Madison would never condone the use of the U.S. Constitution to justify the slaughter of innocents. Just admit it: You're have a gun fetish; you are as American as Osama Bin Laden; and you are jihadists for the NRA.
Murder is agin the law.
Sage btw
My guns are already well-regulated. They are in proper working order. Seems to me like you're using illiteracy as a justification for your masochism fetish.
Two more jihadists for the NRA.
As recently as 50 years ago any US politician would have taken these Parkland kids behind the woodshed with a hickory branch and whipped their ass good for what they are doing. Hubert Humphrey was an NRA member and proud of it. Just let that sink in.
alright fine I'll confess to all sorts of crimes real quick here we go:
>ima fucktard and don't know what regulated means
If Madison saw what was going on in the US today, he'd start stockpiling supplies and building fortifications.
I’m naturally sweet. my fructose and dextrose are off the charts in my sugar centers. I FUCKING LOVE
Cruz was a mutt cuban half jew. Not exactly a white supremacist. sage
Why are people always lumping him with us? He has yellow skin FFS
all the worlds a stage bang bang. Would bang 8/10 gun toting milf
How about we go one step further?
Fuck fucking Madison.
Fuck him up his dead white slaveowning ass.
Cannot fucking WAIT till Dems get power next year and flush the gun amendment right down the toilet.
Maybe after kids stop dying we can take a hard look at ripping down the monuments to brutal white men who also believed in their "right" to own brown people as property.
Face it, skinheads, your whole Constitution is inherently racist and you WILL live to see it rewritten.
Am I supposed to know who that is or something?
Read the amendment faggot. That’s a declaration of fact. The part that has to do with what the government can and can’t do is the shall not be infringed part.
You liberals only see what's directly in front of you. Like a horse with blinders. I wish you all could see how much you're being duped into disarming the country.
Thanks OP,
I mostly lurk here but you and your ilk that constantly shill here convinced me to join the NRA.
p.s. enjoy the map of murder rates by country I've provided - many of those dark blue countries have gun control laws.
>Shall Not Be Infringed
>Only Amendment In The Bill of Rights That Has That Phrase
>it doesn't mean what it says, guys!!
Clearly you don't speak english. Please Deport Yourself, Paco.
You are faggot
Would not bang but would let her make me pie. isn’t this fun
Madison wrote the first part of the Constitution.
The Anti-Federalists demanded rights be placed in.
It was George Mason who decided what the Amendments were, not Madison.
And George Mason would kick your backside for questioning it.
That's not what well regulated means, and at this point you must know it. You're being a twat.
Yes it is, it was debated to death in the Supreme Court:
Read the legally binding arguments before you make a fool of yourself.
And this is what George Mason said that the Militia meant.
I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials." -George Mason in Virginia Convention on Ratification of the Constitution
ill die with my rifle in my hand if you try and take em
Oh are you ever going to be disappointed. Please. Become suicidal.
Oh, look.
OP is sucking dick again.
Yeah, and, you got a fucking problem?
owning slaves was legal then.
whatya call that weird word type fishbone chart?
When will the left learn to meme? Thats not how acronyms work, its not even creative
>Madison would never condone the use of the U.S. Constitution to justify the slaughter of innocents.
neither would anyone else, dipshit
don't have to be Styxhexenhammer666 to see this logical fallacy
You think they didn't consider that some psychos would exploit our good will? Are you retarded, sir? The entire reason for the 2nd amen is so that innocent people could protect themselves from these psychos. Sage goes in all fields
The purpose of the bill of rights was to declared individual liberties and where government power ended. Because of this, a granting of government power ie 'regulating' literally makes no sense.
What does make sense is the use of regulating in that weaponry and militiamen are well maintained, they have a right to the necessary supplies to maintain their combat potential.
Sentence diagram. That one came out of Clinton assault weapons ban era research, so while it’s similar to some parts of the landmark decisions you should use the landmark decisions as “gospel” legally.