The only felony to which the death penalty should be applied is denying the holocaust. Prove me wrong

The only felony to which the death penalty should be applied is denying the holocaust. Prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't.

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meme flag, meme opinion

You still haven't justified yourself as right

The world has moved on from holocaust guilt, nobody cares anymore. Making fun of the gassing is a way of rejecting that guilt.
It's as bad as trying to make us feel bad for slavery, we will mock it and laugh.

Protip: Protips are rarely protips.


>Death Penalty
>For questioning history which is subject to change and revision

Words can't explain how cucked you are.

why it's a lie


why? its just expressing a retarded opinion.
in my opinion the moon is made of cheese. so?

That's a doctored picture and they had typhus. The Holocaust didn't happen.

The "retarded opinion" is that it did happen. It was Russian disinfo, but we ran with it because the USSR were our allies and it distracted people from the fact we bombed the fucking camps because we couldn't let them make synthetic rubber or ammo

This is actually a precedent I can get behind. We SHOULD keep history as accurate as possible. This will allow the USA to execute niggers by the thousand whenever they pretend they are from Egypt.

Truth doesn't fear inquiry you filthy fucking kike.
If the mainstream belief concerning the lolocaust is so blatantly credible and evident then it ought to be able to easily stand on it's own legs without making it's counter arguments illegal.

>Tell them it was 6 gazillion


My local rabbi told me it was 6 trillion billion.

The only crime that should even be punishable at all is denying the holocaust.

That said lads, the holocaust is now real, we don't deny it, lets finish it!

Free Speech...
Shall not be infringed.
You Euros are so strange.

Prove me that the gasings were real, like?


prove that gas chambers were real
protip: you cant

>forcefully conscript peasants from steppes that don't even know there is a war, don't give them weapons
>send commissars to battlefield to make sure none of them can take a step back
>throw thousands of untrained people to death
be Germany
>send well trained fighting units to eastern front
>all trains with supplies are coming back with POWs
>don't have enough supplies to feed them
>don't have place to keep them
>don't kill POWs like some soviet animals, try do best you can
>build longhouses with storage racks to use as bunk beds
>flow of prisoner never stops
>prisoners build more longhouses for other prisoners, no food to keep half of Russian population fed in camps
>use disinfecting agents on clothes to prevent spread of disease
>no gas chambers in prison camps
>small crematorium in camp size of a small town
be Israel
>grabs shekel from germany
>gib shekel polen

I saw this happening, kike children bussed around POW transfer camps on eastern front and being told those are kikekiller camps
In same cities those camps were located any jewish gettos were purged before russian meatgrinder offensive started but they want to claim more victim points with higher bodycount
Holocaust happened but not the way you claim Shlomo