>he doesnt't know about foreskin regeneration
He doesnt't know about foreskin regeneration
Other urls found in this thread:
>jewish doctors cut your foreskin off
>you pay jewish doctors $6 gorillion to regrow it
Why the fuck does it even matter if you have your foreskin or not?
Why do people have it done in the first place? to give the rabbi a boner? to please sadistic nurse rattenstein?
>His Jew loving parents cut the tip of his dick off
I am sorry, but not the entire world is Jewmerica
>yoooooo! sup bro, got a minute to talk about dicks with me?
Why the fuck does it even matter if you have your earlobes or not?
Because if you live in the desert in medieval times it's actually useful for preventing diseases and stuff. Why people do it NOW is a mystery though.
Why would you want a smelly anteater dick? You want to repulse women or something?
oh it's a real (((mystery)))
It doesn't!
Germans have a higher circumsion rate
yes i do want to repulse women, fuck women lmao
>cutting off your dick to appease women and to smell less like a man
>they cut it off again when it "coincidentally" gets severe phimosis
Jews bout to win big with double dipping.
Does anything matter?
Not really. Which only makes it more stupid to worry about having or not having foreskin.
My guess is because each one is worth a year's average wages to a doctor they are used to grow expensive skin cream.
>he believes in pancreas
>Smelling like a man
You mean having a dick that everyone can smell from 100m a away? Makes people gag when you enter a store?
Because jew-cut daddies don't want their sons dicks to be intact.
>In instances in which the father of the expected baby was circumcised, 81.9% of respondents were in favour of pursuing elective circumcision. When the father of the expected child was not circumcised, 14.9% were in favour of pursuing elective circumcision.
Amen, you ain't getting it back. Just don't mutilate other people, no sense having a chip on your shoulder forever as it won't help you.
Not sure earlobes have any uses. Foreskin does at least
>jewish doctors
You mean Italian.
Less about the foreskin, more about the fact that you get to decide what your body look like. It's about bodily self determination.
>Why the fuck does it even matter if you have your foreskin or not?
Yeah why do you even have eyelids? They just "protect" the eyes pshh. A real man doesn't need protecting on his dick ha!!
Because it was forced on us when we were born genius. It's a generational cycle of abuse.
Yea it makes your dick smell from 100m
It doesn't matter, but it does matter to the mutilated.
This procedure, circumcision, does something to the minds of these poor young men who had no choice in the matter, it completely mixes their minds up and they will make justification after justification, no matter how nonsensical, in defense of the jewish tricks they were a victim of. It's kind of like Stockholm Syndrome in a way, but having to do with your penis and that the most sensitive part was sliced off of you to appease some covenant between Abraham and God - or whatever - that you don't give a rats ass about.
They try to say it's a "third world" thing to not have your foreskin because of "judeo Christian values" or something, but this is a barbaric third world procedure that should be outlawed in current year.
I just keep wondering when the fuck this thing is actually gonna materialize. I've been hearing about it for years now.
Ill be the first to admit uncut dicks look odd, but I still cant understand why my mom had some kike doctor cut mine up- we are not even fucking religious, like seriously what the hell was even the point?
Sue them for medical malpractice if this happens
>I'll be the first to admit unelongated necks/non-binded feet/lips without plates look odd...
I like the way this lady talks
You seem pretty upset man, like the type of upset you see in people who were molested by a parent. Did your daddy fuck you? You didnt actually love it did you?
>have your flawed argument called out by comparison
>get aggressive
You sound sensible, m8.
i have no such delusions about my cutcucked ((("penis")))
So if I wasn't cut, will this grow extra foreskin on my dick? I smell a business opportunity
>have your flawed argument called out
What argument would that be? Specifically point out the "argument" that I have. Or are you talking about my personal opinion about the appearance of dicks, which could not really be considered an argument? Why all the projection? What happened to you?
Kike would (((you))) kike a kikey kikier kike? (((You))) kike to kike kikes or kikekike?
>like the type of upset you see in people who were molested
did you just forget which thread you're posting in?
>He doesn't cultivate a manly funk so powerful it can kill low-T soyboys
>did you just forget which thread you're posting in?
Nope, the type of thead Im in is exactly why I said what I said. I wanna help user out, its almost certainly not his fault
Why would you want a parasitic ethnic coterie of lying weasels in your country? You want to rot from the inside or something?
You could've just ignored my response, instead you keep replying claiming there's something wrong with me. I think you're projecting a bit.
