Anime is dead

It'll be pleb tier garbage with no political intrigue or character development because that'll be too boring and confusing for the typical beta Asian male.

Why do we need another LoGH thread again?

Looks like the same thing to me; fujoshit.

>Fujoshits ruin this anime
>it's beta male fault xD

Feminism is cancer, kill yourself for defending creatures that bleed 5 times a month and don't die

So what would have happened if Yang had become dictator of the FPA like Schenkopp wanted?

The most idealistic people tend to become the most brutal dictators when they get absolute power

It's been updated to a different artstyle but it looks like they're giving respects to the original design rather than changing the details on the characters. I don't see the problem.

What sort of brutal measures would Yang put in place if he was a dictator?

>unique character designs then
>apathetic faced pretty boys now

I've never watched LoGH but it sucks to see that character designers are afraid to be unique when "updating" a design.

They are extremely generic and boring to look at. There's no personality whatsoever. They're less technically detailed but I don't expect these designs will allow expressive or creative movement.

Capital offense to interrupt his napping.

That's not brutal, that's necessary.

Because people are still mad, and it needs to be expressed by filling up the catalog with LoGH threads

Fujos didn't ruin it, fujos liked the original as it was. The (almost definitely) male higher ups working on the series are the retards who made a half assed, misinformed attempt at attracting fujos without actually having a clue what fujos want to see. It's not going to be a KnB tier hit just because the characters look the same.

Wow, the art now matches the quality of the contents. Now we only need to keep Mahler away from this piece of shit franchise.

What are Kise and Akashi doing in TotGH? I never watched the original, didn't know they were in the same universe.

They look like basketball players

Which torrent should I use? I'm seeing people say not to use anything that has Central Anime as it's source, or even any fansubs in general.

>Looks like
there's your problem

as long as the show is good I can get used to the artstyle

Where else are you going to get subs if not for fansubs?
Just use Central Anime, it's fine. Last time I watched it was even recommended.

I was thinking what did they look like and why it seemed familiar.

Kuroko no Basket


All tea has at least a 20% alcohol content.

I haven't watched LoGH yet but Kirchies hair in the new style really triggers me. Why does modern anime hate the old fluffy style hair so much?
I think only Gundam Unicorn's Banagher still has the classic old style fluff to him.


Wasn't that "Schönkopf"?

Is this going to be the same kind of bitching we got when Parasyte came out? The art changed, but the content was essentially unchanged and a faithful adaptation.

Man, I liked the anime adaptation esp. the music, but all my anime friends hated it for not being faithful to the manga artstyle.

It wasn't even that drastic a change in style. It hit every note from the manga. I fucking cried at the end.
>I am feeling very tired, you pull her up.

same, but well see.
I like that the graphic has put into its budget worth and it seem the staffs are putting effort into that. I can stomach the design, but all hope left is place on the execution.

It was an impossible task to adapt it perfectly anyway, that kind of visual horror just doesn't translate well to anime. I thought it was overall great too, apart from Murano's autism and some tiny changes that they made.

Hate to brake it to you OP, and it seems Sup Forums, but these men are gay asian males

Lets embrace it

it was always shit

Yamato Remake did okay. Hell, we need more space opera shows.

>They are extremely generic and boring to look at

what do you think they were decades ago? you think these were groundbreaking designs of their time?

Yes please.

/m/ is already shitting on it hard