we need to make a list of people who have become traitors to Trump and this soy boy bitch is at the top of the list .
he is shilling againt Trump now and we should onot let him get away with it !
we need to make a list of people who have become traitors to Trump and this soy boy bitch is at the top of the list .
he is shilling againt Trump now and we should onot let him get away with it !
The problem is that a lot of these conservacucks think that muh guns is an important issue. Real trump supporters understand that getting DACA legislation passed and infrastructure is far more important than having an assault weapon.
fuck off obnoxiously transparent shill
I dont own a gun myself I honestly dont understand why these old fucks make such a big deal about it . why should we keep some rule from 400 years ago its stupid
>real Trump supporters
>unless you think exactly like I do, you're not real
anti Trump shill calls people shills new share blue tactic ?
You tried this thread yesterday. Just stop leftypol faggot
You can't cuck the tuck faggot
Great argument. I don't understand why you should even be allowed to say that. Maybe we should just abolish the first amendment as well.
Don't talk shit on Tucker you meme flag queer
Begone shill
Unless you support Trump, you're not a real trump supporter. Simple as that.
Going against Trump because of muh guns means you're not a trump supporter.
This is the fourth or fifth time i've seen this shitty thread made in the last 24 hours. Stop sliding, faggot
wrong Trump will put him on the other side of the wall
exactly they are traitors
t. soyboy leaf fags day of rake is comming
trump fucked up. tuck called him on it. quit sucking cheeto cock. memeflag.
Tucker is the only real journalist left. Principles over people.
I voted Trump, I've been happy with him up until this week, he is really fucking up lately.
Taking away guns without due process is fucking tyrannical.
Being against free market capitalism is not a conservative principle.
Fucking with movies and video games- a form of art- is a censorship on free speech.
How can anyone take a man with such a haircut like Tucker Carlson's seriously is beyond me.
shill we dont believe your bs story you didn't vote for Trump
Tuck's not cucking, faggot. He's holding Trump accountable.
ill take Trump over this soyboy any day
fuck you cuck i voted for Trump but I live in California so it didn't mean shit lol
At least Rachael Maddow believes in second amendment rights.
You're pretty good, kike. Now get in the oven.
Trump has turned out to be an incompetent asshole.
Forget to hide your flag, leaf?
Wtf I'm with her now
>meme flag
Stop disguising your obvious foreign shill identity
Fuck off
The majority of posts are from shills and bots now bro. It’s fucking over, unadulterated free speech can’t be allowed to exist. Sup Forums is dead
Rights are a meme. All we have are privileges and obligations. Don't think that's true? Just ask the citizen nips interred in concentration camps during WW2.
its a glitch I love Trump and voted for him maga based fellow pede
responding to yourself.
Tucker is right
Trump will see the light
shill thread
every fucking day with the criticism of right-wing commentators
like fucking clockwork
looks like I have been exposed
we shill for Trump soyboy you shill for soros
I actually had a lot of respect for Tucker for going against Trump on this issue. He really is a good journalist and news anchor. He made it clear if Obama said the things Trump said conservatives would be in an uproar.
He also said that Trump is overall good for the country and he still supports Trump, he just doesn't support him on this one issue. I'm in the same boat. Trump is wrong on the gun issue at the moment, but it matters not what Trump says, only what Trump does. He hasn't done anything to hurt guns yet, so it's important to tell him that he should not push gun control. Just like Tucker is doing.
So much shilling today
You really think you're hot shit, doncha Canacuck?
>I actually had a lot of respect for Tucker for going against Trump on this issue. He really is a good journalist and news anchor. He made it clear if Obama said the things Trump said conservatives would be in an uproar.
>He also said that Trump is overall good for the country and he still supports Trump, he just doesn't support him on this one issue. I'm in the same boat. Trump is wrong on the gun issue at the moment, but it matters not what Trump says, only what Trump does. He hasn't done anything to hurt guns yet, so it's important to tell him that he should not push gun control. Just like Tucker is doing.
Best and most accurate post ITT.
i love watching you niggers eat your own
Amen trump isn't our god
>i have more money than i know what to do with.jpg
You don't have rights retard.
Gun owners and gun rights activists should be loud. I know what trump was doing so I wasn't worried but the absolute worst thing that could have happened is if he said those things and gun owners were mum. Need to remind Washington that we won't roll over like straya or bongland
Shills on full alert with new indictments coming.
Don't you fags and the antifa queers have some thuper therious stick wars to fight?
Fuck you Tuck is one of the only talking heads standing up for our rights