not a shill but it's finally happening. I knew this day would come but now that it's finally here it's only a matter of time.
they're censoring the internet at even higher speeds now... they started a while ago by censoring facebook and twitter more heavily, and then they moved onto shutting down major torrent sites. now they're mass deleting whoever they want and no one can stop them. nothing can be done. youtube is no longer a safe haven. tons of channels are going to get censored into oblivion. not even people like pewdiepie are safe. even if you're a non-political commentator, if you step out of line for a minute, you risk having all of your hard work destroyed.
all of this is combined with forced recommended channels and activity feeds showing you the hand-selected material they want you to see. not only that but this is being pushed along with a forced attempt to merge youtube with the online realm. "you can watch live TV on youtube now! we recommend CNN friend! just click subscribe right now!" none of it is natural. it's all forced and manipulated. but the normies can't see this for themselves and will be led like sheep to the slaughter. all of this is hidden and it's so subtle - yet so invasive - that regular folk probably won't even realize when half the site ends up getting deleted for wrong-think.
the clincher is that you can't even discuss it publicly on platforms like twitter or facebook... despite potentially tens of millions of people tweeting or talking about censorship and trying to push back the hashtags themselves are shadowbanned and removed. it's like trying to debate against the owner of the venue and he just mutes your microphone (that he owns) and notches up the volume of his own set. you're sitting there reasoning about censorship and freedom while he claps his hands and your spotlight shifts to himself. you're screwed.
gotta be honest... I think this is it. if they succeed in this mass censorship attempt it's over for real.
Mass censorship never works when it's obvious and the people don't want it.
Zachary Ward
This is actually a good thing. Google the "Streisand Effect" and "100th monkey effect" Normalfags are going to wake up now if they weren't before. Just you watch.
Ian Martin
>tfw you've been stockpiling hundreds of pdf books and documents for this day at least I'll have something to remind me of what sanity used to be like
Hunter Allen
It's bad. REAL BAD. Republicans need to do something NOW. Sitting around with their thumbs up their asses guarantees a loss of both the House and the Senate in November.
Jaxon Perez
all of this can be stopped simply by using the brave browser and stocking up on BAT basic attention token.
>and the people don't want it normies don't care. they really don't. it isn't like back before in the day when they had nothing better to do than to wait for the next pitchfork happening to occur so they can burn down the next witch. normies don't want any drama - especially if rising up against it means threatening your source of income or getting fired by your employer. no one is willing to risk their life anymore. the big tech companies can get away with whatever they want.
as long as normies have some form of entertainment they won't give a damn. by the time it gets too far and people really start to push back it'll be too late and it'll have already become the norm. just being honest. I wish it wasn't the case but frankly I have no faith in where things are headed.
the writing on the wall is pretty damn clear. we have no rights on youtube or social media platforms. they can censor and remove whatever they want and there's nothing we can do about it. no one is going to boycott companies like youtube enough to do anything about it when it's so popular and even when a company like twitter, who has had shit financials for years, is still propped up and in-existence because of backdoor donors.
even if half the youtube members left that site some asshole like Soros could dumb a couple billion to keep youtube propped up and new users would keep on using it anyway and down it goes into the memory hole where censorship becomes the norm.
even so come. amen.
Ryder Jackson
I wonder how long it'll be until they come after 4ch