>Expropriation of land without compensation could create a systemic risk for the banking industry‚ warns Ian Matthews‚ head of business development at Bravura‚ an independent investment banking firm.
>“Expropriation without compensation could create a systemic risk for the South African banking/financing industry as a whole. Loan and bond agreements entered into with a bank do not typically take into account a scenario in which property seizure results in a forcible change of ownership‚” he said.
>“If a loan is defaulted upon as a result of expropriation‚ it is unclear what the recourse would be for the borrower involved‚ and how the lender will ever be able to recover the loans granted.” He added that government records show that the major sources of credit for farmers are banks (56%)‚ agricultural co-operatives and agribusinesses (9%) and the Land and the Land Bank (30%).
>“South African banks have a significant exposure to the agricultural industry. According to Bloomberg‚ farmers have their highest-ever debt with South African banks with a total of more than R125 billion.”
>FirstRand and Barclays Africa has the largest proportion of agricultural loans (3.6% and 3.4% of their total lending book respectively)‚ followed by Standard Bank (2%) and Nedbank (1%)‚ Matthews said. “It is therefore clear that expropriation that leads to a failure to recover these loans may result in widespread bankruptcy and an ensuing economic crisis‚ which could result in a systemic risk in the banking and agricultural sectors‚” he said.
>“It would be hard to imagine how the banking and finance sector would be able to overcome large-scale loan losses [that] could arise from an expropriation without financial compensation. Government may well have to step in to prop up the banks and other financial market role players.”
>He warned that food security and jobs in the agricultural sector could be negatively affected.
South Africa's land expropriation could cause economic upheaval
Feels good man those boers will be dead abouslte pathetic cucks
>implying it is even physically possible for good things to happen when niggers are in charge
Shocking that applying communist tactics results in an economic crash, and will be followed by several years of starvation.
> niggers in charge
> not running the country into the ground
>I stand for da workers
>communist meme flag
everything checks out normal here
>Implying we want good things to happen to genocidal niggers
Commies like you will hang, and I will be proud to wear the executioners mask.
My biggest worry is that the west won’t take white refugees.
When it continues like now, SA goes full Simbabwe.
That means the economy crushes and the money will be worth nothing.
>steal land by force
>get assblasted when the owners take it back
this is just absurd
STFU u pol beta cucks you aren't going too fight for shit all you will do is watch as millions of disgusting boers die pic related of white woman getting blacked
Canada doesnt
THISSSS thank you Jew for the genocide of the white man
Ha ha ha, this has got to be the most hypocritical post ever.
Sign and spread.
The (((Media))) is barely reporting it, only a couple mainstream outlets have.
niggers where a mistake. we shouldn't have enslaved them. we should have purged them.
Well, and that's not even taking into account the whites salting the land the moment it's seized from them...
Day of the rope soon.
Traitors like you get "liquidated" first.
Screencap this.
>0/10 not even trying anymore
Waht's going to happen if the niggers get control of the diamond mines?
hate to say it but boers need to become martyrs
You would know about stealing land...
>take out massive loan on farm
>land gets stolen
Yeah... that could be a problem. Maybe... just MAYBE.... maybe they shouldn't steal land from people? I'm just brainstorming here.
You haven't seen shit yet
Nobody will ever feel sorry for dead white people.
Commie sympathizers must become martyrs.
Why am I not shocked that the black Africans haven't thought through the consequences? It's hard to believe that South Africa used to be the wealthiest nation on the continent, and even post-apartheid was considered the continent's beacon of hope and prosperity...a story of true and genuine reconciliation.
Would it change anything? I doubt it. Attacks have been going on for a while and normies dgaf, it's not even reported in the news.
They'll just look the other way like when farmers in Zimbabwe got expropriated, leftists will imply whites somehow deserved it like they did back then.
They act impulsively, they have no concept of repercussions.
We should all listen to Jamal over here - he has experience with this.
You wanna join them?
conqueror's rights bitches
mayoskins are too pussy and bitch made to fight back, against African people reclaiming their lands
Well, the Rwandan genocide was pretty nice to have...
Weak bait.
If the land has to be returned to the original "owners", then ALL of the Bantu cunts need to leave as well, and give it to the remaining Khoisan people.
>South Africa used to be the wealthiest nation on the continent
When the sanctions were lifted? Yes. It's been going from bad to worse since then.
>White farmers "lose" their land
>Niggers are now charged 10x higher rates for loans by the banks
>Possibility 1:Nigs never pay the loans and government bails out the White banks, who then finance a white military to win a civil war
>Possibility 2:Nigs pay the loans and White banks now have higher profit and ability to finance a white military to civil war
Could this not end up as a good thing in the long run?
