>Alaska! Fucking Alaska man!
Why don't we all just go to Alaska!?
>the shitskins will never follow. Too cold
>plenty of oil and energy sources
>lots of wilderness and game for hunting
We can hide out there for a few centuries while the rest of the world goes through their dark ages. We will exist under free markets so the productive will lead and breed.
Whose coming with me?!
Come on eurofags! You can come too
why the fuck would I hide from your problems lmao you're only prolonging the inevitable
Sup Forums is like 10% white
Who you think you're talking to, and who you are actually talking to are completely different.
Also unfortunately niggers are able to wear warm clothing and live around whites out of spite instead of going back to the jungle.
Aww well fuck off then, pussy.
>10% white
Now you know that's bullshit.
>warm clothes
It will be a free market so no welfare state to keep weak shitskins alive. And come at your own volition so no crying about slavery
>niggers are able to wear warm clothing and live around whites out of spite instead of going back to the jungle.
This triggered me because it's true
Nothing angers me more than seeing niggers in snow
You don't know shit about Alaska.
A good place to store adrenochrome.
i always thought it was retarded to live in alaska, but i have to agree with you user, its the only place for a white ethno state where we wont be bothered by undesireables and those unprepared, ie refugees and minorities.
>the shitskins will never follow.
Nigger have you looked at Alaska's demographics?
>14% snow nigger
>3.6% actual niggers
>5.5% beaners
>5.4% asian
As of 2010, it was only 64% non-hispanic white -- down 10% from 2000. Alaska is "diversifying" just like the rest of the country, and the idea of "cold scaring them away" is a meme.