>Alaska! Fucking Alaska man!
Why don't we all just go to Alaska!?
>the shitskins will never follow. Too cold
>plenty of oil and energy sources
>lots of wilderness and game for hunting
We can hide out there for a few centuries while the rest of the world goes through their dark ages. We will exist under free markets so the productive will lead and breed.
Whose coming with me?!
Come on eurofags! You can come too
why the fuck would I hide from your problems lmao you're only prolonging the inevitable
Sup Forums is like 10% white
Who you think you're talking to, and who you are actually talking to are completely different.
Also unfortunately niggers are able to wear warm clothing and live around whites out of spite instead of going back to the jungle.
Aww well fuck off then, pussy.
>10% white
Now you know that's bullshit.
>warm clothes
It will be a free market so no welfare state to keep weak shitskins alive. And come at your own volition so no crying about slavery
>niggers are able to wear warm clothing and live around whites out of spite instead of going back to the jungle.
This triggered me because it's true
Nothing angers me more than seeing niggers in snow
You don't know shit about Alaska.
A good place to store adrenochrome.
i always thought it was retarded to live in alaska, but i have to agree with you user, its the only place for a white ethno state where we wont be bothered by undesireables and those unprepared, ie refugees and minorities.
>the shitskins will never follow.
Nigger have you looked at Alaska's demographics?
>14% snow nigger
>3.6% actual niggers
>5.5% beaners
>5.4% asian
As of 2010, it was only 64% non-hispanic white -- down 10% from 2000. Alaska is "diversifying" just like the rest of the country, and the idea of "cold scaring them away" is a meme.
Moar on Alaska demographics. Between 1950 and 2010, the white population of Anchorage decreased from 97% to 62.6%. Between 1970 and 2010, the population of spics went up by more than 300%, from 2.4% to 7.6%. The Asian population went up about 800% in the same time period.
You're not going to be able to run from demographics by moving to Alaska, user.
I plan on leaving Alabama for the Northwest as soon as I'm done with my education. I've been thinking about Montana or Wyoming.
Feds and Indians own all the oil and most mines.
Alaska has potential if we imported 100K new people, but the only resource left is gold.
I stake mining claims in Alaska and work for Junior miners and operators.
There is no work in Alaska now, the commie politicians have tanked Alaska.
If experienced Alaskans with MSHA, NSTC, CITS cards cant find work, you fuckers will really struggle.
The reason? In 2010 Montana had a total of 4000 blacks.
>never saw a single alaska-degeneracy thread: the OP
hahaha, if by "struggle" you mean "get starved out of a frozen bus and eaten by bears"
The blacks in MT are mostly Air Force or retirees as well.
Had to shovel 6 foot of snow off the roof so the house wont collapse.
Put a starter in the truck at -25 last week laying on ice.
Sam's Club shut down so no more cheap food.
Winter fuel is 15% less BTU and ate my turbo, ate an injection pump last year.
Hunting is not easy unless you have a 50K$ jet boat or a plane.
The power to write this comes from a Honda genny that has to run 24/7.
I have to plow snow with a chained up truck at least 3 times a week.
You would all cry if you tried Alaska.
Return the land, 150 years of rent is over.
Stay out of here you faggots. You'd die anyways
Alaska ???
Hell no, too dangerous.
Alaska has one of the highest violent crime rates in the U.S., at 603.2 violent crimes per 100,000 compared to a national average of 386.9, according to the FBI's 2012 crime report. That includes nearly 80 rapes per 100,000 residents in 2012 compared to a national average of 26.9, more than any other state.
Alaska = highest rape rate in the country
Montana has a lot of Native Americans, who eat up ghetto culture. So basically they are just blacks with a drinking problem.
Honestly, OPs idea is not complete faggotry. AK has been getting an influx of leftists over the past ten years. Anchorage is even more of a gang riddled shit hole than usual, Juneau is nothing but liberals and hipsters, and most every other blue collar community has gotten shafted in one way or another.
The AK economy is always ten years behind the lower 48 economy. ANWR is officially open for business, and there's a couple mines in the bush that look promising. The companies will buy off the native corporations and we'll be back in business eventually.
