I'm a right leaning libertarian, and I love the USA with all my heart. But the leftist/SJW culture is taking over and becoming the social norm. I don't know if I want my kids to be raised with this idealogy (at school, friends, etc). What's a good non-cucked, slightly right leaning/centrist country to move to and raise kids?
I'm a right leaning libertarian, and I love the USA with all my heart...
Other urls found in this thread:
le weeb country
based af
You made your bed race traitor lolbertarian, now lie in it
Move to the Midwest and send them to private school.
homeschool them
>But the leftist/SJW culture is taking over and becoming the social norm.
kek no gen Z is rejecting it hard, only millennials the failed generation fell for it
move to Detroit or Shitcago and get truly redpilled not just "right leaning libertarian"
This is one reason why I'm antisocial. My generation hates me for being different and other generations hate me for being Millennial. Burn it all down I say
Libertarian is actually the minority, man only makes it look like it's relevant. Everyone secretly laughs at these people which is why in any alternative media things like YouTube there is nothing popeuxbjwn jwjhx
oh man, you shouldn't have admitted it... now I hate you too
>loves USA wants to go to other country instead
I don't care if people laugh at me. I'm used to not having social status so I have nothing to lose by extreme individualism and everything to gain. Libertarianism is what makes sense for the well to do sperg.
this. if you arent an ethnonationalist in 2018 youre doing it wrong
And I hate you back.
>popeuxbjwn jwjhx
Yea, I know what you mean chelu.
BAM! Volltreffer!!!
Faggy way to say "center-right".
Libertarians don't love countries.
yeah... so true. if you're not ethnonationalist by now, there is 90% chance you have something wrong in your head
I don't have to live in either of those places.
Well, that's good. because I'm contemplating extermination of millennials as well as other undesirables :D
The fact that you call yourself a libertarian at this point in history makes you worthy of being raped by a pack of gay niggers.
And I am contemplating the extermination of Nazi scum. Don't tread on me. I believe in the second amendment and can and will use it against someone.
The good thing about being Millennial is people underestimate me. I can fuck people's lives over if they decide to cross me and they can do nothing about it because they expect nothing from me.
If you worked with me and you were hostile towards me I'd do whatever it took to get you fired or ruin your life. I don't fit in with my peer groups and other groups hate me so I have no reason not to be ruthless and psychotic.
you don't have to do shit... except go clean your room and be a lobster at least once in your lifetime :D
wow! Good for you man! that's the way to go! feel that anger! I'm afraid your friends will find that this battle/pol/ is fully operational
Home school
Teachers are the bottom of the barrel
My role models are Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard not Peterson.
There are many things that you can do to accelerate already imbalanced forces while inside the beast. The ethos slowly pushes people into a wall, it is possible to throw them against it before they're completely inhuman and provoke a reaction.
I find that roleplaying as an anarcho-radfem is the easiest way to either encourage the mentally ill to destroy themselves or push normies up to the edge of a cliff that is never approached in polite society. All of the manipulation on their level is based upon pre-established rules of politeness and conditioned responses, I'm sure you can extrapolate from whatever your position is to driving those around you to ruin or salvation.
You ruin your social capital when you take a strong position, so these things must be subtle. Have you ever heard someone say "Trump is sponsored by Likud"? it's a blackpill gaslight for the right but it's an insane eye-opener for the already aligned leftists stuck in their emotions. Use their emotions against them, they have no natural defenses against your words if they stroke them the right way.
I don't have social capital so I don't have anything to lose by not conforming.
You don't have to leave the US to find what you're looking for user. Get away from the coasts and large cities.
Only cowards run from the homeland. They may look like they're growing, but it's just their death knell. Come here and vote in our politics, keep the commiefornians from making a difference.
You will never find a nation like ours, but you're free to go and try.
Hold the line and pass the fire to your children. Don't be afraid. Protect what you were given instead of fleeing like a coward.
>SJW culture
>wut is culture?
how about taking care of our own country instead of going somewhere where you're not wanted?
JBP is not role model by any standards, he's very much kiked cuck, but he does offer some good education on human psyche
Are you white or just a nigger (like 99% of americans)?
No, don't encourage him with "you're free to flee" fuck that. you've got your country - clean the room and have it the way you'd want it. fuck the faggots who emigrate!
Or maybe you should read Hoppe.
>Libertarians don't love countries.
But they do love borders.
he's unaware that there is such thing as RACE, he wouldn't want to be called rayciss
Good to see all these sensible opinions. OP is a fucking cuckold for trying to jump from the burning house that he helped light.
Let me know if you find somewhere better to go.
you wanna explode the unprepped minds? man, that's just cruel :D
Libertarians didn't start this culture war, and we're part of the group that is fighting back in a way normies take to be normal. Sorry, the mainstream isn't going to take seriously (to collaborate with) a bunch of tiki torch burning 4th Reich larpers.
The united states, don't leave.
If you want to make sure your children don't grow up to be commies, give them a ton of personal attention in the form of taking them to do red pilled things. Church, Shooting, Wood Shop.
Teach them the value of hard work. Give hire them to be your gardener/maid, and pay them based on how well they did.