Brit/pol/ - Mysterious Banging Noise Edition

>BoJo branded "COWARD" as he runs away from Irish question twice

>Unionists: EU is attemting annexation of N.Ireland

>21 earthquakes in 50 days, UK is rocking

>Row over 'racist' Mosely leaflet

>Munroe clarifies "All white people are racist" comments. With "Racism isn't always conscious"

>May belligerent against EU's draft withdrawal agreement

>Legalise Weed: Conservative Home [420 everyday]

>BBC sacks 6 from official aid charity over sexual misconduct

Other urls found in this thread:

The Anglo will be remembered as the biggest traitor of mankind and the Judas personification of a nation.

The Anglo betrayed Europe and its nations for glory and gold. Knowing the Jew was conspiring against Europe, they made a pact, the Anglo would destroy any nation of Europe that tried to arise to prosperity, blocking France, Spain, Russia, Germany and Italy from achieving said prosperity throughout History. Any time an european nation tried to rise, the Anglo brought them down.

But what was promised to the Anglo for their betrayal? The title of the biggest empire on earth, the world standard language being the Anglo language, being the center of the world for ages to come. The richest, biggest, most powerful empire, the one that would leave the biggest mark in the world, was going to be the empire of the Anglo.

But the Anglo, in his betrayal, forgot one devastating truth. You cannot trust the Jew. The Jew is the biggest deceiver, and pacts with the Jew never end well for you. The Anglo thought that he would have a chair next to the Jew ruling the world, but the Jew has no equals in his eyes. Now the Anglo nation is decaying, just like the ones he betrayed, and thanks to him, the Jew sits on top, alone, with his feet crushing Evropa, laughing to the world.

I have no sympathy to the traitor of the aryans, neither should any european, may God help us to stand on our feet again

First for Hobart, Tasmania

i hope gchq find you

Start buying guns.

is this a colonial history thread?
or are you a kiwi?


The time of ash is coming, but first, the time of frost.

>is this a colonial history thread
It is if you want it to be.

Has anyone been to Tasmania?

GCHQ don't give a fuck about these threads.

You're toothless and impotent.

the face of shit/pol true believers more like

not really

I want to drink Special Brew with her, go to bed, wake her up with a black coffee and have her take a huge diarrea shite in my mouth.


who the fook is that

God tier theme tune

Anyone else remember?

Lol dickhead

They cried "Down with Joyce... and down he went!

Anime nonce.

Friday night lads ooo

y u not getting on it lad xxxx


How old are you?


Still listening to the Smiths?

that marney was after a bit of me awhile ok at Phantoms bbs , posting bondage pics in PMs , I got her banned as she was an unstable fucknut .
she made out she was raving Nazi an then she was trying to doxx folk
very weird agenda
talked on kikebook to her inb4 this all came out an she told me she was being a Kept Mistress to a TOP Politic .. thought it was Farage , mentioned it an she blocked me ..haha
what a fucking loser like Ethan ..
when you plan a high profile killing spree
you dont tell any cunt ..
like that daft cunt copper other week on 24HRs in police custard .. who was a left all his crime stuff on PC an left a copy of blackmail letter in house bin ..
Coppers are utter STUPID LAZY cunts nowadaze ..

Not anime. That's My Little Pony. Which, by the by, is against the rules to post ouside of /mlp/

Joyce is not eliotposter.

what banging noise and or earthquakes?

They cried "Down with Eliot"... and down he went!

>thanks for browsing 4cocks
>your traffic helps pay for my porn

fracking innit

Indeed he is not. I sent him Smiths songs the other day.

>That's My Little Pony.
no it's not

Groomer detected


Yeah it is.

Too hot outside senpai

who is that slag?


you're paranoid

A Woe's video that's not completely shit!-





Of course. Think I've just about gotten through all of their albums.

I want to study dickens with this slattern

i want to know if benis desu


Today we see capitalism moving away from the classical exploitation-based economy we have seen in the past, and moving towards a rent-based, almost neo-feudal, barbarism.

What this inevitably leads to is the rise of mass-demographics of disposable life. These people are excluded from the process of production and are consigned to slums, to peripheries. Their labour is no longer productive or even useful for processes of capital accumulation and profiteering. It is almost a privilege to have a "productive" job where you are exploited as in the past. Now, people work several jobs, longer hours, and in a more chaotic and precarious fashion because their labour is either unnecessary or will become so soon. There is no steady work-life. The proletarian are aware of this: people must chaotically work from job to job for low pay at each. This is creating a new caste of disposable, slum-dwelling people who struggle to find ways of paying different kinds of rent, from housing rent, monthly contracts to access technologies, or to tangible goods produced with zero marginal costs.

