Was retweeted by Paul Joseph Watson. This should be fun.
Obvious polack tweets during the Central Michigan Shooting and It Is Beautiful
Other urls found in this thread:
Gun grabbers BTFO
The university I went to wouldn't allow us to carry, so I had to make do with a knife under the mattress.
Never had to use it thankfully.
That is so sad. Did they at least allow mace? My university was talking about banning it, largely because retards were discharging it in classroom, but all of the #MeToo retards rose up and REEEEEEEEEEEEEE'd so they didn't ban it.
Stop right there criminal scum!
Have you got a license for that assault knife?
Uh oh. It's the UK. RUN BRO!!!!!
LOL it gets better and better.
>Black people don't do mass shoo---
Holy fuck, this little coon is more hardcore than any white shooter has ever been in recent memory.
He's on the run and having the adventure of a lifetime.
Do you gentlemen believe that he obtained his weapon legally?
I think you got the wrong police force, this is what they look like in the UK
People are accusing him of being a fake account and they're calling him Russian.
Lol! The guys even have their mouths open!
>slayer of cucks
>uses > on twitter
they should shoot him instead of these kids
A fucking bread knife lmao
You'll be safe against any mass bread attacks.
sick burn tb.h
I wonder if that was the guy who posted earlyer, it sounds like it is.
I'm wondering the same thing. There were two posting earlier that they were at the university.
He’s never going to get a blue checkmark after this.
> greentexting outside of Sup Forums
Why do they do it?
It wasn't a mass shooting. Little nigger will experience the day of the rope sooner than the rest but we have to stay consistent with our vocabulary. Mass shooting is classified as 4+.
There was a thread about an user locked in the dorms because of the shooting. That could be him.
Why the fuck do you need to arm yourself at university, the only thing you need to carry here is a condom.
Living in fear and arming yourself to the teeth with enough firepower to conquer a small nation is the Price of Freedom™!
>Look how whimsical we are! We're friendly people! Progressive, diverse, unique, and fun!
It's like how every fucking woman thinks "They're not like the other girls". But they are. They've got three useful holes and endless dumb opinions.
>arrowtexting on twitter
he fucked up
Eugene Gu murdered babies for a live no and uses their body parts for (((research)))
"Eugene Gu is a resident physician at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and President and CEO of the Ganogen Inc., a biotech company developing methods for using fetal tissue implants in organ transplantation. Wikipedia"
Did they even catch the shooter yet? Why is the media burying this story?
Holy shit, it's like a quartet of soy.
>A bread knife
Good LARP m8.
When did the UK hire Ninjas to be police?
Because second amendment rights don't end at the threshold of a liberal indoctrination center.
Don't let schools get in the way of your education.
>he doesn't know using that way of quoting predates the actual internet
Newfag pls go, this Saginaw Public Library BBS is shit enough already
Somebody post the full WebM, pl0x.
I go to a university that has section 8 housing like 5 blocks away and we constantly get shooting warnings from off campus or near campus. Never been locked down for it though.
Shooter is a black male. Haha kangz, you wuz school shooters n sheeit.
Who the fuck wears condoms still?
don't pretend that arrowtexting isn't referring specifically to Sup Forums newfag
You dont need guns at cmu but im not against them. The town is 1/3 white college students, 1/3 injuns, 1/3 conservative working class.
He was one of the 20 dindus out of 20000 students.
Man that place was comfy. Smart kids who didnt try in hs and wanted to drink beer. One spic told us at a party he worked his ass off to get a 2.0, laughed out of the party and then wanted to fight
>t. Cmu alumni
Meanwhile Florida people made their account just because of the shooting.
Low blow, Javier
So vibrant.
Because most college campuses here are either built in the niggery part of town (if located in a big city) or the niggery part of town comes to them (in a college town- so they can all walk to their jobs as surly foodservice grunts).
Guns on campus are entirely the school system's policy, not the state. I carry on campus because fuck the school system. I'm gonna go out fighting.
>giving a fuck either way
>not using arrows in normieville to mold their mode of thinking to the shape of our zeitgeist
You're on a roll having a knife breadily available to you. Bet your dormmates got a rise out of it. Better safe than sourdough. No matter how you slice it.
trick is the state could leverage funding if the state wanted to impose policy changes on the school
This type of knife can actually be sharp fwiw. Great for slicing tomatoes
Is this the same shooter that was expelled or something but wouldn't leave the dorm?
Are you at UoH?
@cuckslayer is also a hint