Why do young, white women vote Democrat?
Why do young, white women vote Democrat?
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Because they're tired of old white men shitting on them day after day?
Because a strong male hasn't told them otherwise.
muh hillary
Then they should quit being prostitutes
because they are better than you
They don't, filthy shill. SAGE en.wikipedia.org
is her nose shoped?
Metaphorical shit, moron.
Guess I should have been more specific. They're tired of old white men telling them what they can and can't do with their bodies, their lives, etc. Does that sound like the GOP or the dems? I know you're too retarded to answer correctly, so here's a hint: why'd you even ask this question in the first place you blithering retard?
cos they don't want an 80year old rusty Rapeublican telling them whether they can use the pill or not
Because they’re not dating a real man yet.
identity politics.
Women lead with their heart not their head which leads to emotionally driven irrational decisions.
Only for now. The second they realize "white people are evil" applies to them they will stop. I can already see it happening around my campus. Someone told a white girl to STFU in a argument because she was white and the look on her face was instant redpill.
They care about women's rights
>Implying Democrats don't tell people what to do with their lives
Young white women are followers, not leaders.
They have no men in their life leading them and educating them on politics, the men have been replaced by government and social media and CNN.
Why is she so perfect bros?
This, the “white feminism” thing is the best thing that’s happened in a while. They’ve made it quite clear the importance of skin color to their little hierarchy.
>Because they resent their fathers.
That's such an obvious in your face crazy eyes Jewess. She could stab you right through the heart with that beak.
they feel the guilt
When have they ever done that? Name one time.
Muh minorities
That’s not a human, that’s a jew.
The jew is the enemy of the human race.
they dont, get new frens
This, dat nose
They forced me to buy healthcare.
Bake the faggot cake
Pretty much this and all this
Women, especially young woman have extremely malleable minds. They're leftist because they're coming from 12+ years of indoctrination. My wife was a typical 90s feminist and within months I converted her to a racially aware home maker.
unironically this
It's how insurance works you monstrous faggot. You expect to not pay in now, when you're young and healthy, but reap the benefits later when you're old and feeble?
>You forgot to include an argument.
Because women are biologically wired by emotion, it's a survival tactic to provide for offspring and quickly adapt to their new conquerors. Politicians and (((specialty groups))) is exploiting these emotions to manipulate women to do their bidding. Just look at how feminists are begging for Islam to dominate them, the most oppressive patriarchal religion.
>Because women are biologically wired by emotion, it's a survival tactic to provide for offspring and quickly adapt to their new conquerors.
But evolution doesn't exist, right?
Because they don't have a strong male in their life
Neither does rape, right?
>Not an argument
It basically stems from an extreme insecurity of being only dependent on yourself. Women have, and understand that they should have, support from other people, i.e., they cannot think of the possibility of living depending only on themselves. This is the case for all children, and it is the case more for women than for men. After they grow up, they must find a husband who helps them take care of themselves. But at the same time, the world tells them that as modern women, they must be independent from their husbands. The way they solve this riddle is by creating another pseudo-husband, the state, that takes care of them if for some reason they can't find a husband, or the husband doesn't take care of them the way they like. So in a sense, to actualize their independence of their husband, they ended up creating a new global husband for all women.
Its the more socially acceptable option
That's a Jew. Look at the nose.
Because they are retarded cunts who shouldn't be allowed to vote.
easy to manipulate, low resistance against BS. folding quickly on pressure
Lack of experience, magnified by a society that tells them everything they do is wonderful, no matter how fucked up the actual results are.
The majority of white women still vote republican
feelz vs realz is the reason anyone vote democrat
Women are more susceptible to conformity. So are many men though
>That just how it works
Yes all governments mandate their citizens to buy health insurance.
And don't give me that scandinavian socialism bullshit.
Who here denied evolution?
You have a caricature view of how people think.
Lurk more faggot
You seem to not understand. I'm making fun of you because you can't hold a single conviction. When did I say rape does or doesn't exist?
If all you have left to fight for is cake, I think you lost.
Don't post a link unless you know it backs up your argument douchebag.
Single women overwhelmingly vote Democrat because "Plan B" for a woman is to marry the government. Plan A is to find a Beta provider once their SMV plummets to single digits in their 30s. In their 20s, they want GIBS from the Evil White Men who control government. As far as they're concerned, it's their birthright.
Looks to me like nearly 2/3 of single women vote Democratic. The rest are probably in relationships and voted to please their boyfriends (ie: future-husband).
No single woman without a man in her sights will vote Conservative. It's voting against her best interests.
See: "Gynocentric Society" and "Female Hypergamy".
That is why my advice to young men without any women on the horizon is to drop out of society. Otherwise you are simply supporting the bad decisions of these Fucking Thots with your tax dollars.
small brains easily tricked by buzz words and pathetic transparent ideology coupled with promises, bitches ALWAYS believe promises.
Because they're uneducated due to shit-tier public education system.
>Who here denied evolution?
The right constantly does. You are on the right. Therefore, you deny evolution.
