Why do you need an assault rifle? Just explain that to me. And don't give me that tyranny, tinfoil hat bullshit

Why do you need an assault rifle? Just explain that to me. And don't give me that tyranny, tinfoil hat bullshit.

Because from where I'm standing I see no reason someone should be able to own an assault rifle like this one.

And don't try and tell me it's fun or whatever. I've shot one. They are very loud and make your wrist and shoulder hurt. Not "fun" in the slightest.

Other urls found in this thread:


thats a .22

oh and you are a faggot. kys.

For mowing down crowds of you liberal sheep like the sheep you are.

>bill of needs

>don't give me legitimate reasons to debate against, just accept my opinions are divine

They're there to pierce body armor when malcontents come to take your property or harm your family

>an assault rifle like this on
not even good b8 but got a laugh out of me

Because semi automatics are easier to operate when you are physically disabled.

Requiring rifles to be bolt action only is discriminatory towards disabled people.

To kill (((your))) kind

it's my fuckin right...i don't need to justify anything...it's kike faggots like you that need to justify taking them

>And don't give me that tyranny, tinfoil hat bullshit.

Um. is someone going to tell him?

this lol

>that image

Tyranny and they are fun. Faggot

>Assault rifle
Make battle rifle's great again.

>Tinfoil hat bullshit
>American flag

Do I have to explain this one to you? We didn't overthrow the British with sticks and stones idiot.


was thinking about buying a pump action shotgun but with the world spinning downwards fast I think an AR might prove even more sensible soon

In case I ever decide to become a rice farmer in Vietnam

we don’t need them. They are a required tool for maintaining freedom

>Why do you need an assault rifle?
I like killing people

Civilians cannot own a true 'assault' rifle. A true assault rifle can switch between semi-auto and fully auto fire. The military has those, civilians do not (unless they have one that was bought before 1986 and was grandfathered in). It just infuriates me that the media outlets keep saying 'assault' weapon or 'assault' rifle. Now they are saying assault-style weapon. They are using a broad brush so they can paint over anything they deem should be banned. It's a dangerous road that we shouldn't even be going down.

"Assault rifle"
Just because it looks like a military weapon doesn't mean shit.

>an assault rifle
Because the 2nd Amendment is there to guarantee that citizens will have guns when the government gets corrupt and we rise up, and I don't want to fight off a zombie/alien/nigger invasion ofy house with a fucking Glock.
Also, they ARE fun to shoot, because I'm not a limp-wristed low-END soyboy like (You)rself.

Because the nigger next door has one and I'll be damned if I have to compete with that range with my glock.

wrong...civilians can still buy full auto...the gun just has to have been made before 86

Why not?

Sweden - Total gun ban and rape and criminal capital of the West.

Dont make the same mistake.

Better to die on your feet protecting your guns, than to live on your knees giving them away


U.N. invasion when the fed govt bows down.

And that's bullshit. There's no reason why I shouldn't be allowed to own a fully automatic weapon. The hughes amendment is completely unconstitutional.

that's the nicest looking nugget stock I've ever seen

Wow, that's a short nugget, but I like it

It almost sounds like you two are competing in dick size

>don't give me that tyranny, tinfoil hat bullshit
Stop underestimating it then. Because I've been all around the world, and it's a terrible place filled with bad people.

Nothing lasts forever, and everything you have, you'll forever have to fight to keep it, because the whole world is after it. Don't believe the bullshit on TV, don't believe you'll forever be safe. People could kill you to get what you have, and no, they won't just come and ask to share, they'll take it all. And they're coming.

We lived some happy times. But bad times ahead friend. Keep that rifle at home, service it, train with it, know it well. You'll only last as long as you have that gun. Let it be the reminder that nothing lasts forever.

I need an assault rifle to make it easier to kill you and your kind on the day of the rope.

>They are very loud and make your wrist and shoulder hurt. Not "fun" in the slightest.
1) The same can be said about any sport. Fuck off, pussy
2) Shall not be infringed
3) Arms are necessary to prevent the government from becoming too oppressive, as the lawmakers are shitscared of violence. In fact, if you don't agree with this, give me an example of an oppressive ruler in a society of well armed citizens. And how come every dictator disarmed the people just before purging and genociding them? Was it due to concerns regarding the security of school children from being shot? I don't think so.

fuck off! your shilling is old and boring, if you want answers look in archives


>Why do you need an assault rifle?
>Why do you need

I specifically buy military grade firearms in order to shoot back at the government should they become tyrannical.
>you don't have the right to disarm me
>you don't have the right to disarm me

>gun deaths per year excluding suicide: 12K -16K
>lives saved per year through the defensive use of firearms: 500K - 3million per the CDC

>From my japbro frend
America works best when citizens have authority of violence in their own hands. Not hunting weapons, military weapons.

Japan opposite. But we have single people and single culture. Impossible for America to have similar situation to Japan, so I think very very smart that states have more local authority than central government, and power of violence is left at lowest building block of society. Makes very good sense.

Where Japan has been the same before is our inter-prefecture and regional wars. Everybody know this is not "civil war" but violence sometimes is the best way to show whether a regional system is really more powerful than another: how much power can the bring to the edge of a combat? Nobody think "we separate from Japan" or whatever. Only regional contests. America can do this effect almost but only with voting, which is a good innovation.

Central government can take weapons of Americans, though, then you lose all power of this innovation and wind up like Europe: cannot ever have bloodless revolution through voting, and rulers will push to terrible situation ignoring reality until enter cycle of holocausts and really huger wars (just look at Europe now: entering holocaust cycle again because of same stupid thing!).

