to shuffle into railroad cars when we ship them off to the death camps.
I hope its about real teaching. Operating ovens, know gas properties and how to handle it. Logistics and dog training. And options like soap or lampshade craftmanship, improvement of holocoasters and masturbation devices.
What the fuck?
I'm so sorry that you have to live in the same country so many jews live in. Resist their brainwashing
When I was in HS I had a "Germany in WW2" class and It was great.
Especially since regular history class is kinda like
Yep we are fucking screwed right now. Oh well, we will act once the Collapse has started.
>Holocaust class
Is this fucking for real?
This school is 40% Jewish and Parkland is very Jewish in general, my only question is how could they make a whole class out of the Holocaust? That's like having a class strictly on the holodomor
>yfw the holocaust was only a paragraph in my history classes in highschoole
We learn a lot about ww2, but dont spend much time on the holocaust. The indoctrination is in the media.
T. Graduated in 2012
where they teach how how ebil the nuhzees were and how ebil whites are
don't be a silly goy
The SS had really awesome Uniforms.
How deep down the rabbit hole are you willing to go?
how is she still alive is beyond me.
The nazis murdered an enemy, hmm
Nazis crucified and murdered 12 million kikes, if it happened im.not seeing anything special.
I saw people up here around Seguin TX going to receive payments, but they weren't effected by the Hurricane at all. It is fucking Pathetic, and we need to stop the Welfare programs in this country.
Poor people live poor lives, oh well.
This. A mother with even a basic education is infinitely a better teacher than some shitty public school dumbass. If my mom didn't redpill me then I would definitely be some leftist faggot. I thank God everyday she taught me, ESPECIALLY about WW2. t. Was homeschooled and when I went to public school in 6th grade people were literally the dumbest cunts ever
They're all crisis actors and Stonwall shooting is as suspect as Sandy Hook. All these smiling, media savvy, media connected, Soros connected, "youth" raise so many red flags.
this is how dumb Sup Forums really is.
>Everyone agrees Sandy Hook official story is full of holes
>questioining Stonewall is somehow "crazy"
Why the double standard?
its time for another holocaust.
I like you.
Step into Bible Class. "Holocaust" is a Biblical word, and there never was a holocaust in the 1940's and never will be. God has never asked for burnt offerings of human beings. Maybe their "god' Muloch asked for that, but not the God of the Bible. Holocaustianity is a heresey for money lovers. Nobody wants to talk "genoicde" a valid term because then what really happened in Communist Russia, Communist China, Atheist 1920's Mexico or Planned Parenthood would have to get brought up.
PhD in professional victimism
This is why I'm going to homeschool my kids.
If watching those 2 smug cunts is not a good enough reason to justify school shootings I don't know what is.
Criminally underrated and underchecked.