Overcoming Nihilism

How did you defeat the cancer of Nihilism and find your purpose in life?

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you either sink or swim
I think a lot of nihilists need to experience what rock bottom feels like before deciding that there's no reason to do X, Y, or Z because nothing really matters

Its coming.

I realized that because life is ultimately meaningless, you gotta do whatever you want and just have fun. We're not here for very long so you gotta make the most of it.

The Bible, unironically.

the temple of iron, unironically

A very long fucking road.

>He isn't on board yet

Kept listening to Alan Watts lectures until I actually understood his philosophy. That did it. Then I got really interested in theology and mysticism and realised I was just ignorant all along.

I first just started listening to him just because he had a comfy voice and helped me sleep, but I never thought he would get rid of my nihilism and atheism.

go to the gym

this youtube.com/watch?v=X6WOx9bT0X8&t=0s&index=47&list=FL6NvXiAOv0TQnjkhYsEG6dg&bpctr=1520024918

Nihilism is for teens.

Men fight for a better future

maybe the proper attitude is to find something outside yourself worth protecting and supporting.

Ready Demons by Dostoevskij
Nihilist have always been cancer
Also basic value: God, family, country

>nihilism = depression

Most all nihilists are normal people with normal emotions. They don't go on Sup Forums to complain about their feefees thou. So maybe you are just an emofag that needs to gtfo and kys.

Put down the bong and start exercising. This is unironically the correct answer.

i listened to hours and hours of jbp. at least give it a chance before falling for Sup Forums memes. it's not like his lectures cost money

life doesn't matter? life doesn't matter!

This. I got rid of my depression and have more confidence than before. Made a few friends.

You cannot escape the biological instinct to reproduce and be long-term (multi-generationally) successful. To live a hedonistic life is really self-denial because you are separated from your deepest biological drives. Therefore, even though these biological drives are ultimately meaningless random expressions of the laws of the universe, since you cannot escape them, you must obey them.

Everything is meaningless?
That implies everything is full of meaning

If all of the stars in the sky exploded it wouldn't mean shit, because you are the measure of all things and the only thing in this universe of any potential value

If there is a universe with no life did it exist at all?
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, did it make a sound?

Heil Hitler

This. Strive to become the strongest version of yourself both physically and mentally and you will live a rich and fulfilling life.

Jesus...Honestly, go read Mathew now. God Bless.

nihilism comes from an opinion about the future.
live in the present.
although you don't lose the ability to plan for the future, you stop constantly thinking about it.
the future is just a concept in the mind. the past is only a memory.
living in the present moment completely aware what's happening inside and outside the mind and not constantly judging things as good or bad, right or wrong and instead see everything as is.


Maybe you

This mutt knows truly

I understood that since god is dead, I should step up to the plate and take the place of god. Fill the void of meaning with my own consciousness. If I like something it's virtuous, if I don't, it's wicked. Through solipsism and self-love, I can embrace my full potential and truly become the kind of person who I want to be.

Alan Watts unironically helped me through a very dark time I had. For me it was the realization of the beauty of the universe. I don't wanna sound cheesy but being able to live on this floating ball of rock is a blessing beyond words.

To answer your question, OP, it was just me asking myself what is the alternative? Literally, the only two options were living or killing myself. It could be my pride but I would never desecrate my body like that. So I was left with the option of living and these opened two more options: Was I going to live a life wallowing in sadness or do something that would make me genuinely happy? You can guess the rest

>nein nein

Start praying with the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.

If you can't find meaning in life, create it.

Literally Jesus

Alan watts knew about the new world order
I remember he would talk about how basically something was going on and our understanding of the ego was being targeted, that there was something wrong with the school systems

>meme flag


It is something that is always going to be apart of you if you really have experienced it. Most self-proclaimed edgy nihilists are not nihilists at all, they're just playing with an idea that they really don't understand at all.

Woes has done a video on something along the lines, but not really the same.
Please do take the time to watch this if you care. It might seem too dramatic, but it really is true.

You can combat this by finding a purpose in something: set yourself a goal, But once you reach it (or fail) the nihilism will catch up to you again.

go outside, see nature, realize there is a bigger plan

This is like trying to cure cancer with painkillers. You can't.