Or do you not? Please, do be clear.
why do autistic neckbeards vote for racists?
yea but if they were smart they would have said fuck HRC she's a war monger, there was another woman running in that election. so the sexist argument is bullshit supreme
>Because muh feels
They can pretend they are helping people, then get back to their E! Or Bravo brainwashing.
>small brains easily tricked by buzz words and pathetic transparent ideology coupled with promises, republicans ALWAYS believe promises.
Fixed that for ya. It's hard to imagine a more unaware person than yourself.
>Why do young, white women vote Democrat?
you forgot single
single is the keyword
Young white women want to fuck alpha males. Democrats promote Marxism which means the state supports them and serves as a surrogate husband. This eliminates the need for them to commit to a beta to provide for their material security. Democrats also verbalize their acceptance and promotion of their harlotry. Conservatives point out that it is immoral and destructive to the family. Democrats promote abortion, another way to dodge responsibility for slutty behavior.
Young white women are voting with their vaginas with an eye on short term pleasure. The rationalize this and ignore long term societal effects. Their selfish hedonism and the feminist Marxism that enables it is promoted tirelessly in school and in media, absolving their guilt and brainwashing them into thinking that their natural conscience is just a construct of the patriarchy. You could go on all day, but basically its biology.
Once women are married and have kids, especially boys, some change their views because they don't want their husband and sons to be marginalized and destroyed.
>white women
>that nose
>Old white men telling them what they should be doing with their bodies.
Like outlawing vacuuming out viable babies by the hundreds of thousands because she can’t get off the cock carousel? Neck yourself.
>Like outlawing vacuuming out viable babies
Goddamn user, you're so stupid!
because the dems advocate for what white women perceive to be their interests
Yes telling them what to do like saying they should pay for their own shit and maybe murdering your own children isn't such a good idea
they aren't naturally inquisitive.
She seems "a little" jewish
Just an example. Of which you implied there were none.
Feminism, emotions over logic, group mentality, abortiona and birth control to support their roastie lifestyles of fornication.
Because they are stupid.
Begause big blagg gogg.
Slutty behavior destroys the family and the cohesion and economic strength of a society. This is seen in all Marxist societies where feminism and female sexual freedom paid for by the state (redistributed from now sexless provider males) is promoted. You can do a lot of destructive things with your body. You can use your arms to pummel someone into a bloody pulp, you can use your hands for murder, you can use your cock to abuse a child. A healthy society puts a lot of constraints on what you can do with your body.
>>The right constantly does. You are on the right. Therefore, you deny evolution.
Your effeminate kind does it, when the conversation turns into IQ-s, gender differences etc. Then we are, by miracle, biologically equal, although the differences are observable.
Because why the fuck would anyone vote against their own interests?
Do you even know anyone who holds right wing views?
Of course there are people on the right who think evolution makes sense to a degree.
I believe in the theory of evolution for the most part, and I also believe it's responsible to the separate sub-species of humans
>B-b-but muh reproductive rights
This is the same idea as calling a garbage man a “waste removal engineer”. Nice way to dance around what it is, murdering babies. Own your degeneracy user.
this bitch going to melt if I spilled water on her?
I'm not even against abortion but I don't think you understand what it is.
>system of reciprocating duties between man and woman to provide optimal stability, reproductive success and labour within a civilized society
>subvert the whole fucking thing by memeing that it's a piety for women to duck out of their part of the deal but men should keep playing by the same rules paid through a cold, neglectful, dehumanizing bureaucratic machine
>women's happiness plummets to record low maintained over a century
pottery really tbqh
and you know what the best part of it was?
the majority of women didn't even want it
the majority of women BY FAR voted to keep things the way they were
it was literally just a small collective of kikess terrorists and their collaborators
our womenfolk are now economically forced to degrade themselves behind cash registers and you cheer it on because of a small handful of kikes pushing a meme you were morally obligated not to fall for
It's more that they keep the faith. They keep thinking that if they show they mean well, then compromise and/or peace is possible. They are being attacked nonstop by nonwhites now, so they may get redpilled.
Biothots are going to do what they do
Letting women vote was the biggest mistake we've ever made.
Thankfully the Islamification of the west will correct things.
Said what I said ( ) but with way more style. Kudos.
that (((nose)))
high empathy low intelligence
yes. That's Anna Kasparian if you want to check
Because women are ruled by their emotions and couldn't care less for things like logic, reason, or accountability.
Because they are dumb, emotional creatures.
Every single twitter thread about racism, it is always women propagating for open borders and all that ultraliberal bullshit.
The upside to this is, they are the first to get fucked over (literally).
I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I care about women's rights. Fuck'em. But I kinda feel bad for them in advance.
The first women to get the vote were single women bc they've vote conservative. England granted single women with univ. degrees, who were over 30 and landowners the vote at the same time they granted working class men the vote. The vote of these property-owning educated women was specifically intended to nullify the workingmen's vote bc those guys might be unpredictable..
The only people to have voting rights withheld from them were working class women who the ruling class feared even more than working class men.
My point is established well-off women will vote with the ruling class because that's where their interests lie. If we become the ruling class, we'll flip them instantly.
> Conservatives
> Low empathy, low intelligence
What did (((OP))) mean by this? Most white women vote republican...
>white women