Gun control
Having a gun isn't a human right, are you retarded?
>Guns don't exist for most of human history
>having one is a human right ordained by our creator.
Fucking retard.
>Having a gun isn't a human right, are you retarded?
lol, g8y b8 f8g
>our creator
and you are calling him a retard? you have an imaginary friend
also planned parenthood kills exactly 0 people but a lot of potential niggers do get vacuumed out
thanks planned parenthood
>Says in the bible that anyone that breaks into your house you should be allowed to kill them without blame and rightfully so
Not even a christfag and your a faggot
Having the right to defend against govt turning into dictatorship is. Can't do that without arms
the nra. family planning for the neighbors family
lol everytime protesters are in the streets the idiot right takes the side of the government.
the morons with guns will never do anything about tyrannical government because they want tyrannical government
What a waste of digits
Aren't most of those babies shitskins tho?
Eric Hoffer: I am convinced that at least a third of the population is what calls "true believers." They are joiners and followers . . . people who want to give away their power. They look for answers, meaning, and enlightenment outside themselves. ....They are followers, not because of a desire for self-advancement, but because it can satisfy their passion for self-renunciation!" true believers "are eternally incomplete and eternally insecure"! ......The Moral Majority is made up of true believers. All cults are composed of true believers. You'll find them in politics, churches, businesses, and social cause groups. They are the fanatics in these organizations.
And it still doesn’t quell their population
Considering it's a right afforded in our Constitution, it is you fucking mongoloid. Even beyond the Constitution, the basic right of self-defense is innate in mankind. It's probably the most basic of all rights, as self-preservation has been humanities most basic evolutionary tool. Fuck off.
Well, they aren't growing procentage wise. Aren't like half of all black fetuses terminated or something?
where did it say this out of curiosity?
>Kills babies
high RWAs fear an explosion of lawlessness, they already live in the jungle (in their minds).
they fear the end is coming but they don't want to solve the problems, they just wanna defeat the neighbors
I wonder who the right thinks would support them in their fight against tyrannical government.
the people they wanted the government to jail/shoot at the last protests?
this from the people that need a gun to go to the grocery store in case the need
to shoot someone.
Is that passage in one corinthians?
I think the neighbors are more worried than the government
Leftist do not care about dead babies. All the leftist care about is destroying the Second Amendment.
>Having one is a human right ordained by our creator
If your speaking of human rights then you are probably thinking of universal human rights which tend to revolve more around the 10 commandment such as you have a right to not be killed or physically harmed ETC. The country of America has deemed it a right to own firearms because our ideals to maintain freedom for individuals from social structure of state power and authority so that the common man cannot be controlled by another force over their own life and body. (See: Slavery)
You mean fetuses?
self proclaimed defenders of the constitution
I support and gun rights and abortions
Fite me irl Sup Forums
why do rightwingers want people they don't care about to have children no one wants?
seems like once the baby is born the burden of the righteous right is finished
Georgian racists butt-hurt over Roy Moore.
The same can be said for healthcare and education.
explain why we should bat an eye.
do the righteous think they can manage everyones personal life better?
If murdering children is ok, then why have a gun debate after a school shooting?
is murdering children ok?
it's just a random guess for you people isn't it?
why do the self proclaimed law and order crew know nothing about law?
if someone aborts daddy's baby why can't I shoot people?
I never got the argument on fetuses being children anymore than fertilized eggs being chicks or apples being sapplings.
If the child could survive outside the womb then sure, it shouldn't be allowed to be aborted. However in the first trimester? Abort it, it doesn't even have a brain yet. It isn't even until 8 weeks that a structure that could be considered the brain has developed. Humanity beginning at fertilization has always struck me as a really silly argument.
Also in the case of severe birth defects I say abortion should be fine. If your child isn't going to have limbs, then you shouldn't have to have it, or if it will endure suffering its entire life. Also in the case of rape it should be allowed. Both of these would extend farther than the 'pure voluntary' abortions above (before any actual human structures have developed), but still wouldn't extend to the point where the baby can simply survive on its own outside the womb.
In my mind fetuses aren't people. Humanity occurs when the baby can survive outside the womb, not before that.
Ban planned Parenthood
Moral equivalence. You can't take my rights away by standing on the graves of children if you don't think killing them is all that bad in the first place.
NRA kills that many babies? Holy shit.
the law says fetuses arent people
I really do wanna find out some day why the right wants people they'll tell you they don't care about to have children they don't want
it's punishment for having sex isn't it?
the righteous doesn't trust god will punish those whores so they wanna get in a few shots themselves just to be sure they're punished a little