>Microaggressions can be lethal
What did they mean by this?
Microaggressions can be lethal
What even is microagressions?
well they mean the mental illness known as American liberalism is so toxic to the human brain it gets deaded by it
>Be Sup Forums
>Just Killed Niggers by Existing
> we're going to start killing you for microaggressions, in self-defense
Get a gun, seriously.
Aggressions too small to be detected by anyone but the most sensitive Social Justice Warrior.
Mostly because they don't actually exist, SJWs just invent them on the spot whenever they feel like virtue signalling.
Living the dream.
>certain restaurants
Microaggression wont kill nigger on restaurants
The three KFC buckets they eat will
>men who were drafted into gruesome wars as kids and forced to watch their friends die live in the same country as these fragile fucking pussies who cry because of words
We desperately need another world war.
Can they spot my microaggressions through my macroaggressions
>macroaggressions gets spellchecked but not microaggressions
Well calling someone a slur like “nigger” directly is a macro aggression. Micro aggressions are less than that. It’s stuff like admiring, and potentially touching a black person’s hair, saying something is your “spirit animal”, or making assumptions about PoC while using your white perspective as the background.
Usually micro aggressions are things white people do that PoC find annoying. The person isn’t even necessarily racist, just ignorant.
so if you only use macroaggressions you are good?
I remember my middle and high-school days when these "Ivy League Schools" were paraded as the greatest institutions. Boy do I feel sad for the suckers that fell for the student loan meme.
>if you annoy some dumb nigger you're ignorant
Hey m8, all of these "World Wars" were just zionists/jews trying to grab a hold of more countries and eventually making their "Capital of the World" Israel their "Home".
Why is it that each time some shit for brains journalist writes some ridiculous article about "WHITE PEOPLE BREATHING IN YOUR DIRECTION CAN LITERALLY KILL YOU" it comes from this university? What is it, SJW HQ for the small minded?
Yep. Sure makes things easier.
That’s what they think, yeah. I’ve put up with a bunch of dumb ignorant annoying nig shit at my old job and no one gave me a shoulder to cry on. Thankfully didn’t receive any micro uzi aggressions though.
I want to know this too. Berkeley is some prestigious lib shit university, but for some reason it also became the defacto battleground for those shields vs antifa fights.
PoCs don't enjoy this shit, except the SJW-tier ones, but you guys are literally calling blacks niggers, browns shitskins, and Muslims terrorists so you have no right to complain.
In an ideal world we don't want such SJW, we won't care for microagressions, and we won't insult people.
You are the fuel of SJWs just like they are the fuel of you.
It's gotta be way more than 20%.
are white people people of color ?
i mean if white isnt a color, than i dont think black is a color either.
so poc is what, asians, arabs and mixicans ?
fuck this gay earth
Shit like white people sitting together, or an english teacher correcting a black student's grammar.
Hell, they probably won't even notice your macroaggressions. Nitpickers gotta pick nits.
> macroaggression isn't a word
> microaggression shouldn't be
White people are people without color. Disregard the fact that white people display a far greater variety of colors in addition to the various dull shades of brown and black that colored people do.
So what's the argument here? Something like:
>increased stress lowers life expectancy
and then they vaguely link it to "microaggresions" to prove the legality of said -non existent- aggressions?
PoC is basically anything non white. Stricter definitions exclude “white passing” individuals like jews, some Armenians, light skin Hispanics, etc. Some definitions will also exclude successful Asians until someone calls them a gook.
>look at a black person out of the corner of your eye
>they drop dead
You really got to appreciate the language these people have come up with to legitimize their made up controversies so they can all snort up lines of likes on their facebooks. "Microaggression" is kind of brilliant, sounds real, but its completely made up, just like all of the controversies these people have victimized themselves with. It's a retard word trick, like when a flat earther says "prove it", makes you back peddle.
So dumb shit no cares about?
While you were misdirected by his clever choice of words you don't realize that those microagressions it's what keeps you out of no go zones.
Berklee used to be so based. What happened?
Someone with a frown that looks at some feeble dumbass will cause the dumbass to implode.
Thank Cultural Marxism for that stupidity,
Aparantly microaggresions cause stress which leads to poorer health later on. These nigs should just stay ignorant of all this stress that "woke" niggers experience by over analyzing every damn thing.
Whenever someone says something you don't like. But it only counts if you have more SJW points than the person who annoyed you. So if you annoy a gay man it's a microaggression but if a black woman annoys a gay man it's not.
>Nanoaggressions incoming
Cap this now. You know it will happen, probably this year.
Is it just me or whenever someone says "literally" it actually means the opposite of literally.
Yeah I thought so. While it's true that stress is linked to poorer health that doesn't mean it's possible to avoid stress (or try to "ban" behavior causing stress like these adult babies want)
Instead it's much more healthy to develop a mental shield so to say, to be resilient against future stressors. Also known as growing the hell up.
It would be handy o have a list of such places where they can't go.
Then it's their fault, not mine. If they get offended by words, and as consequence want to limit my speech, then they really deserve to die
berkeley is ground zero for the hippy movement aka the attempted jewish communist revolution. their communist revolution failed so they all stuck around and became teachers and started playing the long game
Except that ignoring a person or not paying attention to them is a microaggression too.
Almost zero white people do this shit anyway. Most are still raised to be too polite unlike non whites/asians. This is retarded.
>Microaggressions can be lethal
if only
All it does it further excuse the poor behavior of niggers. They can justify escalating any situation because of some non existent "agressive" act. They are like ancaps who shoot anthax missiles at their neighbors because they broke the NAP by playing their music too loud.
As long as the Oakland niggers stay out of the south bay I am good...
Exactly, these worldplays (naming it an "agression") justify any counter reaction because the the offender is now literally an aggressive person who needs to be stopped.
>sidenote: I know this is Ben Shapiro's point and he's a Jew and all but I think he's right on the money with this one
>sidenote 2: It's very common for lefties to change language to suit their goals. Undocumented immigrants anyone?
It's new articulate ways of allowing morons to drag their feet but keep up. Toxic Masculinity & White Supremacy being pushed is probably a psychological projection of the absolute shitty condition of bat shit women & POC not giving a fuck by the numbers.
as a white man, I also can't go to certain restaurants, certain stores, and certain places in my city
I guarantee you that microaggressions aren't what would be killing me in those place
i remember the first time i had contact with the word microaggression, it was from some feminist manifesto in which the girl said that her boyfriend would space out and not respond to her yapping, and that was a microagression. ludicrous.
Black/Trans fragility + any negative social implication = instant suicidal ideation
It's like when it's 2AM and you go for the tunblrina at the dance club and open up with: "I gotta hand it to you. For a fat chick, you don't sweat much."
Or when an angry manlet is sperging at you and you ask: "Do act like this because your brain is so close to your asshole?"
Or when a SJW girl announces she has a black bf and you say: "Guess you learned how to take a punch."
Fundamental attribution error.
When people are a rude to SJWs, they attribute it to some kind of -ism.
basically microaggressions are conversational or trivial things you assume about another person because of their race/ethnicity/sex
Some examples:
>hey can u tell me where the best burgers are around here
>hey can u tell me where the best shitting streets are around here
>>hey can u tell me the best oven for a gas powered house?
its pretty offensive to the person receiving but the person doesn't have malicious intentions
You can equate us when university professors are pushing Sup Forums memes as their cirriculum, pedo worshipper.
Imagine the smell. Is that clay or shit in their hair?
>>>hey can u tell me the best oven for a gas powered house?
he died of aids the next day. why did that white guy pose with those french women anyway?