Sign this petition to help the Boers in South Africa become refugees in the US due to a racist ANC who wish to kill off all the Boers

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Too fucking bad nigger

refugees the greater population actually wants
no white country will take them

Please excuse this Burger everyone, I am sorry for his mongoloid IQ running rampant
there is othr with 4000 firm already

datamining user

I totally would help them out but I feel if I sign the petition I'll get flagged and I don't want that. If I was a multi millionaire/billionaire these are the first people I'd help out getting to the US

I looked for another one and couldn't find one don't blame me

I created it who do you think is gonna get in the most shit

>sorry for being American
Pathetic lad...

Signed with my real name. I rarely do that. But this is important.

No, they'll be slaughter by niggers and rightfully so. No immigrants or refugees for America, we have enough problems to deal with.



Just create a thwoaway email and sign as much as you can

The funny thing is that it would be political suicide for western politicians of the entire spectrum to support this cause. Open borders supporters would quickly be labeled as racists, and anti-immigration advocates would be instantly outed as white supremacists and would be forced to admit that there are some situations where staying in a country is unfeasible and relocation to another country is the solution.

Isn’t that a bit paranoid? It’s not a hate crime to want to save lives, we aren’t that far gone.

>white flight again

fuck that, fuck letting these subhumans run us out of every part of the world that WE built.

grab you rifles, dig in, set traps and kill every single niggers who dares even come with 100 yards of your farms gate.

Every single one of you assholes should sign this.

HELL NO!!!!!!!! WE ARE FULL!!!!!!!!
Give the fuckers gusn and ammo and tell them to kill every fucking nigger they see.

why are niggers so fucking incredibly mind numbingly stupid?

Absolutely not. These people will come here and steal our land, our jobs, and our women. We can’t let these mongrols that stole land in the first place to have a safe haven in the USA. This is unfounded nonsense. I object to the highest degree. Let those garbage people die.

>putting your name on a list and acting like you did anything
Y'all stupid

>land is unoccupied
>"stole land"
Nigger detected

the whole point of me saying "boers" when I created it is so that people can suppourt it without being called racist. if I had written "white people lose their farms sign this to help white people" it wouldn't be suppourtable by non-4chaners because they would get called racist. By referring to them as boers we can achieve our goal with centrists and moderate republicans suppourt, with even a few democrats in the mix

I don't think you know what a boer is but ok

Fucking retard. There is already a petition you fuck head.

>niggers have literally everything handed to them
>LARP like they're oppressed


DAILY reminder removing boers from south africa will MAKE NO DIFFERENCE thanks to generous aid from cucked wealthy western countries tax dollars going to poor african countries

if you read you would see that I already looked for one and couldn't find one

We need those whites here

How many are there?

This needs to be circulated on normie websites for it to get traction. Facebook, twitter, yahoo, etc.


It is about setting an example for just who is a good candidate for refugee statue. Not some brown nigger who doesn't speak english and work work. We want white English speaking workers who have a similar heritage as our own. this will set precedent.

holy fuck goy, 6m is a lot of people...and I can't imagine they're all that intelligent since they didn't see the warning signs coming 20 years ago and get the fuck outta there.

I'd be fine if we split them up with Europe/Aus/Canada as well

The Jews infiltrated the gov and instilled illegitimate war lords like Nelson mandellafag

Sound familiar? Also, Simon Roche from the Suidlanders are Jewish puppets. Simon has 7 illegitimate children some of whom are with black mothers. They misappropriate funds. No one in SA like them. Don't be fucks and cucks. Gas the bikes.

This. Sadly, they are going to need to be an example to the world. Maybe seeing rhoadisia 2.0 unfold on livestream will change some minds, hopefully before all the boers are dead.

Godspeed boers

Literally who gives a shit?

I suggest an alternative

not accepting refuges finally becomes a position politicians will take publicly. start petition to take in refuges