Is there anything better than dual-citizenship?
>tfw Polish-American Master Race
>tfw not part of el 56% horde
>tfw have an amazing country to flee to in case this one crumbles
>tfw debating moving there anyway
Goddamn, it's good to be white.
Is there anything better than dual-citizenship?
Wyatt Lee
Other urls found in this thread:
Jaxson Flores
>amazing country
Adrian Kelly
Samuel White
>Bought some defective Polish genes from the black market
>LARP's as a hussar n sheit
Logan Rodriguez
Have you ever been to Krakow or Warsaw? They are actually fantastic places to visit. Cheap, clean, beautiful buildings, and great looking women.
Jordan Ramirez
> not knowing kurwalingo
> not knowing kurwaculture
> thinks he is going to be threated like "white" here
Chase Moore
you are le 56% face . polish people have asian ad mixture and gypo blood because of migration from ares like romania and serbia over time
Nathaniel Peterson
you only speak yiddish and still get by
Zachary Ramirez
> Soczewica, koło, miele, młyn
You know nothing about europe John 5n6w
Gabriel Cox
>Hello! I am Mateusz your new neighbor
What do?