Those violent crime stats are heavily skewed by Anchorage and the native villages. Same with the rape rate. I think like 48% of rapes involve native women.
Alaska is like 15% Native American. Half the state is a reservation. Mexicans go to Alaska to work all the time. If there is work, Mexicans will go. Nothing will stop them. That is how my family ended up there.
Ive drilled for CP. Nothing in ANWR but hydrate.
Bush mines? what the Japs own pogo, Indians own red dog, and Canadians own the rest.
More like a bunch of white dudes will be working for Indians so they can hunt and play their whole lives, and every native corporation is run by a Jew Lawyer.
Lets make a bet what native corp. linda Janmuthe will be running in 4 years time?
The only way Alaska can survive is to repeal ANCSA.
Stop replying to meme flags retard.
Guess what bruh. Natives make up a significant peecentage of the population in Alaska.
Jews truly think they own Alaska. The child trafficking epidemic is all done by Jew Lawyers.
Alaska's as white as us
The Majority of Alaskan "natives" are actually Russians and siberian Yupik imported during the great hunt.
They are not even native to this continent.
I thought the Canadians also owned Red Dog, could be wrong tho. Not gonna argue a single point you're making. Every single venture is either owned by a multinational and/or a skeevy native corporation. Repealing ANCSA is just the first step.
I didn't even look at the flags. Sorry, you're right I have brain damage.
The Feds ( EWC/NOAA/BIA give huge annual grants so indians can buy more .50 cal rifles and loaders to move their whales.
Chinks eat more whale meat than Alaskans.
But Alaskans have to pay for it all.
Indians waste herds of musk ox and use nothing just to bait in wolves and shoot them for booze money.
Then theres these commie fucks.
"indigenous peoples day"
Alaska fag here, stay the fuck out. Also
>the shitskins will never follow
Lol. Anchorage is a spic shithole with gangs affiliated with MS-13 and the Cartels. Shitskins don't care about the weather, they'll follow the gibz.
So like I said: fuck off, we're full. Stay in the South in the shithole you made for yourself, if you come here all you're going to do is turn my home into a shithole too.
Indians are getting too lazy and fat with those endless shareholder checks from clearcutting the forests.
Have fun getting that citizenship though. I'm neither mexican nor jewish so receiving it is, at least for me, virtually impossible.
Largest Ivory trade on Earth.
St Lawrence has 240 people but shoots 1200 walrus every year.
They usually only take the tusks and oosiks.
They shoot polar bears to sell gall bladders.
Shoot whales for amber grease.
Exxon gives it leases to Shell.
Repsol blows out, ASRC gets rich.
Shell gives ASRC the chucki Sea leases.
They were colluding with Russia long ago.
Why do politicians wear those stupid Eskimo jackets.
I don't wanna have an issue with the Russians. The Soviets were big enough faggots.
Walker is an actual Commie sell out. Al,l these politicians invest in native mines and service companies.
Just wait til you learn chugach mans most federal bases.
I guarantee Linda Janmuth will be the "risk managment" lawyer for a native corporation soon too.
Thats how they scam Alaska.
Sounds like Texas. Have you ever thought of following these MS-13 niggers home, and find a convenient hill near there. Post up with a rifle before sun rise, and take the man out when they walk out of their house. Happens all the time *wink*
They are losing the narrative though. Indians were not the First Nations.
Alaska and the Feds (NPS/BIA/DOE) will have to fake a new mammoth kill site and manipulate history now.
The NPS will scam Alaska this year and salt a few sites.
Screencap this, so you can bitch when it happens.
Glad to know the 6th extinction us well underway!
any fairbanks niggers here
Don't forget that native corps also get primo defense contract bids that they then sub out to Raytheon and Dyncorp. AK politicians will do ANYTHING to keep that cash cow.
its hilarious how you conservashit pussies keep trying to run and hide.
my god you are such cowards.
Fairbanks was a nice place until ((they)) built the giant Rabinowitz courthouse and jailed everybody.
(( Cobra Dane))
Most old guard FBX locals think Cox was framed or set up.
Funny How don Young's face is everywhere, and even sarah palin disarmed the ASDF.