he even calls it JewTUBE. Anyone with a 2 to 3 TB hard drive download all 4000+ videos before it is too late.
JewTube Banning Pastor Stephen Anderson
Here is best comfy videos brothers
>nigger lover gets banned
i see no problem here
Should you hate on niggers when you are a gypsy yourself?
he's a nigger lover so who cares
That sucks, he's got good red pills.
We need a poltube for all the shit jewtube deletes. I saved all my personal favorites to hard drive a while back.
I got the only vid of him i will ever need.
If someone has the gay-fag speech in slowmo webm please for the love of God post it on a link, I lost it and it always made me happy on the darkest days.
>gay-fag speech in slowmo
So any of his speaches in slowmo? That kike has a gayest lisp i ever had a displeasure to hear.
Fuck your race mixing channel. This time the Jews are Jewing themselves if they delete that guy's stuff.
No it's like a really really deep voice. It makes me laugh like no ylyl thread can.
>le race mixing man
yeah nah he can fuck off, hes a stupid evangelical nigger toucher
Not sure if funny bants or if poo is unaware that gypsies are direct descendants of poos thay traveled West.
Says the obese or probably skinny fat mongrel. Pretend master race american mongrels should hang.
So you agree heavily with the Jew sjw admins at YouTube? Hnmmmmmm
>implying race mixing is biblical
very cute little white girl
Snowniggers are hellish simpletons. Africans are smarter.
She likes the Big Pastor Discourse.
you dont need to download the stuff in 1080p
most of his stuff has no need for high video quality, its mostly him just talking for hours, so get it in 480p or 720p and you save a few TB.
The flood was to purge those not made in God's image aka those who mixed with the beasts of the land. Canaan purge was also because of race mixers.
Whites are made in God's image. Kikes were purged from Israel and went off to mix with semi testimony, they have turned their back on God and he turned on them from then on.
The bible is very racial, and Only whites are God's children
>that pic
The best leafpost I ever read. Thank you for debunking wicked anti-white kikeposters.
flag should be that of UK
Mix with semites*
Sorry Im a phone poster
>using "nah" like a knuckle dragging twitter nigger
She'll like Tyrone's dick soon enough too.
>Jew-daism: The Jews Worship Themselves!
I still don't know why everybody put their shit on that site in the first place. In earlier times, people would host video themselves or use one of several sites. Then, at some point, everybody collectively decided that everything on video on the internet had to be hosted on youtube for no apparent reason. It didn't need to be like this.
This guy is wicked and a heretic. He shills for racemixing when it is NOT biblical.
Moses' wife was not a nigger.
Because that is where it gets views
>Moses' wife was not a nigger.
Unfortunately she was, and he sinned big time by practicing polygamy and marrying outside his own nation.
naming the jew gives him a pass on being a civ cuck
manchildren btfo
WTF i love muslim invaders commung to Europe. They hate kikes too!
And how the hell he could not be a civ cuck. He's mutt of a moor and a jew.
He's Swedish/Anglo.
marching to zion is brilliant, almost made me want to be a christian again, but not quite.
I like this guy.
>didn't watch the marching to zion
He shows his genetic tests in the end you retard. His grandmother is a ashkenazi jew. Also how about you show your flag my melanine enriched friend?
The guy openly bashes Jews and homos constantly. It's a miracle he's lasted all of these years.
Steven is of primarily Swedish, German and Anglo descent and he's dead wrong on race mixing. Piss off, kike.
Youtube has been el feugo lately
first basked alaska and sorgoy and now this conservative pastor faggot
thanks youtube
>shilling a cucktestant that supports miscegnation
Keep this heretic out of my sight street shitter. Bible specifically tells us that miscegnation is a great sin. Anderson's satanic ass can rot in hell for eternity.
>naming the jew gives him a pass on being a civ cuck
He'd have been banned off jewtube long ago if he had. The only people who shill that angle are literally Jews... Well atheists too, but they are Jews in every way that matters. Just like ITT, telling a Jew and an atheist apart is impossible.
How dare anyone not drinking the AIDS infected cum kool-aid.
faggot jew pedo satanist btfo
truvada. doesnt work on women
Pajeet......are you a Christfag?
lolwut? his DNA test reveals he is at least 25% ashkenazi Jewish. He's part Moroccan(sandnigger) and nigger(sub saharan African) too.
>dead kike on stick death cult
nah thanks
all the best Pastor Anderson!
I have some differences with you but whatever ...Godspeed to you and your family!
>Southern Baptist hops all over miscegenation like a child at a birthday party
And here I was thinking Arizona was alright.
