How very progressive to turn in your AR-15


Why don't we just make gun ownership require military service? You keep the hardware you were issued.


I live in a nogunz state and can't even get my hands on a real AR

>Officer will you pose with the gun so people know I turned it in for fake internet points
>let me take a selfie too

God I hate what social media has done to the western world

What a moron! wasting 1900 USD only on the gun

He better the hope the Negro doesn't stop by later...

Fucking retard. Why couldn't you have been born in this police state and I be born in the US? Life is truly not fair.

>1900 USD
are you kidding? an M&P15 is like a $500 AR

This was posted on /k/ earlier. Someone pointed out something with the gun that showed it was brand new but I forget what it was.