Chads aren't alt-right/white nationalists. They don't even know what Sup Forums is, they are too busy slaying Stacies of all different races and partying it up in the club or with their bros.
They also have some alpha Asian, Hispanic, Black, and Arab friends and aren't race obsessed autists. Chad doesn't spend 5 hours a day on an anime imageboard debating the logistics of an ethnostate, only autists do that.
Chad is a hyperpromiscuous degenerate who isn't breaking new ground t.ex chad
fuck off nigger lover
Xavier Lewis
Chad is useless.
Ian Moore
The fact this place has a name for good looking confident white men iz proof it's full of beta muppets. That being said, I don't think any 'chad' would put up with anti white bullshit.
t. A literal chad
Oliver Baker
chads are airheads
Adam Torres
Yeah he wouldn't put up with anti-white bullshit but that's different from being a genocidal wn autist.
Michael King
Ain't no Chad under 6'0, let alone 5'8 though
Matthew Taylor
exactomondo I never heard of this chad bs until I came here in 2016 . this place is beyond pathetic man
Chase Wright
>They don't even know what Sup Forums is, they are too busy slaying Stacies of all different races and partying it up in the club or with their bros. Sounds boring and degenerate, desu.