>It's a miracle he's lasted all of these years.
It's not. He oppenly condems racism and denies very existence of race.
He's the exacly the type of preacher that kikes used in the '60 to fight segragation.
Good. He deserves being shut down for being a stupid idiot heretick nigger. He’s a totally damned, fake believer that is not saved according to his own testimony. He’s better off with his mouth stopped at this current point. He’s gone. Absolutely revolted and gone.
Based basedposter
South is drowning in spics and niggers, m8. In few decades all those shittalking confederate larpers will be living like boers in south africa.
>omg guys this irrelevant preacher preaching a version of christianity that somewhat agrees with our views! this jewish religion is totally redpilled I swear
Literally who?
>trusting kike owned (((genetics companies))) that intentionally add nigger and kike DNA to fuck with whites
It's like you're asking for it.
Interesting, what do you disagree with him about apart from race mixing?
we need to move to steemit, duckduckgo and gab
>caring about some nigger loving preacher
Why are you here? Don't you have some refugees to go feed?
youtube-dl.org to download entire channels.
open cmd in an empty folder with youtube-dl.exe inside of it.
write $ youtube-dl -o '%(uploader)s/%(playlist)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s' youtube.com
He's not perfect but he's right about 70% right.
Still wouldn't explain his grandma being a jew.
His grandma is still alive and is a fundamental Baptist, but nice try I guess. Watch Marching to Zion, he destroys your idiotic doctrine.
He's right in a sense. Genes can be whitewashed but at some point there was a khazar or nog in your line, period.
What he doesn't get is that no matter how devoted little Jamal is to Christ, when shit gets real like it does in prison or a plague/catastrophic event, people group by visible race.
Self segregation happens for a reason and he won't/can't understand this until he is in a situation like that. It's a shame really. I like everything else about him.
>4000 videos
Why do people do that?
>america turning into a muttland would be 70% ok
At this point it's hard to find any actual difference between conservatives and liberals.
>His grandma is still alive and is a fundamental Baptist
>jews infiltrating out faith is a good thing
This is getting more and more pathetic by the moment, niggerfriend.
>at some point there was a khazar or nog in your line, period
Kikeposters are disgusting.
Do the math and calculate a family tree as far back as possible, you're fucking retarded or shilling.
As I said, his grandma is an independent Baptist Christ, not a kike. Pastor Anderson is one of the biggest opponents of the Jews out there.
Sure, he's wrong on race mixing and a handful of other things, but you take what you can get from him, just like you would from any preacher.
I recommend that you watch Marching to Zion, it destroys your retarded covenant theology.
All of you christcucks here are so pathetic. It's like you were all atheist teenagers and now want to do a 180.
Having an ancestor that wasn't white back in 12000 BC doesn't rally matter, m8.
Not me faggot. But then I'm not a follower of your jewish savior so it makes sense.
I know this, that's what I meant by whitewashing.
You fucking racemixing shills are filthy dogs.
No fucking niggers existed in Europe at all until the slave trade. We aren't mixed, we haven't got fucking dog nigger DNA.
Every time some kike shill comes in here promoting this "we are all mixed" I want to tell you to fucking kill yourself, but I can't because it's a sin.
>As I said, his grandma is an independent Baptist Christ, not a kike.
Just like a cardinal Marx whining about iceland banning circumcision is tottaly a catholic and not a kike?
Fuck, you memeflagging faggots are pathetic.
Based India
Kill yourself?
This right here.
The guy is not our ally.
That's all I have to say.
>everything on video on the internet had to be hosted on youtube for no apparent reason
Because bandwidth cost money, servers and streaming take a bit of knowledge to set-up and jewtube was fast easy and free. Not much of a mystery user
Did you notice the word "or" ? See the post I last replied to. It doesn't matter but it happened in the very technical sense he talks about.
How he thinks that this extends to saying we are all the same dude!!! is what I'm talking about being wrong.
>you memeflagging faggots are pathetic.
Hypocrite. I knew you were a little Jew infiltrator, aren't you?
Go get nailed to the cross like your savior and turn the other cheek pussy.
Everything. This man is an absolute heretick and ministering child of the devil.
Look at it on hooktube.
Well, you didn't really specify that well. TECHNICALLY we are related to dogs. Bestiality is still a thing.
Damn Jews
>if you are against race mixing you are a jew
So this is the power of mutt conservatism?
>spends literally an entire 24 hour day false flagging as a Christian using memeflags
You're an anti-Christ Jew. There's no way around it.
b a s e d