Never change merchant
Do you get mad when everyone in the world makes fun of you for larping as a nigger for christmas? I know it's not related to the thread, but I just learned you guys did that and it might be the funniest fucking thing I've seen in weeks, surely your local niggers must hate it?
It only looks odd to us because we aren't used to it. As to why our parents did it to us my guess would be because that was the common practice and most people are unquestioning conformists.
Most men/boys don't remember having their foreskin removed.
>claiming there's something wrong with me
I never "claimed" anything happened to you, but I sure as fuck have theorized it.
>you could have ignored my response"
And you could have ignored me as well but you chose not to. If you dont want to talk, why are you here?
>Nigger who cannot wash himself
Do you ask your sheboon to wash her ass before you eat it?
i am reminded of what happened to me every time i pull my pants down, I just want foreskin
it feels like i'm being raped every time i see my ((("""""""""""penis"""""""")))
fuck this pathetic kiked cuckold nation and fuck you
restore. for $6 and not $100,000 per inch. and dont have to use cadavers. and it makes you bigger and super hars. youll get more sheen and friction. fools urologists. ive seen vids. nice and tight. and shoots like a bitch. night time canister method. and you can do it now and not wait 20 years
Hahaha cutfag is mad and delusional
>he will never have his own personal cheese farm
yeah how shit is that. blow off your dick. become a peterson tranny kike communist. and bow to fucking fall of man unaesthetic cheese hole women and freud and masons. yaaaaay. and what are you two doing here? back to the women's change room
Once a paper's crumbled up, it can't be perfect again.
Apparently up in iceland jews and mudslimes are calling this new circumcision ban "racist against muslims and jews"
Gosh, you uncut fags get so fired up over this. Go be productive
Why do Muslims not eat pork?
chicks hate uncut dicks
Nobody wants a sockdick.
Fuck off cheesehead.
women have three times more. fuck off juden rat roasty pedos
stop shitposting. be a man. with your sand glans
too much of my (((dick))) was ki(cuc)ked, there is nothing to restore, it's all scar tissue
believe me i've tried for years, all it did was pull a bunch of hairy nutsack skin up my shaft
gas yourselves
He gay?
My grandmother said it is needed to be clean. I told her yeah then you should cut womens off too, because they are pretty dirty as well. Nope big nope, it's feminism, and I am going to murder her by the way.
Why can't Sup Forums discuss penises without screaming MUH DICK CHEESE and MUH JEWS for once?
What about the aesthetic benefits of circumcision? Nobody wants to put sea cucumber in his mouth.
>cutting off the best part of your dick for women
>caring what women think
You lads are never gonna make it.
oh well. it's that or nothing. read the manuals. stop finding lame ass woman excuses that in the end mean nothing. that meant it was working and doesnt happen with everybody. maybe youre too lazy or a shill who lies to get people turned off it. not my problem. didnt happen with me. happens with you? deal. dont be a quitter
Larping as niggers is a time honored tradition around the beginning of december, but the larp worked better before there were actual niggers here because Zwarte Piet is funny, generous and good-natured so it's become totally unrealistic.
Also as you say, recently local niggers are getting Soros'ed into protesting.
Doing God's work
there are no benefits. it looks like ass. it's boring as fuck. they look like retardef cavemen going at it. it's like a faulty piston in your car. nobody wants a rusty scab dick anywhere near them
Just don't mutilate people. Simple
You mean like women? Cleanliness from circumcision (male genital mutilation) is a lie. There is no proof that it benefits anyone in Modern America.
Actually we have colonies (islands) full of niggers and they fucking love it.
apparently, if a female doctor slices your dick up when you're and infant, you have a much higher likelihood of turning into a faggot when you hit puberty
lucky you
why do you have to rub it in
>less of my dick was cut off than you HAHA FUCK YOU SHILL
i wasnt cut. you fucking idiot absolutely everything makes people gay on here but nobody admits it. only clandestinely with their shitposts and obsessions. gay and straight are fake as fuck. all the clobber passages in bible refer to shrine hookers
it works with the tightest and highest of cuts. if you have to deal with a couple "issues". deal with em. before you barely are able to ejaculate
Do you only do uncut guys?
>skin flab is fine and looks good when it's on dicks but when it's on vaginas it's disgusting roastie shit and implies she had a thousand nigger dicks inside her
Shit taste, gayfag.
Yes, every single one of us here is out to get you. Jesus Christ you must be a schizoid.
To symbolize your subservience to the jewish tribal demon Yahweh and his son Rabbi Yeshua.