Form convictions from rigid mechanisms and not subjective feels.

Teach others to not rely on the trained small-scope aspirations academia teaches. People are learning to be afraid of self investment like gambling on their ability to improve their own skills, or their capacity to create products and services.

The modern millennial would never take out a loan if they have the resources to cash-pay for something, because they don't have the confidence they can create more wealth with the loan, than interest they would be charged.

listen to Alan Watts on youtube.

Hey, I'm here to help.

Nihilism is not bad in and of itself. It is a good step to take in order to re-evaluate the belief system you were enculturated into. By claiming for yourself you have no true beliefs, you are discarding any beliefs you have that are not conducive to clear thinking.

But here is the first step to LEAVING nihilism: Realize that it is impossible to even remain nihilist, because by BELIEVING there is nothing true to BELIEFS, you are also indoctrinating yourself to a new BELIEF.

After this, you can begin to evaluate beliefs from an outsider perspective, and you adopt any beliefs that make the most logical sense to you.

I recommend looking into some of the ideas of Carl G. Jung. Synchronicity is a pretty core concept here, and it can even allow you to find a higher power if that's what you want. His ideas about archetypes are also very useful to self-actualizing yourself. Enantiodromia is another core concept that, while requiring some courage in accepting the darker sides of yourself, can help you become a more compassionate and sophisticated individual.

Good luck to you.

same, you're either a nihilist or completely on board with this and if you're neither it's because you haven't experienced enough

Also, look into Joseph Campbell's work on the "monomyth," otherwise known as the "hero's journey."

Incorporating the most fulfilling parts of world myths can be helpful to finding a foundation for a belief system that works for you.

watch this.

If you can't find guidance in art or culture in general, you can always seek it in the bible.
By the way, I'm not talking about going to church, I mean reading and trying to understand the bible is worth your time if you are in a bad place.

Also going to a psychologist should help. Sometimes we forget to talk about our problems and we need someone to listen to them.

We need others to keep ourselves in check.

Really? By damn. I got to listen to that.


exactly. i used to embrace nihilism but it got to a point where my own thoughts would contradict my reality. i had enough of that bs and started doing some research on European peoples (and their great speakers). came upon Oswald Mosley's speeches and Adolf Hitler's speeches and everything is history after that. I no longer have any contempt for my own race. on the contrary, i remain hopeful that we will colonize the stars and set things right on this planet before we leave it.


have a cold shower upon waking every single day

fixed it for me, i can't even start my day without that shower, makes the sun shine brighter, makes my body feel good, energises me, a bit of suffering is good and it'll change your physiology so if you're depressed it'll make a man out of you by hardening you up soft cock

quit spending so much time on the internet, lift and get a job.

Turn life into a game and learn how to play it. Also, once you realize how a single individual can change reality around home with just his force of will (aka magic) you realize that nihilism is for faggots who can't even into alchemy.

>I realized that because life is ultimately meaningless, you gotta do whatever you want and just have fun. We're not here for very long so you gotta make the most of it.
Hedonists get the gas too.

>How did you defeat the cancer of Nihilism and find your purpose in life?

these are literally the only options

1. suicide
2. communism/SJW activism (utopianism is a replacement for God)
3. nietzscheanism (R. Spencer is a good example)
4. faith in Jesus Christ, saviour of humanity that brings us joy and hope

*hedonism - not really an option since it isnt the answer of you pose the mentioned question. hedonists dont ask themselves exist qs.

3of4 options are atheistic in nature, but I pray you pick the right one.

reading mundusmillennialis.com and aryanism.net to be honest with you family

Praise Plato
Study the philosophy of mind
Study Plato and Plotinus
Purify your soul through virtues

I was nearly killed by a drunk driver while riding a moped.


Religion is ideological suicide. Just accept that the world is a tucked up place and aim for self improvement. Become a Nietzschean Übermensch,

>riding a moped
That's what you get for being a hipster faggot I guess - hope you learned your lesson and get better fast desu


Suicide is not an option for conquering nihilism. Being dead doesn't help one find a way out of an absence of something to believe in.

You can if you take enough at once, user.

I found islam!


