Why does Ben Garrison have homoerotic fantasies of sucking Trumps dick?


The handles on the wrong side for a start

typical trump dick sucking boomer no different from his 14 year old fan base on pol .

Magapedes are useful idiots. You cringe at everything they do but without them the alternative is leftists.

Because most magapedes are faggots who are gay for strong male authority figures. Even when they're getting fucked or having their rights taken away, they still support their daddy Trump.

>Because most magapedes are faggots who are gay for strong male authority figures

this also explains the cult behind Jordan Peterson as well

Not if you're left handed. Faggot.

The only people who don't have homoerotic fantasies of sucking Trump's dick are women.

this is how I see it, Trumpcucks are our SJW's.

Look how easily they upset lefties without even positng in the thread.

You guys done crying over a cup yet? fucking pussies lmao

Ben is a BASED ANTI-RACIST MAGEPEDE! Like /OURGUYS/ Milo and Alex Jones.