>African people reclaiming their lands
That's the whole point though, it isn't their land, the ones that want to take it came from other parts of Africa more recently, the farmers have been there for hundreds of years.
Bait but true. Property rights don't mean shit when nobody enforces them. At the end of the day, might makes right.
Niggers have the demographic advantage and they're pressing it, justice or fairness has nothing to do with it.
Guess you lived in filth for so many years that you want to live in more filth to only get shot.
>inb4 nigger larp poster
>pushing niggers to be in charge will ultimately lead to the downfall of their (((banks)))
>when the jews jew so hard that they jew themselves
what a time to be alive
how the fuck is that hypocritical ? read up senpai:
foreigners took over the country , stole all resources and made the locals second class citizens . of course they have to return the stolen shit .
Social Darwinism on a neo-nazi forum, how predictable.
Enjoy watching your black brothers starve to death than Pavement Ape.
tell this to the Communist
>even Che Guevara knew blacks are nothing but animals
Never thought i would say this but fuck them. Let the banks fuck the niggers
>of course they have to return the stolen shit .
Did they take the farms from the Bantu ? or did they develop undeveloped land not owned by the Bantu ? The second one, it's the second one.
>choose to live in nigger HQ
>not expect them to pull stupid shit like this
It really is their fault for not being prepared to deal with feral niggers.
It's the inevitable outcome of letting non-whites becoming the majority in a Democracy. They'll find whatever reason to claim whitey's shit.
>banks lend a ton of money to white farmers with a big knowledge base and incentive to work hard to pay their debts
>farms producing at full capacity
>farmers get land taken, they strip the farm and leave
>bank can't get it's money back
>land isn't working at full capacity anymore, new owners neither have the correct equipment, education or incentive to make it work
>lines blurred between ownership, feuds break out over property
>no money and no food flowing in an already struggling economy with water shortages
Looks like we'll get to see the South African civil war in our lifetime. The only functioning, first world African country is going to become Liberia because of the eternal nigger.
This is a perfect recipe for hyperinflation, disregarding the social impact. If you are in SA it’s officially time to leave
"neo-nazis" discuss social darwinism. Other races apply it
Israel is stolen land, which should be given back to the Palestinians, whom you genocide. You are a hypocrite, but you're also literal undermench.
nice one
>The Jews lived in Jerusalem before Palestine existed. They have the right to be there.
Oh the fallacies of the Jew is unyielding.
yes they should return the land to the bantu
Tell me more about stealing land. This is bait.
They should burn all the crops and salt all of the land imidiently.
Then leave the country.
Commies always kill real workers.
Then they set to work the lumpens and the blood thirsty sub human mercenaries.
Then everything goes wrong and they start purging themselves.
>h-how will this effect the banks?!?!
Every time. White genocide is A-OK as long as the kikes don't lose their shekels.
>says the man living in a stolen country
God, I'm glad you kike shitposters on prove nazis right every post.
>functioning, first world African country
Am I failing to recognise sarcasm or what?
It will change nothing at all.
Fuck off kike. Nobody lived there permanently when my cousins arrived. Some nogs came to visit the north every summer to walk around and let their kettle graze, but winter was too harsh for da kangz so they never bothered to hang around
that flag talking about stealing land...
>oy vey shwatrze, you had better pay us off when you take the white goyim land
Wear the commies face like a mask so its like he's killing himself
Top kek
Meretz or just kike?
you do realize white people were in south africa long before most of the black people were right?
He's saying that a halfway-functioning country shall cease to be so [i.e. become Liberia].
Nobody is going to want to invest in a country where their property is confiscated at will. Congratulations, 1992 Apartheid Referendum voters, you just made yourself and your children South Africa's equivalent of the kulak class. I can't wait for people in this country to be "oh so shocked" that these things happen when shit really hits the fan, and you know what I mean. It's not going to stop with land confiscation.
Who cares?
We got the goyim right where we want em
>warlords literally tear their country apart dividing it into warring clans
>canada: somali dindus welcome
>terrorists get btfo when they try to instigate a civil war in sri lank
>canada: tamils welcome
>draft dodgers and terrorist sympathizers lose their proxy war
>canada: syrians welcome
>whites getting targeted and massacred for their farms
>canada: lol racist propaganda south africa is a violent shithole everywhere
and canada is probably going to take in rohingyas in as refugees despite them inciting buddhists to retaliate, as well. its like we never take in actual refugees but instead losers that started their problem in the first place.
The land getting stolen from whites isn't the problem, the problem is those poor jew bankers might lose some shekels if it happens