I hope Americans can keep the American system. No system of control works well for wild American people. They always do best when left uncontrolled.

This isn't about 'assault rifles' guys. They want a ban on guns. Either you believe in the right to self preservation or you dont.
>you don't have the right to disarm me

this is high quality bait. Good job op


>assault rifle

the second amendment kept the japs from invading us during ww2, you fucking idiot.


Because it’s my right to keep and bear arms.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Fun is now confirmed objective and opinions no longer exist.

Yep, I got my weapon of war for $100 back in the day. It's good for killing tyrants and taking out power substations.

For the life of me I cannot understand leftist logic.
> There are crazy people out there who want to shoot and kill others for no apparent reason
>This is why you DONT need a gun.
Do you ever listen to yourself?

>when your carefully-tested and designed modular rifle of the future is outclassed by a shitty wooden stick from WW2

I need every access to every single weapon the military has, without exception. The right to bare arms is there, first and foremost, so I can defend against a tyrannical government. Any ban to the contrary is simply unconstitutional.

quality bait

kill nigs

he said that you fucking numbnuts
>(unless they have one that was bought before 1986 and was grandfathered in)

Change our degenerate culture and gun violence will stop on its own

Try actually reading the law first

1. That's not an assault rifle.
2. Assault rifles have been illegal for a while.
3. Your opinion of what I should or shouldn't own is not up to you.
4. Taking a dick up the ass might be fun for faggots like you but I don't want to outlaw homosexuality.

Americans are unique in that we have things like freedom of speech, the right to defend ourselves and if necessary take up arms against an overreaching government. Just because you're too much of a domesticated pussy to even fathom fighting for your rights doesn't mean there aren't people who gladly would. Unless you're a complete fucking retard you'd know the moment even 1 militia rebels against the government almost overnight every single one will rebel, then within a week the government will have close to a million armed citizens waging guerrilla warfare against the government and at that moment the US is history. But you're a fucking sheltered retard who probably lives with his parents and are some non-binary soy thing you wouldn't survive. sage


This. Ban (((their))) garbage media promoting violence, sex, and immorality in the vidya, movies, and TV shows. And most importantly, ban pornography.

good god, dude. please point me to the place where you pulled that definition of 'assault rifle'

Yeah? Well the second amendment didn't stop the Germans from bombing Pearl Harbor.

Need to ban Automatic Assault Vehicles. Everyone should drive manual; also need to lower gas capacity.

Lol killin sum 'ol commies!

Leftist scum want me to surrender my right to defend myself, that's enough reason on it's own for me to have a gun.

On top of that, I'm racist for being white, I'm an oppressor because I have a job, I'm trans-phobic because I see a mind-body disconnect as a mental disorder, I'm a woman-hater because I believe in consequence of action and the lives of children, and evil because I have a moral framework through Christian values.

And the people who tell me all this have control of every important power in my country.

Why the fuck WOULDN'T need a gun?

Because its the Bill of RIGHTS, not the Bill of Needs.

To shoot your tiny little libtard head clean off

It’s a glorified pistol

FAL is top tier

Why do you need to open your mouth and talk bullshit? Explain to me why the government should not crack down on communists like you and regulate your 1st ammendment like you want to do to our 2nd?

Do we need to have this same thread 5 times a day.


Because I'm addicted to murdering children. I have a doctor's note.



exactly. it's a disability, OP.

You should learn to be more inclusive you retarded, non-inclusive piece of naive shit.

unironically this, though. i need it to kill people? why is that so hard for people to understand?

i'm going to fuck you in the ass

>very loud and make your wrist and shoulder hurt
soyboy faggot detected

It's not a bill of needs, commie fucker.

found the sandnigger

>an assault rifle like this one
lol nice bait user.

Have a (You)

>he waited outside while gunshots rang oot from inside the school.
Because im not leaving my well being up to the virtue signaling lefties of today.

1 post by this ID

You fuckwits are so easily trolled.

Poor guy

>don't give me that tyranny, tinfoil hat bullshit
>like this one
>And don't try and tell me it's fun or whatever. I've shot one. They are very loud and make your wrist and shoulder hurt. Not "fun" in the slightest.

I'm sick. I need help.
Send ammo.


To mitigate the propensity for a malevolent government, to defend myself.

Unironically this

Because a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free State
Militias need an armed population to call up

>in all fields

kys kike

>OP: 1 post by this ID.

>Why do you need an assault rifle?
Because bolt action is stupid and sometimes you want to shoot more than once every half hour.

aren't you tired of posting the same bait over and over again?

At the end of the day, the only person I trust to protect me is myself.
As a Constitutional American, I am exercising my right, as well as having the belief that gun culture is American culture.
I also find "assault" weapons to be aesthetically pleasing, and the act of firing them to be fun.

Nobody needs to justify rights.

not untill everyone says "i hate you, i wanna see you dead and there will be no debate".

Because you're a free individual in a free society.

Great irony lad, especially liked this part
>They are very loud and make your wrist and shoulder hurt
Made me LOL out loud


. By thus circumscribing the plan, it will be possible to have an excellent body of well-trained militia, ready to take the field whenever the defense of the State shall require it. This will not only lessen the call for military establishments, but if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow-citizens. This appears to me the only substitute that can be devised for a standing army, and the best possible security against it, if it should exist.''

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 29

This is some excellent bait OP

Living where you can get an SG550
>But getting an AR