I don't listen to the politics of someone who looks like they'd give you unsolicited advice at a fruit machine.

Did Eliot have a happy life?

>jordan peterson

Have you watched their live videos? Morrissey dancing is a must. And some of his solo stuff-



go away fake troll

doesn't look like it from what I can see of its neck.

spoilers, I wouldnt mind either way.

Quite like some of Morrissey's solo stuff. Is his stuff with the Smiths better or worse?


>someone who looks like they'd give you unsolicited advice at a fruit machine
Decent desu.

>Did Eliot have a happy life?
Only for about 8 years before he died. He wrote the Waste Land. Not a happy camper.

Everything is worthless trash except your arsenal

shout out to jenna coleman

lmao little autist looks about 12, he'll be full convert when he gets out in 2029

shes bethany a Corrie st actress Sarahs daughter , < gails daughter ..ok
she is supposed to be 17yo ..
she got groomed /or irl was taken in my her BF who pimped her out
big snowfake explosion ..metoo for bethany
then she goes works in lapdance bar
cos the feminist right on uni leaver scriptwriter says it empowers women in abuse to shake there boabs an vagene to drunk blokes
she has flash back other day smashes bottle an rams it in a innocent guys face ..
she will get off with it like
throwing acid in ex blokes faces is acceptable nowadays in soaps ..
btw shes about 43 in real life
I prefer Classic Corrie on at 2.40 each weekday
that sally is fit slag

fucking upstairs neighbour is playing nigger music and singing the lyrics to his son

people go on about how hitler killed a lot of whites, but desu they were weimar whites and probably deserved it

i feel sad tonight

>wanks about Western Civilisation in every video and book he's made
>'don't be proud of it, Bucko'

The rat's arse did well to show him up.

his solo stuff is better in my opinion. i was listening to his stuff this morning actually. what albums have you listened to so far?

Evreything is worthless trash but aresnal fc

>his solo stuff is better in my opinion

Yeah, I watched a sort of mini documentary on them the other night as it popped up in my suggestions and Morrisey's dancing certainly caught me off guard

>Decent desu.
I stole it from Frankie Boyle talking about "Professor Green" desu.

>Only for about 8 years before he died. He wrote the Waste Land. Not a happy camper.
Any anti-semitic references in Waste Land?

Royal Family trying to appear relevant, modern and ‘liberalised’ by giving awards to Nogs who they’d never heard of until 48 hours before giving them said award.

Absolute fucking laughing stock. Pandering to the braindead fucks of this society in the name of ‘progressiveness’.

why is this video banned in the uk pol?

No albums, not a big music fan in general. Just odd songs on YouTube.

I need to catch up on Tim. How's the new flat been treating him?

Why user

she's 22

t. Wog

Yeah saw that the other day.

Because sneed.

i'm not so sure. viva hate is a great album. i even liked his recent stuff. irish blood english heart, first of the gang to die and you have killed me are good songs


apparently this is her arse

doesnt look like a boy to me.

death in the family, life is short and ive done fuck all with it
This is a work of art

Fucking love the beatles

Not particularly. There's a 'Smyrna merchant' but you cant read much into that. After Strange Gods is the essay you should read- it never got republished for a reason.

your arsenal and viva hate are good albums to start with. what's your favourite tracks so far?

i'll let you have bengali in platforms from viva
but i maintain my stance


My downstairs neighbour plays nog music all the time. Having said that its understandable. Cos hes a nog.

Doesnt play the good stuff either

Morrissey’s ultimate solo album. The Smiths songs were written when he was desperate virgin. All the stuff After was written when he was a chad.


Passings are always shitty

What are you going to do to fix that user? Wallow in your own shit or take steps to improve it?

left wing cunt


>All this Moz autists not mentioning Johnny Marr

So how are things in UK at the moment?

Because it's hate speech okay hun? We don't have that shit here. Just ignore the fact that designing laws around ideas as subjective and nebulous as "hate" leads to the law being interpreted in whatever way the state wants it to be to project (((their))) ideals.

Is that the one you described as BNP-tier?