Is there anything better than dual-citizenship?

Is there anything better than dual-citizenship?
>tfw Polish-American Master Race
>tfw not part of el 56% horde
>tfw have an amazing country to flee to in case this one crumbles
>tfw debating moving there anyway
Goddamn, it's good to be white.

Other urls found in this thread:

>amazing country

>Bought some defective Polish genes from the black market
>LARP's as a hussar n sheit

Have you ever been to Krakow or Warsaw? They are actually fantastic places to visit. Cheap, clean, beautiful buildings, and great looking women.

> not knowing kurwalingo
> not knowing kurwaculture
> thinks he is going to be threated like "white" here

you are le 56% face . polish people have asian ad mixture and gypo blood because of migration from ares like romania and serbia over time

you only speak yiddish and still get by

> Soczewica, koło, miele, młyn
You know nothing about europe John 5n6w

>Hello! I am Mateusz your new neighbor

What do?