How did you defeat the cancer of Nihilism and find your purpose in life?
Overcoming Nihilism
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you either sink or swim
I think a lot of nihilists need to experience what rock bottom feels like before deciding that there's no reason to do X, Y, or Z because nothing really matters
Its coming.
I realized that because life is ultimately meaningless, you gotta do whatever you want and just have fun. We're not here for very long so you gotta make the most of it.
The Bible, unironically.
the temple of iron, unironically
A very long fucking road.
>He isn't on board yet
Kept listening to Alan Watts lectures until I actually understood his philosophy. That did it. Then I got really interested in theology and mysticism and realised I was just ignorant all along.
I first just started listening to him just because he had a comfy voice and helped me sleep, but I never thought he would get rid of my nihilism and atheism.
go to the gym