Conservative Jew from New York here
Ask me anything
Conservative Jew from New York here
What's up Shapiro?
>Conservative Jew
What did he mean by this
Have you ever walked Bob Dylan on stage?
How many died in the (((Holocaust)))?
Do Jews really call no Jews goys in private? Do Jews look down on non Jews as sub humans to be exploited?
Are you a zionist?
How did you dodge the ovens you filthy jew?
what kind of work do you do?
Why don't you do the world a favor and shoot up a synagogue before offing yourself?
Is there a difference between Jews and Zionists?
Also, being a Jew have you asked your the JQ?
Double also, what do Jews say about whites as a whole?
6 million from typhus
i call most people niggers regardless of color
no idea. maybe im just crumbs
high school history teacher
i havent been to a synogogue in years
Conservative Judaism is a sect of Judaism that's somewhere between Hassidic/Orthodox and reformed Jews. Nothing to do with political conservatism.
Why do you hate whites?
Why the special hate for germans?
Have you ever admitted Jesus was a Jewish rabbi? And read his words as a jew?
im white and im proud
teach me how to make shekels
jesus was a jewish carpenter
i have no idea how christianity actually exists
No, your a jew, your a semite, like the palestinians. Or is the story of your people fake too?
I bet you give your students a real unbiased lesson on WW2.
Are your parents pissed off at you because your a high school teacher? What happened?
Post nose or gtfo
He's most likely a khazar
jews are white though
How many shekels have you taken from gullible goyim today schlomo?
i teach that franklin roosevelt was a socialist who actually brankupted the country and he wasnt the cause of the end of the depression. i also teach that most of his programs were unconstitutional and illigal. he isnt deserving of any praises.
i teach on long island new york and make 135,000 a year
>pic related
>t. Himey Shekelsteinblatt
>im white and im proud
Do you live in the city?
Do your friends know you voted for Trump?
Probably the ones with the little black box on their heads
Why haven't you gassed yourself yet?
Whites dont have curly hair.
The jew in the pic does iron his hair every morning to disguise his origin. I know him since the 80's.
what do you think about these sections of the talmud-
Fair enough.
What's your take on this video?
Do you acknowledge the jewish role in founding, implementing, and funding communism?
Do you think Hitler was somewhat justified in his hatred of Jews?
How's the hangover?
>i havent been to a synogogue in years
what is the endgame for your people
One too many.
How can I become jew without mutilating my wee wee?
You say 5999999 would have been ok?
I want to emigrate to America and get a greencard, can you get me a job, or can I work for you?
Pack it up, OP has left the building.
Hows the diamond trade? Are you part of chabad? What is your opinion about chabad? Are the Chabad Jews trying to create a second zion in Ukraine?
What is your opinion on the Havaara agreement? Is there something to it, or is it Alex Jones tier?
Where does the Six-Pointed Star
REALLY come from...?
I hear its the Star-Of-Remphan.
One above zero is one too many.
what do foreskins taste like?
Are you a nevertrumper? What is your opinion on Bill Kristol?
im still here just moved locations
I did think that was an italian flag. But its irish. Ok, IQ90 mutt, you are excused.
Is Sabbat Zevi the Jewish Messiah?
Not a Jewish nose. Looks like a nose of a half-Jew or quarter Jew
Show me the hair.
Did a rabbi suck your wee wee? Did he give you hep? Or hpv?
What is your level of secret clearance?
pic related
i voted for trump
i am 100% jewish. i grew up celebrating chanukkah and passover and yom
kippor and all the jewish holidays
my dad was gs-15 before he retired from the DOE
To which temperature should I pre-warm my oven?
You are not 100% an ethnic Jew. Ethnic Jews have different hair, noses, etc. Ethnic Jews are basically Arabs that look more effeminate/"social"
depends what youre cooking
i made a nice brisket last night in my slow cooker on low for 9 hours and i made some delicious home made mac n cheese in my oven on 375 for 2 hours covered then broiled for 10 minutes with the cover off
t. retard
What about an actual reply, dumbass? Quit wasting my time
>pic related
Thats south europe / bulgaria at best. Buy that alex jones products, your balding.
i have two 100% jewish parent whos jewish grandparents emmigrated from russia, poland, germany, czechoslovakia, italy, and a myriad of other places
Opinions on the semitic colonisation of the Eastern US seaboard?
Doesn't make you 100% Jewish. Genetic tests don't lie. Most "Jews" are just Europeans with a few percentages of Middle Eastern DNA.
You are retarded.
Y do Jews worship and protect dirty old men by calling them mohel Rabbis and paying them to suckle on baby boy stump?
Gimme the sauce
>jewish grandparents emmigrated from germany
Holocaust survivor? Sure, according to ADL we all are.
Why do you identify as a jew? Do you think jewish heritage is important? Do you think the jews are the chosen People? If not, which ideas do you still share with your people?
Rope or oven?
What is your opinion on the Chabad movement?
Yeah there is no way a high school history teacher is making $150k a year. And Long Island is not New York
Do you want to be disarmed? Do you think USA should disarm its citizens? Thanks.
How fucking retarded can one post be
>meme flag
He's a jew, so his perception of what is true may be quite different to our standards.
you're a teacher? go figure.
you are not white. you are Jewish.
>long island is not in new york
not long island north carolina,
Long Island, New York
what is the current holocaust bodycount ?
Yeh I'll ask you something when I want to get a quick lie.
skip the intro shit, watch your "compatriots" and tell me what you think
so where is that "conservative kike" with all his answers :D
Only question a kike deserves is "bullet or rope?"
rope, definitely rope... it's multi-use, multipurpose... multikulti!
ropes made by a company owned by black transgender muslims
is that a thing? I guess I'm getting old... sheeit :D
The Islamic Rope Factory.
Muhammad approved Jew Hangers
Shabbat shalom!
desu sometimes I feel bad for the average jew that got shafted by elite despots
This one is called the Schlomo Schling
Kike cravat
Do you feel optimistic about the future of Jewry? Many Jews are opposed to Israel, many distance themselves from the religion, and of course many if not the majority are into inter-religious dating. And if you care about high morals which you should as a Jew, are you concerned about the amount of Jews involved in pornography and dumb media?
Why are Jewish girls so cute?