The Hollywood Jew Steven Spielberg

>Top Hollywood attorney confirms that Heather O’Rourke was murdered by elite entertainment industry pedophilia network
This is a sad story…about the death of Heather O’Rourke, the little girl who played Carol-Anne Freeling in all three ‘Poltergeist’ films. Heather was also quite famous during the eighties as she had parts on multiple hit TV shows such as Webster and Happy Days
>Heather was born in 1975 and died at the age of only 12 in 1988 from intestinal stenosis — a severe bowel obstruction that the girl evidently had from birth. The obstruction caused an infection that, in turn, brought on septic shock. The shock prompted full cardiac and pulmonary arrest. As terribly heartbreaking as this is there may be more to the story

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Fucking failed copypaste shit







you forgot the south flag cleetus


You forgot to get a real source. Into the trash it goes.