>Suicide is not an option for conquering nihilism.

its an option to react to nihilism - lets put it that way.

what is tucked, i cant fin the meaning in wordreference

I don't care about God, Nation and Family. If that is Nihilism then there it is, we are on pol.

i am wondering about a possible 5th: magic and idolatry

Finish the rest of Nietzche, you dumb idiot. Der Wille zu Macht. The point of living is to gain as much power as you can and then enforce your will upon the world.

Anyone who fully understands nihilism and isn't just mopey would realize that there'd be no point in suicide.

Suicide for honor, to escape pain, to make a message of yourself- those have value or purpose.

Nihilism has no purpose.

This is what I'm trying next.

Got the spores at the ready

Get a job commie.

> pic

I remember reading about that argument for god ages ago. Anyone know who brought this argument up?

>Nihilism has no purpose.

duh, that is why purpuseless suicide is authentic action if your worldview is nihilism (or you can be a catcher in the rye).

Leaving a mark. Become as great as possible and have others marvel at you and envy you

That's not overcoming nihilism that is just trying to cope with it. To overcome nihilism you have to see the world for what it really is and not through some drug fueled fantasy. Only when you truly see can you try to make it better and thereby overcome your nihilism.

Choose wisely

through dsicpline and order ,by hardening your spirit no challenge will stop u in life .


Like your country and religion

I didn't lol

Get Angry!!

It brings purpose to everything you do.


I realized my life actually had a value if I did something that mattered.

Haha, I already tested this out at least four or five times over the past several years. It doesn't work. You cannot be fulfilled and happy within a Nietzschean framework. The fact that you yourself describe the world as "fucked up" proves that Nietzsche can't be right. You cannot just "embrace" and "affirm" darkness, evil, and sin. It goes against the eternal law and innate human desires. You cannot create your own values and determinations of what is good and bad. You just can't. You cannot affirm darkness and destruction as good, no matter how bad you want to. It will only lead you into darkness, despair, apathy, and ultimately Hell.

It's also worthy to note that most modern people who describe themselves as Nietzschean are very dark individuals and tend to be fans of extreme metal, HC punk, and other dark forms of art. They also favor irony, sarcasm, and absurdity. They claim to embrace life while Christians wallow in despair and disgust with the world, but in reality Nietzscheans tend to be the darkest and most bleak individuals.

Nietzsche does not have the answers.

you don't "defeat" it, so much as you move past it.
accept that life holds no inherent meaning, at least none that god felt we needed to know about.
once you accept this then you can stop looking to other people (politicians, ecelebs, religious leaders) to give your life meaning, and instead find your own meaning.
personally I'm good at science, so i decided to become an engineer so that my talents can contribute to maintaining society.
i feel a responsibility as a member of society to try to improve and preserve that society.
this mentality of course leads to a very strong resentment for those who benefit from society and contribute nothing to it.
all leeches must die

Because you want to witness the insanity.

Enjoy the show.

understanding for myself what the most foundational, core values are, and then finding work that aligns with those values.
Simplify yourself and build up from there.

Because at a point you will realize that if you don't learn your lesson this time around, you will have to try again. Next time might not be so easy or comfortable.

We will all reach that point no matter what, for some it's before death, for most it's after.


Should of been 666

I know I understand. Also I mean yes I am a rather pessimistic person but I do understand that there must be a meaning to life.

The problem is how to find something that will make my life meaningful? Its been years and years, maybe its some bad luck, at least shrooms can provide a different perspective, however given my past experience with drugs they are pretty much just silly and I don't have the interest to continue doing them, so thats probably what will happen.

You need to have people that are worth your effort first. Leaving a mark just becomes a pipe dream for loners and school shooters. I want judgement by people I live for.

>We need others to keep ourselves in check.

Also send help pls.

>you gotta do whatever you want and just have fun. We're not here for very long so you gotta make the most of it.
Posting on Sup Forums is making most of it?!

Receive the Lord

>la creaturia flag

Not everyone posts from their basement.

Unironically watching some fragments of Hitler speeches and wanting to secure the existence of my people

You take a step back, look at things and decide whether you feel like contributing to something or not.

Stop asking other people seeking "enlightenment" from them.
