From 5th grade to 12th grade. every singe year of public school........ holocaust. holocaust. holocaust. holocaust. I am not a holocaust denier but I have been stripped of learning about ANY other history. My question is why? is it because muh jews or teachers are lazy and its easy to teach.
Was anyone else taught nothing but the holocaust in school?
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I went to school in Britain and the literally never mentioned the Holocaust. Now I hear from the Parkland kids in America they have *daily* holocaust classes. What the actual fuck?
we had a Holocaust survivor come in and everything. it was non stop. I knew nothing about the actual war. it was all about the Holocaust.
It honestly must be because of Jews. British people totally glorify the Second World War which they believe they won single-handedly. They even look back fondly on the Blitz (the bombing of London) due to the "community spirit". Yet, the holocaust is not seen as something to discuss with children presumably because it is considered too tragic or upsetting.
Some Jewish holocaust survivor came to my school during remembrance day to do a presentation and remind us to remember the Jewish who died in WWII.
In school they taught me Jews dindu nuffin and that Germans were jealous of them.
Why did Hitler hate Jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.
These people can't stop virtue signaling for one minute.
Benjamin H. Freedman 1961 speech
i'm sick of jews acting like they're the only victims of the holocaust
Jew NKVD head Yagoda, kike Kaganovich, and kike-married Molotov famined 6,000,000+ Slavs in the 1930's yet we'll never hear about despite having more Ukrainians than Jews.
At least now I understand where she got the idea for her hairstyle.
Nevermind what Lenin, his kike Cheka, and his kike chosen successor Trotsky did to Russians and Ukrainians. Untold tens of millions were exterminated. They purposefully targeted the best and brightest.
We covered very little about it in Canada from what I remember, even slavery wasn't covered much. Mostly underground railroad shit.
Ironically i can't remember being taught about the holocaust at all, i'm sure we were, but i can't remember it at all.
We learned more about the intricacies of british and australian politics pre-1914, ANZACs and Gallipoli WW1 shit than all of WW2 combined.
This was when we were still majority white though.
No I went to school in Germany, it's part of the mandatory curriculum here
I went to public school all my life and if I recall, holocaust studies started in middle school (7th grade). It was mostly in Literature courses. For some reason our history courses didn't talk much about it. 7th grade was when we read the Diary of Ann Frank, then we had a to contribute to a Holocaust memorial that the school had, then we had a few seminars about "Hate Groups" and then in High School (11th grade) we read "Night" by Elie Wiesel.
I often wonder if private schools have the same studies.
That's pretty much what they taught us in school.
In school for German/Euro history we learned about Bismarck, Franco-Prussian War, Weimar Republic and Hitler's rise to power. Le Holocaust wasn't really covered. I had no clue who Anne Frank was until Sup Forums. Really makes you think.
>I had no clue who Anne Frank was until Sup Forums. Really makes you think.
I find this difficult to believe lol
What I remember from my American history classes:
Pre-Columbian civilizations
Colonialism and its evils
Genocide against Indians
More Slavery
Civil War
Jim Crow
Women's suffrage movement
The reason why the West (at least here in the US) is in such a bad state is because we're not taught the glories of Western civilization. Just endless guilt trips about slavery and manifest destiny, as if those were unique just to Americans. Indeed, there is no emphasis on the Western origins of America.
She was the one who refused to sit on the back of the bus.
We spent a year learning about the Holocaust, then a year learning about Apartheid in South Africa and black slavery in the US. Really made me think.
>American education
What year was this?
All we did was Tudors and Stuarts and bullshit like that.
dont forget netflix always got some anti hitler shit at the top a new one evry fckn week
It was mainly the Civil Rights movement getting regurgitated every grade in my experience.
we briefly talked about the holocaust one day in middle school and that was it.
I graduated in 05 though, from what I understand things are pretty bad now with a holocaust class being required for current students in high school. I also went to inner city schools where they didn't make any real attempt to teach us anything since every ounce of the teacher's energy was spent dealing with the black kids.
We had to read diary of Anne frank in middle school but my teacher would routinely point out that it was a “historical fiction, not an actual autobiography.” Then I got into high school and took three years of German classes and my teacher never covered the holocaust but went at lengths teaching us Bismarck was the greatest politician in history and it was a shame the Weimar Republic followed the Kaiserreich. Stopped short of supporting the third Reich, but the implication could not have been clearer.
I loved growing up in a conservative County.
Old fag here. I remember it all started in middle school with reading Ann Frank. I got in trouble for asking questions like a bad widdle goy.
I was doubtful about muh holocaust since I was a kid. Getting in trouble for asking questions really slammed my pogs back then.
The only shit I learned related to WW2 was Pearl Harbor and Weeaboo land
yes. every year from about 6th grade on.
english class? write about the holocaust. reading class? holocaust stories. history? holocaust. social studies? holocaust. pretty much every class but science and math every year at least one lesson was on the holocaust
interestingly enough i never once learned about ww1 other than Princep's assassination and the treaties triggered. that's it.
Even here in israel we learn only in 9th grade about the holocaust the rest we learn actual history what the fuck is wrong with america.
I remember it was mentioned once and it wasn't even history class. It was fucking Finnish language class.
It didn't go well for the teachers since we started questioning a lot and teacher could not answer so she just gave up.
What did you do to all the German anons you filthy kike? I haven't seen a German flag in days.